ABC, EASY AS 1-2-3

Isn't 234 a satisfying sort of number?!  To the desk, LLJ, and don't spare the horses........

C for......Crisps? Carnelian? Cormorant? Just kidding.... ;-)

Bless you...........

Oh, go on then.....
Can't fool you lot, can I??

Now, if I can just get my act together and go buy some presents, then life would be peachy.  But I can't and I haven't.......sigh

The craft fair went really well..forgot to take any photos though, doh. These reversible headbands went down a treat; easy to make and uses up scraps, the perfect crafting item in my opinion!

Just after I'd joined in WOYWW last week, the postie came bearing Happy Mail:

A beautiful card with a Real Tree on the front from Lynda B (whom I'd met up with in Wales, together with her accomplice, Ali H!)  Lynda was going to teach her neighbours (virgin crafters the lot of them) how to make these. Hope it all went well!
Lynda also enclosed these beautiful cards for the Refuge..which I have now sent off together with the crocheted stuff and two boxes of toiletries.  That's a good feeling...I wrote a note which explained how the cards came about and how they have come from all corners of the world.  

Once again... you are WONDERFUL! And thank you xxxx


glitterandglue said...

Hello Jan.
Lovely bunting today, cute hairband - and a great real Christmas tree!
Have a good week - glad the fayre went well.
Margaret #26

HeARTworks said...

What a great idea for the Christmas card- real twigs!!! I have been buying gifts all year round! And a good thing too because when Haiyan happened, I stopped my Christmas buying! Have fun! :^) patsy

Darnell said...

C in this case is for crazy, creative, crafty creature!! That's you, LLJ, and I've missed you! You always have such lovely makes and fabrics! Well done on cards for the refuge! We do similar charities in the States and it is such a great feeling. That tree card from Lynda is awe-mazing! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #17

VonnyK said...

Fantabulous bunting as always and those headbands are so cute, I can see why they went well.
We are definitely peas in a pod with the photo taking, I always forget myself. That real Christmas tree card is a fantastic idea, Lynda is so clever and I'm sure the refuge are super happy with all the cards.
Have a great week and I hope you get to start Chrissy shopping soon, I haven't started either.
Von #27

Belinda Basson said...

As always I am in awe of your sewing skills, I tried to sew round a circle the other day and I binned it...wasn't worth keeping, I tried a few times and each went the same way. I will stick to paper crafts with straight lines I think...those I can sew! Great project and I enjoy your bunting every day in my craft room, it really brightens the place up.

Helen said...

Gorgeous card, from Lynda, love the heap of cards for the refuge, and of course, your bunting! Have a great week (I haven't done any shopping yet either. luckily there isn't too much...) Helen 34

Unknown said...

Hi Jan glad the happy mail arrived safely. Love your bunting. Hope that ones for you now after generously giving so much other bunting away! Have a good week
Love LyndaB # 39

Annie said...

Looks like your machine has been kept busy like mine Jan. Love the bunting.
A x # 43

JoZart Designs said...

Just like me, you never stop stitching! Lovely makes and quality bunting. I often see bunting for sale just cut with pinking shears! The reversible headband is great.
CHICS sale is at the end of the month so not long to go but you really are thoughtful and you do so much for others so don't worry.
Thanks for the peek and the chuckle, as always,
love Jo x

Crafting Queen said...

Glad your fair went well, great headband. Lovely cards. Hope you got my second lot of card (sent a few weeks ago). Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the fair - not at all surprised the headbands went down well. They are so cute and great to get a twofer, isn't it? Great stocking stuffers. If only DD hadn't opted for a very short haircut! An well. Missed you last week but caught up on the post just now. You have such patience with fiddly sewing. :) Not ME!

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (28)

Jackie said...

Love those little headbands you have made, they are so sweet!
And the Christmas bunting is fab!
The tree card is a clever idea
Jackie 38

Julie Lee said...

So glad to hear the fair went well! Lovely, lovely bunting! You are so clever with all your lovely bright stitchery! Those headbands must have been very popular - just the sort of thing my daughter would have loved when she was younger. Have a great WOYWW and a productive week - I'm sure you will! Julie Ann xx #55

Mrs.D said...

Coo that tree is fun, and the bunting is gorgeous. I really must get my sewing machine back into the craft making, but there is just so much to do in life and making cards is less effort.
MInd you that hairband looks good and would use up lots of scraps I have bundled in a bag under the bed. #You might have just encouraged me.
Chris #47

Carole said...

Who wants to shop when you can make such wonderful things...head band and banners...or as you call them...buntings? I love using scraps...every thing big and small has a purpose.
Many blessing ...Be well Carole # 67...I think I was 67 last week too!

Laura said...

Sigh, I always end up salivating when I stop by yours. Lovely bunting and awesome headband.
So good to be back desking this week,

Julia Dunnit said...

Blooming hell...seeing it writ large on your desk like that makes me feel a bit erm....panicked!l.

Victoria said...

Beautiful post, such gorgeous treasures and creations! Love the colorful headband..how fabulous! and I adore the tree of wood pieces..how stunning and very special! LOvely..thanks for sharing! and tanks for your kind visit!

Twiglet said...

