I seem to be repeating myself each week saying that's been a full-on time, but it's true! More sorting out of the house, dealing with a poorly puss cat, band, walking etc etc - it has just flown past.

But some crafting has also taken place!
You find me making different items for various projects - doggy bandannas, pretty hearts amongst them. There are scissors, templates and wadding in use but these will be cleared away before the next project. My mate Helen came over and cut out the hearts and bandannas while I sewed 'em up - what a great help she was, it's amazing how much quicker things got made when they were already cut out. It was like a production line, lol! Thanks Helen, same again soon?

Just little things but hopefully will help raise some cash :-D

The hippy bag came out ok - I thought it could be called a Boho Beach Bag! Still loving the colours.

And some more ATCs found their way to Wales - I do love it when the envelopes drop through the letterbox.

Pretty gorgeous huh? Thank you Sandra D, Sharon K, Cardarian, Christine Bishopsmate and ArtyAndrea, I love them so much - especially the sentiment on Sharon's card (bottom left) after the further sadness in London this week. Thank you for thinking of me, lovely gals, I appreciate it so much xxx

Take care everyone, sending you much love xxxxx


Helen said...

wow, such beautiful atcs! yes, the sentiment on Shaz's card is spot on. Always a pleasure to be your first commenter each week! Helen # 0 ?! ha ha

misteejay said...

GOSH You have been super busy - such lovely makes. What a beautiful collection of ATCs. Have a great week Jan. Toni xx

Annie said...

Im really enjoying seeing all the lovely ATCs on my visits....so much love flying around the world. Love the fabrics and all those finished goodies on your desk....I'm sure they will all sell well.
Annie x #12

Twiglet said...

Such beautiful ATCs Jan - thanks for sharing them. All your pretty fabrics look lovely and the little hearts etc are fab. It's good to craft with a friend and I can imagine the fun you had doing it.xx Jo

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

These are fabulous ATCs, Jan. I really LOVE whoever made the kokopelli ATC. And I adore that bag. The colors are perfect together. You and your friend should go into business. She could cut and you could sew. LOVE those hearts. Happy WOYWW from #5.

lisa said...

What a hive of activity your crafty space is this week, Jan. So many lovely things. I love those pretty little hearts. I went a further step down the fabric root this week and came home with some seaside style material!!!!!! Don't know what I'm going to do with it yet, but it's sitting looking at me and looking hopeful that it might get turned into something!! Don't hold your breath!
Beautiful ATC's, they have been an absolute joy haven't they.
Wish I was walking on the beach with you and yes, Hettie looked so well last week and I'm really glad she is doing OK.
Hugs Lisaxx #23

Anne said...

Hello Jan. The ATC's are fabulous. I just love those hearts , so pretty. Anne x #19

Kathyk said...

I'll have that darn song in my head all day now - thanks!

What a splendid selection of projects - you are on a creative roll



Lynn Holland said...

That bags a cracker Jan,I love it. I've been like you this week lots going on but managed a bit of crafting.
Hope the weather is good with you and the house sorting gets a bit nearer the end. Big hug for puss cat, get well soon
Lynn xx 25

Sue said...

Jan, I love the hearts and the bag is fab. You are so kind to make thing for charities.

Lovely ATCs.

Sue #20

Diana Taylor said...

Your finished bag is an absolute winner Jan, I love it! You're doing a great job with the hearts, they are so pretty, and great to have help.
Hope your poorly puss cat is soon back to full health.
Have a good week,
Hugs, Diana xx

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Loving all the colour in your photos. I must get away from this computer now and get out the sunshine before the rain arrives later today. Pulling up a few weeds will be good therapy for me! WE WILL MEET SOON!! Ali x #29

sandra de said...

Wow the bag is a stunner. Love the collection of ATC's and it looks like pink was the theme.
sandra de @31

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, hope puss cat is better now? Loving all the stuff you made there, those hearts are ace, and I'm not even a pink person, rofl. Bag is great, and the name fits perfectly. So many fab ATC's, thanks for yours & the postcard. Lots of love and hugs to you all, Shaz XxXx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

A wonderful collection of ATCs Jan! So lovely each and every one of them! You lucky girl! The Boho Beach bag looks awesome too! I love that look! I'd like to dress a bit more hippy/boho - my dress style is so boring and practical. I'm not brave enough to wear colour - that's my problem - I like to just blend into the background lOL. Have a lovely week! xx zsuzsa #28

Neet said...

