Hello there, lovely Deskers! 
Chaos reigns as usual! I'm sewing two tote bags for friends...

I'm making the two side by side if that makes sense...here's a pile of handles.

Topstitching the contrast spotty fabric...

I adore this dusky pink/chocolate spot combo....

You may remember this shot from back in August...gorgeous Drops cottons in yummy colours....

Well, this is what they got turned into...a runner for our bed. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. It even echoes the colours in the duvet cover (all planned, of course.......cough.....)

Ron approves too :-)

And this beauty turned up yesterday...the most gorgeous steampunk/Belle Epoque artwork from SandraDe in Australia. Apparently it came by sea mail, which I think sounds quite romantic!  It is gorgeous, Sandra, thank you so much! And the tape ribbon has been carefully saved for future use...I hope you approve!!

*Happy Dance*


Unknown said...

Love the totes, very nice indeed. Isn't great when your well laid plans turn out just purrfect..lol. Have a great week and happy crafting. DeDe #8

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I wish I could sew totes. Actually, no I don't. Can't believe I just wrote that. It must be the late hour and the thoughts of Christmas in my head (grin).

Lucky YOU. Sandra is a real sweetie. Love the steampunk inspired art. Happy WOYWW from # 6

Helen said...

Love the spotty tote fabric! Your runner looks gorgeous, and of course it's planned to match, I believe you.. ahem.. Love the gift. Helen 37

Jackie said...

I agree I love the pink and brown spotty fabric!
Ron looks happy on the runner to! Lovely colours you used
Jackie 45

fairy thoughts said...

Wow your runner is gorgeous love the colour changing effect as for the rest ..... Busy busy busy as usual
Have a good week
Janet @33

Annie said...

I'm making an early start today to get round the blogs I follow before my day gets busy.
So lovely to see all your amazing makes. Well done you.
Annie x # 56

JoZart Designs said...

To think I knew you before you could crochet and look at you now! The throw is beautiful and you should be proud of yourself! Lovely goings on as ever and super bags. Take care that the kitty doesn't pull the threads of your throw as my DD's did. Put some lavender in the last rinse when you wash it as a deterrent to it (and to the moths) or make a spray with a couple of drop of lavender oil and water.
Love Jo x
e of drops of lavender and water.

Bernice said...

Those bags look lovely - great colour combination - I've been making 'doggy' bags this week! The runner for your bed is really nice - again, those colours look great together - and so useful for keeping your feet warm!

Crafting Queen said...

Love your bed runner, lovely colours. Really like the combination of fabrics on your bags. Your Ron is adorable on the bed. Thanks for letting me know about the cards. Have a great day. Hope your Dad is doing better. :)

VonnyK said...

You make sewing look so easy. The bags look fabulous and how beautiful is that bed runner. You are so clever and the pattern is perfect. Love the gorgeous present you got. Have a great week, mine is crazy, madly busy. Summer holidays start Friday (argh!!!).
Von #32

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Now I am very jealous of your creative skills! Fantastic runner. I am rubbish at finishing projects off and very slow, which is why digital crafting is so good for me. Ali x. #46

ike said...

Ooooh - gorgeous bed throw - such wonderful colours :-)
Give Ron a little cuddle from me xx


IKE in Greece #24

My Challenge Blog: http://ikesworldchallengeblog.blogspot.com
My Shop: www.ikesart.com
My Blog: http://suzy-ikesworld.blogspot.com

Maisie Moonshine said...

Gorgeousness as always Jan. LOVE that spotty fabric, and your bed runner is beautiful. Ron looks right at home! Have a happy week. MMx #48

Annie Claxton said...

My! you have been busy! Love the tote bags - what a great idea for presents, everybody uses totes these days, and I love your bed runner (and the furry embellishment!) Annie #77

jill said...

My doesn't the cat look comfy & at home on your blanket . Happy woyww Jill #40

famfa said...

Wow am super impressed by your crocheting. Didnt you only learn this year too? Love the tote bags. Colour combinations are perfect
Famfa 2

famfa said...

No im not, Im No 1

Anonymous said...

The bags are beautiful, you put lovely fabrics together so well. I still love my knitting needle roll, but it's a shame it lives in a drawer much of the time. The little zippered bag is in constant use though, it keeps my knitting tools together (stitch markers, scissors, cable needles etc), so it's out practically very time I'm knitting. Your blanket is stunning, love all the colours on the diagonal. Have you seen the DROPS daily advent calendar? A new little free project every day!

Brenda 5

Unknown said...

I cannot say how much I love that dotty fabric! Just fab. And Ron is a totally cool name for a cat lol.
Happy WOYWW.
Karen no.58 x

Julie Lee said...

What a lovely post! You look so very organized with your bag making and that bed runner is fab. Glad to see Ron approves: he bears a striking resemblance to my cat, Daisy! They do seem to share a love of slumber too! What a beautiful gift the steam-punk lady is! Happy WoYWW! Sorry I'm so late - life just gets crazier! Julie Ann xx #52

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the spotty fabric Jan, and that bed runner is amazing! How could Ron fail to approve.Beautiful gifts you received, and that tape is fab! Have a great week,. Hugs, Shaz #57 xx

Winnie said...

