It has been a slightly quieter and less frenetic past seven days (woohoo!) - we've had no visitors (double woohoo!!) and have had a bit more time to ourselves (thrice woohoo!!!). Funnily enough though, I haven't done as much crafting...

I did sort out some more fabric and ironed it as well as I have a cunning plan - oh yes indeedy. Sorry about the Christmas puddings bottom right of frame - my Knit and Natter group are making lots of small items to sell at our local hospital in December but are getting organised now. I said I'd make a few felt ornaments for the stall....

More ornaments needing embroidering and blanket stitching around the edges - that bead box was passed onto me by Shaz and jolly useful it's been too. The hat has been my evening project and will join a few others for a Woolly donations group I found on Facebook.

There was a connection behind today's lyrics and ironing fabrics - last week, I attended another meeting of the WI I joined with my mate Helen a few months back.  It was a craft demo and there was a chance to join in.....and I had a go at.......

brace yourselves.......

Cardmaking!!! I know, don't faint :-D  I have to say this was the naughty table, with things being opened too soon and glue being used inappropriately!  We had great fun and discovered a mutual love of gin..'nuff said!

It was fun but cardmaking still isn't my cup of tea really and I think that you lot have far better design sense..but at least we had a go!  Our table got on so well, they're coming for coffee this morning and little do they know that I'm providing fabric, templates and scissors for a good cutting out session for charity items I intend making. I lured them with the promise of coffee and cake :-D  Hopefully they'll enjoy it - maybe pics next week!

It was my birthday yesterday and so I have to say a huge thank you for my cards - it was a lovely surprise!
From Julia, Darnell, Lynne, Helen and Shaz Silverwolf!  I had some useful prezzies - a new cutting mat (after my last one never recovered from getting warped!), a jelly roll...

from Rhys - gorgeous colours huh?!

And an RAK.....
...a metre of gorgeous fabric!  I know it's an RAK but I'd love to know who sent it so I can say a proper thank you. So if you're reading this and it was you, then it's fab and very much appreciated!!

An unexpected present was from Mr LLJ and the boys....

...a little sculpture made from driftwood, screws and other found objects. It's called The Slipway and is made by Trysorau Cymraeg. The boats are hazelnut shells, the roofs are small squares of slate and the chimneys are rusty screws. But it's so clever, the detail is wonderful!

the corner shop...

..coils of rope, fishing nets, buoys and seagulls - it's the sort of thing you can look at for ages! I absolutely adore it :-D

I'm a lucky girl......



Helen said...

Happy Birthday again for yesterday (glad the card arrived on time) and I love your sculpture - what an amazing gift; I saw it on FB but only on my phone, it's great to be able to see it in more detail here. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Unknown said...

Happy birthday for yesterday Jan! I love that little driftwood piece and your card making skills are excellent even though it's not your thing. Your naughty table comment made me smile x

Neet said...

Well done on the card making, you look as if you are having fun and that's how it should be. So glad you had a wonderful birthday and what lovely cards you received not to mention the gifts. The fabric is special but the driftwood slipway ... well ... that is something else. What a wonderful gift. I can imagine you sat looking at it time after time and spotting something else. What a clever use of the nut shells and screws etc.
Have a wonderful week, a fabulous year
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Lynn Holland said...

A belated happy birthday Jan and I'm completely in love with your present it's fantastic.
I'd have been on the same table as you for the card making. I've never got my head round all the precision and diecutting. My friend susan goes to a cardmaking group once a week maybe I should go once just to put it to bed like I have the crocheting haha
Lynn xx 9

Sarah Brennan said...

A belated Happy birthday, that sculpture is gorgeous. I like being on the naughty table when I craft, it's far more fun. Card makers will do anything for coffee and cake, so I think you'll have plenty to work with after that session. Hope it all goes well. Happy WOYWW Sarah #12

Annie said...

So glad you had a good birthday....you deserve it I'm sure. I love the little driftwood harbour. Very cleverly made. Wish I lived closer to be able to join in with your crafty fun.
Annie x #11

Anne said...

Hello Jan. Firstly belated birthday greetings. I love, love, love your pressie from the boys :-) Like Annie I wish I could join in your Charity making fun. Sounds fab. Anne x #13

Christine said...

Belated Happy Birthday!
Love your pressie from the boys .... how marvellously made.
First day at CRUNCH my friend (who I'd just met!) were told we weren't allowed to sit together in future as we were a disruption!! So I sympathise totally with sitting on the naughty table - no sense of humour some people!! lol
have a good week
Christine #17

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Well "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY". Just enjoyed all of your lovely photos. Your lovely gift from family is surely a work of art. I can't imagine you at a naughty table !!! Looks like you had a great time. And the colors in that jelly roll are awesome. Enjoy working with it. Have a fun week.

Sue said...

Hi Jan,

I hope there's no gin involved this morning, or the cutting out will be wonky:) LOL

Your card is lovely. Always nice to try new things, as you never know what you might enjoy.

Lovely birthday cards and fabric. I love hares.

A very (belated) happy birthday.

Sue #10

BJ said...

Super sculpture and card making too good for you. BJ#6

Cara said...

