There's not much I can do to directly help those poor people in Ukraine but fundraising for the Red Cross has dominated my crafting this week.

As well as the crochet sunflowers, I made some glasses case, purses and little hearts for the Balls of Fun group to sell - it just happened that I had the right colours in my fabric stash already.

Different things to appeal to people hopefully!

I have made a couple of other things though from the new fabrics shown last week:

Doggy things are always popular in the cafe so I know they'll do ok but the clocks are an unknown factor, we'll wait and see!

After crocheting so many sunflowers (£105 now raised) I needed to do something different:

Squares for another blanket - the yarn was already to go and I'm enjoying the simplicity and mindless crafting, it's very meditative!

And finally, my SiL Jill, who is an amazing quilter, sent me a pic of her latest make for her Goth nephew:

Isn't it clever - those purple highlights may be few in number but wow, do they make a difference. It's awesome and I admire her patience and skill so much!

Short and sweet today - I hope you all have a good week with some crafting, we all need a little TLC I feel.



Helen said...

well done on the fund raising! Love the new fabrics you've been using too. your SIL's quilt is beautiful, that splash of purple is gorgeous. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

COngratulations on the fund raising so far for Ukraine Jan. Loving that quilt. Your SIL is indeed a very clever quilter. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Well done for doing those items to raise funds for Ukraine.

The glasses cases are fab and I am sure the clock fabric will be a hit, especially with the men.

Lovely colours for your crochet squares.

Your sisters quilt is lovely. As you say the few strips of purple really make the difference.


Neet said...

Love your little hearts and all the other things you made for supporting the Ukraine.
As for the new fabric made into glasses cases I would go big on the clock one. The other two are lovely, especially the one on the right but I do have a thing for clocks.
Delicious colours in your yarn bag for the latest blanket and yes, your sister is an amazing quilter. That quilt is absolutely gorgeous. What talent!
Hugs to you and yours, Neet 5 xx

Lynn Holland said...

Well done on your fundraising efforts. What a wonderful way to use your skills Jan and your SIL quilt is fantastic. What a talented lot you are. Have a good week.
Lynn xx 10

Twiglet said...

Fantastic little makes for your brilliant fundraising effort Jan. The clock case is fab - I am sure it will sell. And then.. that quilt - totally awesome - I just don't know how quilters do it - it is truly a work of art and yes, that little pop of purple is perfect. Well done to your SiL. xx Jo

Lynnecrafts said...

Those little hearts are great, Jan; your sunflowers and other items lovely. Well done for all the money raised. I just heard our local efforts last Saturday raised £1807 , with the cake stall, coffee morning and sunflower sales combined.
Jill’s quilt is beautiful too. Very Goth. You’re right about the purple.
It’s funny how it’s always dogs that sell. Gracie, sitting on my lap says “Why not fabrics with gorgeous me and Bella bellisima?” Don’t know. 😻
Take care and happy WOYWW
Love Lynnecrafts 14

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. A bit of a blast from the past here... My word, you have been busy! What's new??? The word "Boredom" just isn't in your dictionary is it? Great things made this week. I'm sure they will sell well. That quilt is certainly amazing. Not something I have the patience for, I'm afraid...
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #11

Crafting With Jack said...

Well done on the fund raising, your work is much appreciated I am sure. I bet you would be amazed at the total of your fundraising, you put so much time and effort in. Your SiL’s quilt is fabulous, love the touch of purple. Happy WOYWW, Angela #13

My name is Cindy said...

Great fund raising Jan, you are star!! Loving what you have made with the fabric, sure they won't hang about long. The quilt is just stunning, beautifully executed. I am always in awe, essentially a simple idea but it's all about the skill and precision. Thanks for your visit - I think you could be right about the stencil being a hare!! A much elevated creature, I've always had a soft spot for hares since reading 'The Little White Horse' when I was a girl. Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That quilt is amazing. I think if I made it I would have difficulty letting it go! Well done with the fund raising projects they are brilliant. Not surprised they sell so quickly. Thanks for the comment over at mine too. Have a lovely creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x15x

Diana Taylor said...

Well done on the fundraising, that's fabulous and I think you have everyone covered with that selection of goodies. The specs cases are beautiful and I think the clocks fabric is going to be a bit hit - after all, what are all the cat people going to buy! The quilt is stunning and as you say, there isn't much purple but Wow it really does pop - what a very talented lady and a very lucky Goth nephew!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #16

Annie said...

Well done you with all your latest makes and for the money raised. The quilt is amazing...what talent.
Annie x #7

Tracy said...

You are a beautiful soul Jan, well done on your fundraising for Ukraine ⭐ such beautiful creations they all are ... yooou are amazing ❤🌈⭐💛 sending love and hugs your way Tracy #17 xxxx

Mary Anne said...

Ah such a lovely lot of fabric-y goodness to cast my gaze over. That quilt is truly lovely and I agree - the purple really POPS! Your glasses cases are also fab and the clocks seem like a nice guy-gift so I bet they sell. Sunflowers are lovely and wow! What a total. Hope it does some good - Every little bit that can be done to help is a blessing to the people of Ukraine. Well done to you for your charity efforts.
Happy late-in-the-day WOYWW
Mary Anne (1)

Tracy said...

Jan 😊 I forgot to say my stamps are my own brand that I sell in my Etsy shop ... I used to design for a shop but when my Dad passed I started up on my own after messages from dad pushing me onward came through loud and clear ... he's my driving force every day in all I do. Thank yooou for popping over xxxxx

Catriona said...

Gorgeous makes in beautiful colour combos💕

StampinCarol said...

Great fundraising! Love the dog fabrics! I looked back and your sunflowers are beautiful! And the quilt is amazing!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #19

Susan Renshaw said...

Lovely fundraising makes!
That basket of yarn are definitely my colours!
And what a fabulous quilt!
It is Thursday morning here in Melbourne and I have just discovered my link isn't on Stamping Ground so here I am at #22!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Marit said...

Fund raising that amount of money already: well done! I still use the glasses case you send me years ago... those blue/yellow ones look nice too and will sell out quickly I presume. I'm on ooh and awe over that quilted blanket too, your SIL must indeed have a lot of patience and how clever to add just a little purple, it makes all the difference! Thanks for stopping by my desk yesterday, have a good week dear! Love & peace from the Netherlands! Marit #4

Eva said...

Sorry for being the last comment this week. I had a look to your blog, but no time to comment. Today, Sunday, springtime start, I'm here again.
You do your very best to help. Great fundraising!!
It's out of the question that it sells well.
The Quilt from SiL Jill is so amazing.
Eva from Austria

BJ said...

So sorry to be be so late this week, or was it last week! Son gone, feeling a tad better so loads to catch up with.

Adore your Ukraine makes especially the hearts. Have to say I'd go with the clocks as I don't really do dogs. And the quilt, from a former Goth myself it is epic, the purple pieces are amazing.

Thanks for visiting me BJ#8


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...