The only picture I can see is the bea h bag which is fab incidentally.
I have messed up the computer and my tech guy has just left for the day (bother!) so am doing this on my iPad which has a mind of its own.
I bet everything is lovely, must come back later.
Hugs, Neet xx
Thanks for the visit to mine x

Sarah Brennan said...

Lovely selection of ATCs Jan. Love all your bits and pieces, I'm sure they'll sell well. Always easier creating with a friend's help! Happy WOYWW Sarah #8

Andrea said...

great boho beach bag Jan the materials works so well together.Your hearts are so cute and you are so very kind. Thankyou for one of your great ATC'S And lovely postcard. have a great week ahead hugs andrea#27

Bubbles said...

The hearts! In the yellow colour - absolutely gorgeous. I love them :)

Have a great Wednes-YAY!

Bubbles #36

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, I do hope your cat won't be poorly for long - so worrying when our furry friends are not so good. I'm sure the little things will be very popular and bring in lots of funds for you. It must make all the difference having a helping hand. When you're done do send Helen up here ... I'd appreciate the help :) I love the hippy bag - it's perfect for the beach. The ATCs are beautiful. Hope you've received mine by now. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #37

Sharon said...

LOVE the bag! Looks like something that would be great to carry - always need something for a book or too lol. Your ATC haul looks so wonderfully colourful.

Cara said...

I hope puss cat is feeling better. Some wonderful sewing there and I love your boho bag!

Lindart said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun with your your sewing projects! The Bojo Bag is Fab! Hope kitty feels better soon, Thanks for sharing, Lindart #41

Stacy Sheldon said...

beautiful projects you have going on and the happy mail display too Jan :) ~Stacy #40

okienurse said...

Awesome post! You have a lot of beautiful projects going on! I love all the ATC's I am seeing this week. Hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my desk last week! Just so much going on and not feeling well I just didn't get around to many...going to make up for it this week! Vickie #43

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your projects production line, Jan. Those blue spotty fabrics and your hippy beach bag are fun, big hugs this week, my love Lynne #30

craftyani said...

Your beautiful fabrics again, love them. It is a help when someone cuts out for you, my late husband was very good at it. Lucky you having your post delivered I have to go and collect mine and it is so disappointing when I open the box to find it empty oh apart from the spider that lives in there! Anickoana #4

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So many gorgerous ATCs and great projects too. Good luck at selling them all. Wishing you a great week and a happy woyww, Angela x14x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well I love the boho beach bag. And your ATCs. And the fact that you get Helen to do the cutting - too mathematical for me, so when I get to you, I'll erm...keep you company! Love to you girlfriend.xx

May said...

Gorgeous ATC's LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bag it's turned out fabulous love the combination of the colours , Beautiful hearts ... they are my thing I have hearts everywhere... such a creative sewing desk... I'm still learning from you-tube etc... Loving it so much. Have a happy week ahead... May#13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Just loving the adorable ATC's...so much beauty on so little a space. I hope things are going better for you, I just read about your Harry. So sorry a home always seems so empty with them gone away. Wish you lived closer we no doubt have some young ones in the barn loft. Couldn't play along this week, just too many irons in the fire and not enough time. Keep yourself occupied, beauty in nature, the great outdoors, and Hugs to you.

Shoshi said...

All such pretty stuff, Jan, and the ATCs are lovely too. I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. We lost Phoebe a couple of weeks ago, too, and she had bowel cancer too. It now looks as if Beatrice isn't long for this world either - she's a couple of weeks short of 17 and not too well now, and grieving for Phoebe too, which isn't helping her. It's a sad time.

Shoshi #34

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your return visit, Jan. Yes, it's very sad about these kitties. The remaining one needs a lot of reassurance and extra cuddles and love. I didn't make the hand-made paper - it was in my stash. The project is going well - I've done 2 posts about it since WOYWW!


Katie @ Arnold's Attic said...

Fabulous post,
Sorry for the delay in commenting, laptop trouble. It's died on me and I'm in a bit of a flap.
On a positive note, my Dear Husband plans to buy a replacement for me.
Katie #33


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...