I haven't done a huge amount of crafting again this week as it's been rather full of life events! But as I promised to make a few little bits and pieces for my Weight Watchers class Macmillan coffee morning, I'd better get cracking....

So, the table is full of lovely bright coloured fabric - how gorgeous is that?!  I sorted out all my Christmas materials and am going to leave them out so I can pick and choose as the fancy takes me.

I took a couple of samples along to class to see if they were appropriate for sale. I'm down to the very last bit of that Orla Keily type leaf pattern, maybe two more tissue holders and then it's done. I've had that particular fabric for ages and have made a fair few bits and pieces out of it. Same with that hearts material, which is particularly suited to making glasses cases I think :-D

Another project was inspired by Pinterest:
I'm having a go at painting pebbles - after all, there is a rather good source locally! I put a base coat on using a tester pot and it's worked quite well - the pebbles were scrubbed really well beforehand and left to dry thoroughly. We'll see, it may a glorious success or be doomed to disaster!

I was away at the wedding of my niece this weekend (the second in a fortnight). Clare and Darren had got legally hitched a couple of days before so this was a blessing ceremony. They asked me to lead the proceedings, so with knees knocking, I did:
It was outside set in a woods and was completely magical. It all went well and my niece was so beautiful - a wonderful day. They're a great couple and I know will have an amazing life together xxxx

Outside the hall was a metal globe that had been laser cut with trees and animals - after the sun had gone down, it was filled with blazing logs..
We sat around for ages just watching the flames flicker, quite magical....

I fancy one of these for our garden!

Hope you all have a great week - keeeeeeep crafting :-D


Connie said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your rocks when you are finished with them. Rock painting can be lots of fun:)

craftyani said...

Have thought of painting pebbles but it is illegal to take stones from our beach here in Spain. Your photos always look so clear and bright must be all that fantastic fabric you have.

Helen said...

the photos from the blessing look brilliant - how amazing to be able to do that for them - and outside in the sun too! the "fireball" looks amazing. Helen #?

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan Hey - look at you - public speaking now!! Well done. I'm sure your niece and her young man were thrilled you agreed to front it. That's a gorgeous log burner! have fun with all that scrummy fabric - and I'll see you next week.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Lynn Holland said...

I am totally taken away with your wedding day story, how lovely and how nice that they asked you to lead it. Well done Jan, you're a very special lady
Lynn 12 xx

Annie said...

What a beautiful photo of you with the mike in hand at the wedding....they knew what they were doing choosing you. I'm sure you helped to make it a beautiful day....can't think of anyone better. Looks like we are both playing with festive fabrics....Its got to be done hasn't it?
See you soon.
Annie x #13

Neet said...

Ooh, I want one of those balls myself. Beautiful - love the picture showing the stag.
The bride and groom look lovely, especially the bride in her dress and her hair is gorgeous. How lovely to be asked to lead the ceremony. Well done you.
As for the fabric - love it, would not know which to choose - good luck with the sales.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx
dum dum de dum ... nearly crop time!

Sarah Brennan said...

Hi Jan, wow that metal globe is amazing! How lovely to be asked to lead the blessing ceremony; it must have meant a great deal to your niece and new husband. Good luck with the fund raising; both the glasses cases and tissue cases must be really popular, they look amazing. Sarah #18

May said...

I adore that metal globe, the happy couple look wonderful together... How lovely to be asked to lead the ceremony....I love both the glass case and tissue holder the fabrics are beautiful they will sell well... good luck with the sales... May #11

Sue said...

Hi Jan, With all that scrummy fabric, you are going to be kept out of mischief for a while:) LOL

Your dress was pretty for the blessing.

The globe is lovely.

Sue (no number as not taking part)

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Fab sewing, as usual - and those fabrics are lush (as we say in Wales!). The blessing ceremony sounds wonderful, and I love those globes. Ali x #19

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

What a beautiful couple, and your dress is gorgeous. Always so nice when the weather is bright and sunny. I always have loved the painted up pebbles, hard to find in our area). Have fun with them. The metal sculpture is beautiful with the burning logs. Enjoy a lovely week.