Happy belated birthday! What wonderful cards you recieved and of course I love the bunny fabric. I like your cunning plan for your coffee morning. Wish I could come, I like cutting out! The driftwood scene is just amazing, there are so many fun little details on it, definitely a wow present x

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. What a fabulous post - and a belated happy birthday for yesterday - sorry - didn't know... Your Christmas makes are fun - and I trust you are having a great coffee and cake time with your new friends!! So proud of you joining the WI - they certainly didn't have craft afternoons when I was president - but then, I was the youngest member in our group by 20 years!!!
Your driftwood scene is just beautiful. I too, could sit and gaze at it for hours.
Take care girl. God bless.
Margaret #4

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, glad you had a lovely day, and the driftwood scene is awesome. So much detail, I've seen them on Pinterest i think, and they are fab. As is the Jelly roll. So vibrant. Happy the bead tub i so useful, and lolled at the inappropriate use of glue!But you know they'll be great people when they love gin. :) Great card, love it. Lots of hugs and much love, Shaz XxXx#16

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW - and belated Happy Birthday. We must definitely meet up soon, and I will bring you a card!! Cardmaking is something that I have moved away from. Shock horror - I actually buy most of my greeting cards now. However, I did go shopping for card and pressie for my nephew yesterday (in Narberth, which you would love, if you can drive this far west one day) - and not overwhelmed with the choice for a 9 year old boy. Decided I could make one far nicer, so I will be getting my foiling machine out tomorrow. That driftwood scene is truly glorious. I have seen them on Instagram and always admire. So much to look at. My new little sewing machine will be used to make some smaller items - got a magazine with some easy designs in, like cushions for phones (which I have always wanted, so now I just need to buy some material and get one made - and get to the aquatics shop to buy some fishtank rock stuff for the filling, which was recommended!). I also re-joined our local WI a few months ago. They are a lovely bunch of ladies. We had a jewellery artist visit and give a talk, but no practical craft sessions. I keep quiet unless they ask me to do it!! Ali x #20

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

The naughty table LOL! There's no "inappropriate" way of using glue in my book, unless you sniff one that's solvent-based! Did you get told off LOL? Love how your outfit coordinates with the lady sitting opposite you! That's a lovely card, Jan - your impeccable taste extends to all art forms! Hope you have a happy week! Happy belated birthday! xx

misteejay said...

Looks like your "naughty table" had lots of fun - hope your coffee morning goes just as well. Happy belated birthday - what a super collection of gifts and I love the driftwood scene.
Toni xx

Felicia said...

Happy belated Birthday Jan!! What fun prizes you received! I love the driftwood piece, to be sure! The cards were beautiful that you received and especially the one you made...even though it's not your specialty! LOL Well done! Have a wonderful rest of the week! Blessings, Felicia #27

Hazel said...

So much gorgeousness to see here. Glad you had a good birthday (love the cards) and looks as if you had mischievous fun at the cardmaking group. Thanks for sharing - Hazel, #26 x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Love the ribbon on the card you made at WI. I did a class at a local crafty WI group called Pimms & Needles a few months ago. I think lots of the ladies surprised themselves with how well their cards turned out. Your jelly roll reminds of stained glass windows. The men in your life are such good gift givers. Enjoy the rest of your birthday week x

Fiona #29

Suzanne Alexis said...

Happy birthday! Mine was on the 31st. I love that driftwood piece, so clever! I'm glad you had fun at your cardmaking session. Your card is beautiful! Have a great week!

Suzanne #28

Twiglet said...

I keep looking at that little model - it so reminds me of all the little Fimo items Max used to make for her Sylvanians - hers were the best kitted out in the land - she made a village of shoebox shops and had a bakery, decorators, haberdashers and many more.
Yours is such a beautiful piece - how well your family know and love you!! xx Jo

Jan said...

Great WOYWW Have a great week! xx Jan (31)

Bernice said...

Oh what a lovely little sculpture - so detailed. Enjoy all the lovely new stash and well done with the card making!
Bernice #25

Nikki said...

That is one kewl present I can understand just looking ato it in wonder the walnuts are such adorable little boats happy belated birthday and the fabrics are just wonderful so pretty have fun with them hugs Nikki 1

Claire said...

What gorgeous pressies! I adore the hare fabric, and that sculpture... **swoon**
I'm a bit late visiting, but thank you for dropping by my desk yesterday :)
Happy WOYWW!
Claire, no. 7
PS Being a rebel is good - it's a word-prompt for later in the month, and I already know what I'll be doing on those journal pages :D

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, the mercy mission took up much of yesterday so I've had to wait until today to catch up with your desk. Sorry I missed your birthday. Ever since I got this new PC with no electronic diary, I've been having trouble keeping abreast of those special occasions. Seems like you did well anyway, lots of lovely cards and fabulous pressies. Love the jelly roll and the fabric is gorgeous. I've been reading a lot about hares recently and there's more to them than fisty-cuffs at springtime. Admired the driftwood sculpture already - very clever. Hope you and the ladies had a lovely time and they weren't too taken aback with your plans for them :) Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #21

BJ said...

Just re read this and it could be construed the wrong way, I meant Card making too, as in, as well - good for you. Certainly not too good for you - Oops! BJ

Shoshi said...

Happy birthday, Jan, and thank you for sharing your lovely presents with us! That little sculpture is absolutely stunning - I simply love the details, esp. the little boats! I love anything with a seaside theme and this is a pure delight... Gorgeous bright jellyroll too! And such gorgeous cards! Thank you for your sweet comment - we love our kittens more each day! Little Ruby has formed a real bond with me and I just love how she wants to sit with me, and how she looks at me! We've been too long without kitties in the house and it all feels complete again now. They are so pretty, and so entertaining and fun!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #19


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...