It's a proper pick and mix of a desk this week! I've had to clear the workroom as my son will be working from home there for the next couple of days so the desk is looking pretty bare:

Apart from a couple more ATCs which arrived this week!

Two from Neet (Anniversary and Crop versions) and one from Sylvia Little Treasures. Thank you so much girls, they are really appreciated and will be joining the little gallery in the JanCave where I see them all the time and love the friendship behind them xxxxx

Before I cleared the desk though, I made 30 squares for a quilt, here's a before and after trimming shot, I'm always surprised at the difference it makes!

I'll put the quilt together in the next few weeks.

I've started another stripey crochet blanket, probably for my son's friends who are expecting their first baby:

Happy colours!

My brother is having a clear out prior to moving later this year and he found this which he says came from our parents. It's lovely but I haven't got a clue what to do with it though funnily enough, last night’s Great British Sewing Bee had a pattern challenge of making blouses from vintage tablecloths. There’s not enough of this one though!

All suggestions welcome, lol!

Son no 1 came home a couple of days ago and the cribbage and Yahtzee tournaments have restarted - we're all square at the moment!

He's a good lad and we have a lot of fun xx

And finally, my brother is on a trip round Ireland at the moment and saw this mural in a small village somewhere, it made me smile so I thought I'd share it with you:

Just the sort of art I like!

Hope you have a good week, enjoy your crafting and I'll see you around on the desks over at Sarah's Craft Shed.



Helen said...

Got to start with the mural - that is hilarious!! The lacy tablecloth is beautiful. I hope you think of something to use it for. The blanket colours are just gorgeous. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Love that mural Jan and the colours of the baby blanket are fabulous. Enjoy the games tournaments! Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

BJ said...

Oh lots of lime green today, you don't disappoint do you, definitely happy colours. Gorgeous cloth, I'd use pieces in my art journaling although the pattern might be a bit big. Not sure of the scale but could you do just the front of a blouse? Or collar maybe? Lovely to have yous son home and the cribbage too. Enjoy. Hugs BJ#7

My name is Cindy said...

What a great mural!! Godd to have no1 son home - love the T shirt!! No suggestions for the tablecloth but I love those lacy insert ones. I'm sure you will come up with something. Hi there Sue!! Love the jellyfish and cranes - so unusual! That exhibition looks stunning Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #9

My name is Cindy said...

Think I might have sent a weird ending with my comment - should NOT copy and paste lol.

Mary Anne said...

Yikes. I am so unused to you being on WOYWW since your break a while back I didn't even think of swapping with you. DOH! Sadly now I have given all away, except one I saved for someone who is currently traveling, for her return. I might can manage a one-off if you want one, just let me know. You are part of the Tribe after all! Love the table cloth and I bet with your skills you could make a blouse then adorn it with some of the elements. I bet the central motif would work well maybe around a neckline? I'm sure you will figure it out. When will we see YOU on the GBSB? :D
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Lynnecrafts said...

That mural’s great! Your crochet blanket has a joyful set of colours so just right for a baby. I’m glad O’s home, say hi from us! It would be nice to be able to use your tablecloth, so if you’ll not use it on your dining room table, could you make yourself a tire bag from it, maybe lined with fabric from your stash? I loved seeing Sewing Bee last night but I think they’re not given enough time when hardly anyone finishes.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 8 xx

Twiglet said...

I love the juicy colours in your blanket - perfect for a modern tiny one, I think. The mural is brilliant - I wish my brain was as imaginative. Have fab time with that lovely boy of yours- we are so blessed to have wonderful youngsters in our lives. Not sure what I would do with the table cloth. Not a blouse but maybe use the motifs to decorate little bags? x x Jo

Annie said...

Maybe not enough for a blouse but maybe a crop top ;-) it’s pretty whatever you make with it. Enjoy your time with the family.
Annie x #11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I am loving the tablecloth and I'm sure you will come up with a great idea of how to reuse it. Great collection of ATCs and can't wait to see the new quilt when it's finished. Happy woyww, Angela x12x

Crafting With Jack said...

So much to love on your post this week. That mural is fabulous for a start. Love the colours of your wool. I would probably put that lovely old piece in a drawer till an idea came to me. All of my ideas involve cutting it up, could your bear it? Lovely to have your son stay for a while( even if he does pinch your room 🤣🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

Lindart said...

The mural is fun! Almost looks like a Banksy! Beautiful tablecloth! I keep getting posts in my Instagram feed from a guy (and a gal) who buys tablecloths like yours and makes them into clothes! You could probably find him and others on You Tube, They always come out so beautiful! Have fun with your son! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #17

Lindart said...

I found this one to get you started!


https://shinebrightandcreate@blogspot.com/ said...

Hi Jan, That's a great mural. very Banksy! Right up my street too. Your quilt squares are so pretty, I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt come together. A Lovely choice of colours for your crochet blanket too. That's such a good idea to make blouses out of vintage tablecloths. I wish I had inherited my mum's needlework skills. Happy woyww Michelle #14

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Jan!
Good to “see” you again.
Still finding my way around the new WOYWW. I get lost easily 😂
So fun to have a son come back home. Ours moved away, too, 6 years ago. Haven’t seen him for almost 2 years, now.
Hard to get used to that as he used to live close by and was over all the time. He’s 48 years old and doing well, but still miss him.

Happy Thursday
Kathryn #18

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

So sorry for the late visit! I got distracted part way through my list - oops! Great to see you back again and so lovely to see your boy making an appearance too! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #13

Eva said...

My comment ist lately. We were on a sport competition from my husband.
The mural makes me smile. And the photo from son no 1 too.
He looks so kind. I love the colors of the baby blanket. And the stripes for the quilt.
Shame on me for not making a ATC.
Best wishes from wet, cloudy and flooded Austria. (Parts of....).

Susan Renshaw said...

Finally I am getting round to visiting and commenting! Love the mural! I agree with how the quilt squares are so changed after trimming! Happy WOYWW! Susan #5


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...