Cheetarah said...

That sounds like you had a wonderful time at the wedding - and the globe does look magical! Would like to get one for my inlaws to use in Sweden. Looking forward to see your progress with the pebbles. Happy WOYWW xo Cheetarah #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I think you can be excused for not getting much crafting done but it looks like you've had fun. Thanks for the visit to mine and have a great crafty woyww, Angela x17x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Adorable fabrics, Jan! I particularly like the funky hearts. How brave of you to take center stage like that! I know I couldn't! Lots of happiness to your niece! Thanks for visiting earlier - I was relieved to hear that your kitties were not too phased by two house moves. I was hoping that Oreo would have settled better by now but he still acts weird sometimes. Enjoy the rest of your week! zsuzsa #14

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, that firepit looks fabulous. How amazing. You look lovely at the blessing! Today I think I've slept almost all day- got up at 8.30 when Doug came to bed, made a coffee, drank it, lay down on the sofa and went back to sleep till 1.00, then woke up, had another coffee, and went back to sleep till 3.30. Get it out of my system, I suppose. lol. See you next week,:) Huge Hugs, Shaz #2 XxxxxX

Anne said...

Hi Jan, a flying and late visit from me :-( I love the fabrics, look forward to seeing results from the pebble decorating. How wonderful you were able to do that for your niece and her Husband.
I am still hoping to meet you at the Crop. Fingers crossed. Anne x #31

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, aww how special to be asked to lead the proceedings for your niece. The fire globe looks inviting. We have a fire pit at the bottom of our garden, i love the sound of crackling logs. Looking forward to seeing the finished pebbles. Have a lovely week Heather #32

Julia Dunnit said...

Beautiful picture of the bridal couple and the emcee! Excitement building over lots of things, and those pebbles are on the list now too! Xxx

Anonymous said...

Just seen this come up on Facebook - rock painting http://decoart.com/rock-painting/

sandra de said...

Gorgeous pic of the happy couple with you giving the blessing. Love the fire and can't wait to see how the little pebbles turn out. Great idea.
sandra de @6

Kim said...

I love the idea of a blessing ceremony! And agree, the fire pit would be great in our back yard too. Sorry I'm late visiting, have a great week and thanks for stopping by.
-K #30

Lindart said...

The wedding (Blessing) sounds awesome, and that fire globe - WOW!! I love your tissue holders, and that glasses case is perfect as well. Can't wait to see those rocks all painted up! My new job is in a thrift store, and I get %50 off. Uh oh! This will either be fantastic for my mixed media or terrible for my bank account! LOL! Thank you for your kind words on your visit to mine! Have a great week, and thanks for sharing! Lindart #25

misteejay said...

Lots of lovely fabric there Jan.
Beautiful photos of the blessing.
Toni xx

Stacy Sheldon said...

oooh that leaf print is gorgeous and so is the wedding shot :) YAY for you for doing that for them, you do not look nervous in the photo at all Jan :) ~Stacy #28

Cara said...

Such a busy time for you. How wonderful that you were able to take the lead in the ceremony, wonderful photos x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, that fire ball is amazing - the silhouette of the stag against the flames is fabulous. And a woodland is such a romantic setting for a wedding - that's a lovely photo, you wouldn't know your knees were knocking. I've often admired painted stones but have never thought of making them myself. I look forward to seeing yours when finished - I'm sure they will be fabulous ... just as I'm equally sure your makes are perfect for the coffee morning and will sell well. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #34

PS: see you soon. xx

Twiglet said...

I'm soooo late getting round a few desks this week. Ben was three yesterday so I have a good excuse - party for his Dad's family here tomorrow too.The wedding looks lovely Jan - and what an honour for you - great job done I am sure! Love your little makes - you always choose gorgeous fabric Jan! xx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...