Such gorgeous makes Jan. What a clever little tree too - amazing crafters out there aren't there. x Jo

Unknown said...

So glad your craft fair went well--that headband could not be cuter!! Your Christmas banner is so pretty. I already have the banner you made for me up as we're starting to get out some Christmas decorations. My hubby said that your banner is one of the most special things--and he loved your tidbit last week about Monty Python coming back! My sister is bringing Mom for Thanksgiving tomorrow, and it will be her first outing since coming home, so we are a little worried. But I will give her your message! Hugs soul sister! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #16

trisha too said...

Happy to hear the craft fair went well--not surprised, since your creations are wonderful!

Hmmm, I really thought C was for "cats." ;)

Happy WOYWW to you!
#13 this week
with another advent calendar!

Eliza said...

So good to hear the fair went well, I had no doubt about your abilities, those head bands are a treat in many ways especially using up the scraps, one of my favorite things to do, I hate waste. Yep and you didn't fool me for a minute with the banner, it looks great. Thanks for popping in to say hi, arm not great been sitting up half the night trying to nurse it.

Hugs, Happy Crafting & WOYWW
Eliza & Yoda 12

CraftygasheadZo said...

Beautiful bunting as always! You are clever. Glad the refuge is being supported by crafters near and far! Take care Zo xx 76

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous bunting -- love it! I'm glad you had a successful craft fair. That tree card is really clever. I'd have a tough time finding dry sticks under all the snow right now -- ha, ha. Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting! :-) ~ Laura #77

Bernice said...

Glad to hear your craft fair went well - I'm preparing for one on the 7th December. Beautiful bunting!
Bernice #56

Anonymous said...

Another fantastic banner LLJ, can't fool us can you! I like the headbands, I had some similar when I was a kid I'm sure. Love the reall wooden tree card, it's brilliant, as are the cards for the refuge. Apparently the togs for the US Team for the summer Olympics were made in China! RL didn't half take a bashing over that! Glad they learnt their lesson, it was quite by chance that one of his staff was on holiday in Northern Michigan last summer, saw the sign by the side of the road advertising the woolen mill and popped in for a look! Fantastic for them no matter how it came about.

Brenda 1
PS. I liked Julia's panicked comment... s'not like someone changed the date of Christmas now is it!!!!

Caro said...

Gorgeous bunting and I am not surprised that the headbands went down a treat. The wood card is stunning...so effective. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#60)

Robin said...

Oh I love the tree card! That would be beautiful hanging on the wall in a frame!

Hugs, Robin #87

Ginny Maxam said...

Awesome bunting and cards!!! Hope you have a great week! Ginny #19

fairy thoughts said...

Hi jan hope you are feeling better today ... I have it now too but off to work anyway.... Pants
Great bunting just the ticket to get me in the Christmas zone
Have a good week
Janet @15

BJ said...

Now I thought exactly the same with the number 234 this week too - sigh. Super banner and headband. My machine still only comes out for mending - another sigh. Still taking the paracetamol BJ#51

Debbie Rock said...

Oh I just LOVE your bunting and just about EVERYTHING else on your blog Jan!!!! I "dabble" with my sewing machine and used to knit for England and with more hours in the day I would do more of both! That twiggy Christmas tree card is just stunning! Happy Crafting and thanks SO much for visiting my blog this week. I have to admit to being a bit obsessed with making those poinsetta's ... any excuse and out comes the Big Shot! Love to you, Debbie #56 xXx

Lisa-Jane said...

Beautiful bunting! I really like the simplicity of it - very shabby chic (but not shabby IYKWIM!) Looking forward to seeing you next week luvvie :-)

Marit said...

Eeckkk... it's Friday already - I guess I am a bit late touring the woyww-desks... I do love seeing all the good stuff going on on your desk. Sewing... yaaaayyy!!! Have a great weekend, love from Holland Marit woyww #70

Robin said...

Pretty head band. I'm drawn to your screen name as I spent 16 years in food service for K -12. Love the tree card! That would be so nice hanging on the wall.

Hugs Robin. Thank you for the visit. 87

Lisa Richards said...

Nice Christmas banner and headband! Very lovely cards!
Have a great WOYWW,
Lisa #95

Unknown said...

Love ,love the bunting.
Bit late visiting this week, thank you for stopping by my blog.
Karen #59

Andrea said...

the head band is so cute pleased the craft fair went so well. thanks for visiting and your kind comment we had a great time photos on blog soon nearly forgot great banner ! belated woyww wishes Andrea #29

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ooh well done everyone ... and gotta love that bunting, Lunch Lady Jan!! so nice and the headbands..
... sorry am late but you know why!! ;)
Shaz in Oz.x

JoZart Designs said...

Hi Jan, Thanks for your comments. Re the CHICS sale, it went well but there were lots of other stalls at the venue. They raised around £300 which Eddie is pleased with.
Jo x

famfa said...

i am very very late this week, sorry. Love the bunting and headbands. that tree is goreous, what a good idea
thanks for your visifamfa 2

505whimsygirl said...


So glad the craft fair was a success. I had no doubt. The reversible headbands look so cute!



 SPRING HAS SPRUNG! Short and sweet today! It's been a beautiful week here in South West Wales and we've had a busy sociable few day...