Such fun totes you made! I love the fabrics! Your bed covering turned out amazing (awesome colors), Ron sure had the right idea to take 5. Enjoy the week! Winnie#70

Victoria said...

Wow..such colorful and gorgeous creations..love the bed cover..stunning! and your fabric hearts are beautiful and beautiful. Sweet kitty..so adorable! Fabulous post..super creative!

Caro said...

The bed cover is stunning, so bright and cheerful. The totes are looking fab as usual. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#75)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I'm liking the tote bags, but love, love, love the rainbow runner for your bed. It's fabulous :o)

Julia Dunnit said...

I agree, Sandra's Belle Époque work is just fab, lovely happy mail! Hope you've finished the sewings...you are needed tomorrow!

Sandie said...

Those tote bags are gorgeous, what lucky friends you have. I can really admire the crocheted throw too - so colourful. That would really cheer my day waking to that.

JoZart Designs said...

I'm amazed at the things you've done in your dark distant past but Professional Pickler... YEAH!!! LOL!!!
Jo x

Kyla said...

oh some lovely makes here...but the bags...oh my, they are going to look stunning!

kyla #65

Unknown said...

Honestly, I would feel like the queen herself sleeping in a bed with such a divine bed runner at my feet! Just seeing your sewing machine inspires me to get mine humming away very soon--I have a nice holiday break coming and I'll have about 3 weeks of bliss at home! I just wish I could take your amazing eye for good fabric and we could go shopping at the huge FM fabric store here. We would shop for fabric, go on down the street to Michaels and even have a go at Hobby Lobby (which is bigger than Michaels) and have a lovely lunch at Ruby Tuesdays at the mall! However, I know I would have a more lovely time in your town, really. Just as long as we could chat over a cuppa coffee! Your polka dot on the khaki is perfect by the way. Ahhhdorable. Hugs and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #7

Lisa-Jane said...

Wow! I LOVE that runner! I'm a big fan of rainbows and that just looks so cosy that it makes me feel happy just looking at it. Lovely fabrics on those bags too. See you on the morrow! x

Eliza said...

What is my cat doing on your bed? and his name is Ditto not Ron seriously now, they are twins I will post you a picture of him but not today. I am off to pack 250 Christmas hampers for charity, no I am not doing it, but it is my baby. Love the crochet blanket and the colors are great. I started one the other week and had to put it down or De would of killed me for putting my arm under strain. Love the dotty fabric you are going to use on the totes too, they are going to be fantastic like always. Must go, busy day.

Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
Eliza & Yoda 2

Cazzy said...

Hi Jan, I was in the middle of typing a comment and lost it somewhere, you might get two! Happy WOYWW, so sorry I haven't returned your visit from weeks ago! I love the pink spotty bag too, and the blanket, love the colours and that it is cotton, I see the cat does too!
Cazzy x # 73 (It was when I went to check my number I lost the comment)

Anonymous said...

Your bed runner is gorgeous! Love the cat too :)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

I love how your pictures are so big and clear, all the better for peeking at the craftiness going on! And that is a cute kitty! Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@9

Nan G said...

Sweet tote bags! Lucky friends. Love the runner. So bright and cheerful. Aawww my girls would have ball with your kitty. :) WOYWW hugs! Nan G #13

Belinda Basson said...

Yes, Tim's fabric is fabulous if you like dull colours...they are his usual vintage type stuff and he has some red thrown in for a change of scenery! I have seen some wonderful creations on line, but I have a tiny little bit to work with and cant make what I see...might just bite the bullet and make bunting myself...a little challenge by you goes a long way and I have yours to inspire me!

Belinda Basson said...

PS: I really love the cat on your very special bed throw. I found the link to his fabrics on Simon says... http://www.simonsaysstamp.com/servlet/the-Tim-Holtz-Fabric/Categories

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Wonderful bags Lunch Lady Jan!! great gifts... and love the duvet end piece on the end well done! had to chuckle at Ron's name! Happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #10

sara j said...

Happy Thursday! The runner for your bed is just gorgeous. Maybe my new thing In January will be crocheting....or not. But it's so, so, pretty. Always busy....can't remember what's happened over the last couple of days...a regular Chirstmas blur...happy tho, so I hope this finds you the same!

Robyn said...

Love your colors...the bead spread and the bags- the contrast!
thanks for the snoop around and for visiting my place!
Robyn 15

Ginny Maxam said...

I really enjoyed your blog post today, such Fab sewing work!!! and the colors of the afghan are so beautiful!!!! I'm trying to get my machine into my craft room, I'm a quilter too! Ginny #18

Bridget Larsen said...

That is a neat bag and quilt, love all the colours yo have used
Bridget #19

Twiglet said...

Gorgeous crochet Jan and your bags will be fab - you are so neat with your machine work! x Jo

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

A bit behind but a good day for catch up. It's snowing ! ! Oh how I love those afghan colors. beautiful piece. I always love to visit, you keep busy with such variety. Enjoy Sunday.


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...