I'm back! I was glad that everyone enjoyed last week's anniversary and really happy to hear that Sarah is taking up the Desky Baton - WOYWW, THE SAGA CONTINUES! Once again congrats and love have to go to Julia for keeping the show on the road for fifteen years, surely a candidate for longest running blog?  I enjoyed seeing some Crop pics as well and hope that everyone had a great time xxxx

So, the desk:

I'm making some more items for fundraising as keeping the cafe and craft fairs stocked has taken some doing, I LOVE this fabric!

I couldn't decide between the pink and green linings so did both!

There follows a swift resume of what I've been up to since 28th Feb!

We had a stay in Oxford with both our boys and had a marvellous time just pottering about...

Gordon and I had a couple of days in Cardigan and were lucky with the weather. We went to see the Fishguard Tapestry (really an embroidery displayed like the Bayeaux Tapestry) which tells the story of how Welsh Women helped capture French soldiers in the last invasion of the UK, led by a feisty gal called Jemima Nicholas:

The details were fantastic, the tapestry must be 50 foot long and tells the whole story:

You wouldn't mess with her eh? I feel a great kinship with her (and her pitchfork, lol!!)

I have done a lot of crafting too - here was a fair in April:

I have sewed a lot! Way too much to share everything but I rather liked this doggy fabric with a French feel:

I organised a collage afternoon for my friends Kim and Sue, based on some still life. I really enjoyed this, maximum effect for minimum input *grin*

and did some charity knitting and crochet - these little cats are Ferrero Rocher covers to be used as table favours for a fundraising ball that a friend is organising:

My mate Kim embroidered the features and made a really good job, they've all got different characters!

So there you are, all caught up again with a brief glimpse into what has been going on. You didn't really think I'd be sitting twiddling my thumbs......lol!!

It'll be great to do some desky snooping and join in the fun - have a brilliant week xxxxx


Helen said...

Hi Jan it is great to see your desk again and welcome back! I never doubted you would have kept busy....but glad you've enjoyed some out and about time too. Happy WOYWW Helen # ?

Sarah Brennan said...

So good to see you back Jan. You have been really busy. So good that you were able to drop into the crop virtually for a brief time. SHame the connection wasn't good. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Neet said...

Oh Jan, I did miss you being at the Crop - next year hopefully? It's a delightful village with a fabulous 'buttie bar' and a great pub for something to set you off on your journey back home. So hope to see the two "J's" next time.
Of course you have been busy, Jan cannot sit and have idle fingers and your RNLI shop is so lucky to have you.
Love the choccie covers and the French fabric. The Jan Stall is, as always full of delightful goodies and your Fishguard Tapestry photos are wonderful. Never heard of it but now would love to see. And YES, she does look like one you would not mess with.
Take care my lovely, see you soon on the silver screen
Hugs, Neet 2 xx
ps as always great to see you with your family xx

BJ said...

Yay I have been missing you and all the bright fabrics which adorn your blog so good to see you back, can just imagine me rummaging through your bin for scraps to add to my junk journal pages - LOL. I bought pink green and neon red paints only yesterday, would you mind if I printed off the 2nd photo to use, the colours won't be as vibrant but I'd love it all the same. Hugs BJ#3

Twiglet said...

Oh Jan we have missed you so much! Your crafty activities make my heart sing. I love those little cat favours. They would make good fundraisers too I think. The tapestry really did make me chuckle - I think the French would think twice when faced with that lovely gal! x x Jo

My name is Cindy said...

Hello my lovely, so good to see you. We had a lovely time at the crop, and after. You were missed. But you have been so busy, wish I could say I've been as productive. Love that doggy fabric, it does look a bit french!! Hope to speak to you soon, shame we had such a rotten connection at the crop. Did I say you were missed? Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

Susan Renshaw said...

So good to see you are back! Loved reading your diary of last few months!
Gorgeous fabric and those Ferrero Rocher covers are so cute!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #10

Mary Anne said...

Lovely to see you - I have missed your fabric-y goodness! Love the little choc covers too, very cute. Reminds me I have not maked Innocent Smoothie hats now for about a year. Must get back to it. Looks like you and G are enjoying retirement and keeping busy. Love your craft fair stand! Still using my little rubbish bin :)
Roll on another 15 years…
Happy New Location WOYWW!
Mary Anne (9)

Annie said...

Twiddling your thumbs?...Never!!! Lovely to see you today. You have been a busy bee. So many lovely makes and lovely photos of your gorgeous family.
Annie x # 6

Diana Taylor said...

Lovely to see you on the desks and I'm fascinated by the story of Jemima -what a girl and how wonderful that she's being remembered - she certainly deserves her place in history. Wow, that RNLI stand - you are quite amazing and I love the collages - they are so eye-catching and pretty.
The embroidery thread boxes on my blog are specifically made for threads and are by DMC - I think there are two sizes and they come with card bobbins but I prefer to buy the plastic ones separately as they don't bend. I recently discovered pre printed Anchor and DMC coloured thread labels and have labelled all the spools with thed - it really satisfies the neat geek in me!!
Hope you have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx #8

Crafting With Jack said...

So nice to see you once more. You have probably made 100s if not thousands , of items since we last saw you. How lovely to enjoy a trip out with your sons. I had not heard of Jemima before, one brave lady! The collages are great, I don’t know about minimum input if you had to cut out all the flowers! Have a great week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Kelly said...

:::: throwing my arms around you in a HUGE hug :::
I've missed you and your creative endeavors, my friend. Welcome home!
I literally drooled over that rose fabric, then you added the polka dot! Soooo pretty.
The rocher covers are adorable! Kim did an excellent job with the embroidery.
Good time with the boys. I know you miss them. Always good to get away for a bit.
Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly 316

Spyder said...

Fabulous crafty desk, so much going on. Yu must have extra days in your week! I love the doggies and those lovely little cats too! Have a great new WOYWW week! ((Lyn)) #17

Lindart said...

Welcome back! I see you have been as busy as ever, you stall looks fantastic! I love the little Ferro kitties, so cute! And I'm glad you had some time to get out and visit with the boys and go to nice places with hubby! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #18

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jan, so nice to see you back and to see all your lovely photos. That floral patterned fabric is gorgeous and the dog one is really cute. Your break with your boys looks fun, even with a scary looking dinosaur ready to pounce! The tapestry is a great work of art and Jemima looks formidable! However, those chocolate holding cats have won my heart this week! Adorable!! Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I'm a bit late getting round today as I got the message this morning that my mum died early this morning but it's a relief for her as she's not been doing too well for some time, she was 95. Looks like you've been having a good time and I love the little kitties they are so cute. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

Lynnecrafts said...

Very glad to see you’re back! That’s a lovely photo of you and Gordon. I can see how busy you’ve been with craft fairs. Your sausage dogs are pretty too and you’ve a great eye for colour with those floral and spotty glasses cases.
I’m catching up today as I was knackered when we got home last night.
Have a good week,
Lynnecrafts 22 xx

Eva said...

HOORAY !!!! You're back again!
What a wonderful Sunday!! I'm so happy!
Love the Ferrero cats.
Best wishes from Austria!


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