Like many other long term Deskers, I was shocked and saddened to hear about the accidental death of Keagan Kirby, the only child of our friend and blogger GasHeadZoe, he was taken far too young in a horse racing accident at the weekend. Though Zoe hasn't blogged for a while, we were still in contact through Facebook and I have enjoyed seeing her regular updates on the exciting moments as Keagan fulfilled his dream of becoming a jump jockey. It seems so cruel that a 25 year old was taken too soon.

So we have to grab life each day don't we? I gave my loved ones an extra big hug that day, I can tell you. Crafting has helped too, keeping hands busy helps calm the mind.

The weather has been so rubbish I've done a lot of sewing to get ahead - these fabrics have made me smile, you can't go wrong with ducks and cupcakes!

Or strawberries! They're all finished now and added to the stocks. The collecting tin was picked up from the cafe last week and contained a very satisfying £692, I'm very pleased about that amount!

I also sewed up all those knitted squares:

They came together nicely, even though the old adage is that 'Blue and Green should never been seen'. I disagree!

Monday saw another monthly craft meet up with Kim and Sue:

I'm really useless at taking selfies but you get the gist, we drank tea, chatted a lot and managed to fit in some crafting too, lol!

Kim guided us through making a parchment piece and then using that for a card. I enjoyed this very much though I wasn't much cop, Kim and Sue made lovely pieces. Here is Kim's:

Pretty isn't it? I love the sparkly border, the perfect finishing touch. It was a fun afternoon Kim, thank you and Sue for a fab couple of hours xx

I hope you have a good week and enjoy your crafting too xx


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Lunch Lady Jan, yes joining in Downunder, you're way late as our day is nearly over after 4pm. Loved your creations that raised soooo much money 💰 bucket loads for the worthy charity... sad re Zoe's son, I remember her sharing in WOYWW praying comfort for all concerned.
I love the self-esteem and parchment craft especially. I'm a bit like you with it but still van enjoy it!
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well for 2024!
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Helen said...

It was such dreadful news about Keagan, the unexpected-ness despite the dangers of his profession can't prepare you for that., poor Zoe. Your blue/green blanket is beautiful; I agree they make a great combination. Love Kim's card too. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

Sarah Brennan said...

Sad news indeed Jan. Love the blanket and what a great parchment card. well done with the latest fund raising. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Twiglet said...

I love blue and green together so your blanket looks perfect to me. What an amazing sum you made with your crafting Jan - the perfect and satisfying way to keep busy! x x Jo

craftyani said...

Gosh that's some sewing to raise that much, weight done. I like the colours of your blanket and today anything goes. Ani

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It is very sad news about Keagan, I remember them both from the photos. Sadly it is a dangerous sport but guess he was doing what he had always loved. Looks like you've had a good week, gorgeous card and blanket too. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

Mary Anne said...

Such a sad WOYWW day. Zoe was always such fun at crops and always full of stories about her boy and their football match-day fun. I am just so sad for her. On a brighter note I do love that knitted blanket. I never do knitted squares but maybe I should. And that card is just lovely. Bet yours wasn't as bad as you claim...
It's WOYWW day!
(Determined to be on time)
Mary Anne (5)

Annie said...

Yes I'm keeping busy too Jan....it's my only way of getting through difficult times [that and shopping...off to Ikea later].
Love your makes this week and how lovely to have crafty time with friends.
Annie x #7

Julia Dunnit said...

Gosh Jan, nearly £700 - wow! The blanket looks really lovely, the blu and green are perfect partners aren't they, never mind the rhyme, that's where the craft room signage bo***cks comes to mind! Loving the crafter moon with your gals, a bit of Pergamano no less. It looks beautiful doesn't it, requires patience and you know me and that requirement! Happy to do it if I can finish it the same session, otherwise it's destined to be an unfinished! Sending hugs and distraction. Xx

Lynnecrafts said...

So sorry about your friend’s son, Jan. Well done for raising so much for the RNLI. Your fabrics are very cheery and I love the blue and green blanket. I have never understood that saying.
I’m glad you had a good crafting day
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 16 xx

Christine said...

Blue and green . . . . think bluebell woods then tell me again about blue and green!!!
I visited an old childhood haunt of Peter's once in the springtime . . . the bluebells just took my breath away . . .
Love that blanket, I shall have to post a photo of some random squares I was given and made into a blanket . . . they look so neat and warm blankets don't they . . .
have a good week
Christine #17

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely to meet up with friends and craft too. I really enjoyed Bible group this morning, the chatty part at the end was great. Well done on your fundraising. Happy WOYWW Angela #12

Crafting With Jack said...

Meant to say love the blanket colours.

Neet said...

No mum should have to go through what Zoe has had to. I felt so sad to read it, what a shame for a young man's career to end like that.
Like you, Jan, I love blue and green together. In fact you may have noticed I use them together a lot and you may remember seeing a lot of it on my blog.
Love the duck fabric and that strawberry one reminds me of a retro dress I saw recently. I'm not sure it was strawberries on it but I think they were.
I bet your parchment was not rubbish at all. The final card by Kim is beautiful. I bet I could do a bit of that in my chair. Thanks for another idea for when I stop sleeping.
Hugs, Neet xx 10

R's Rue said...

I’m so sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing. I love seeing what you create. Hugs.

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Oooh now I do love that finished card with the colour on it. I'm sure your piece was glorious too. I'm so glad you had fun and that you get some in-person crafty time - very good for the soul, especially when there is such tragedy in our midst. I remember Zoe well from the first crop all those years ago. I'm glad to see your blue and orange fabrics though - very cheering! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #11

Chana Malkah said...

Jan, your parchment card is Ah-mazing! I love working with parchment. I am trying to start paper piercing again. My friend Em creates the most amazing projects!

I think your Blue and Green square look fabulous together. It is actually one of my favorite color combinations!

Your fabrics are nice, although the only place I can't go wrong with cupcakes is on fabrics. :D) My hips tell a different story!

Be well! Hugz,
Chana Malkah, WOYWW #8

BJ said...

Adore the blanket and the blue/green saying is rubbish isn't it! I think the colours are very calming, nature inspiring. sigh. Love all the sewing and the craft day looks fun. Hugs BJ#15

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
So sorry to read about your friends son. This makes me sad.
You did a great job for the cafe. Please be proud of yourself.
Nice fabrics. And a wonderful blanket.
And I adore your parchment craft!
So lovely!
I give you a hug. Eva from Austria

Kelly said...

Hi Jan!
Yes... this is why I spend so much time with Bob. He travels for work and though he is a careful driver you just never know about every one else and their distracted driving.
As I type this, big rain drops are shifting to snow. Welcome to February in the US. LOL
I lover working with the vellum parchment. A lovely art I haven't played with in a very long time.
Go you on the tin collection. I know that will be much appreciated.
Creative Blessings & Hugs! ~ kelly #19


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