First of all, may I say a huge thank you to all those who left supportive comments and sent me emails and cards expressing sympathy about the death of my Dad - I simply can't tell you what they meant to me.  It's been a funny old week, thinking about funeral details while ordinary life continues but I am ok.
*Edit* An article about my dad has appeared in the local paper today. Here's the link

There's some unfinished business from two weeks ago - the Guess How Much Cord I Bought competition. Four people guessed 20 metres, which was the nearest to the 21m I actually bought - they were Twiglet, Jackie Mackay, Carmen and Cara. The names went into a hat and CARA won! Can you email me your addy Cara and I'll get a little something off to you in the post :-)

I have actually got some fabric out on the desk to show you....
I've cut out two hearts from my precious hare fabric and took five minutes to make this:

(This is the little something, Cara!!)

I didn't get the chance to show the rest of the ATCs last week, so here they are now - still filling my heart with joy!
A huge thank you to Cardarian, Lynne Mizera, Elizabeth Silverscrapper, Lisa Davolt, Sylvia Little treasures and Anne L - all unique and all wonderful (and the ATCs aren't bad either, lol!)

And just to make you happy, a little bird told me that Julia might be linking up with us today - fingers crossed that she feels well enough to join. That would be amazing :-)

Have a wonderful week wherever you are in the world xxx


Helen said...

how weird, linked up no problem today... great to see the hare fabric put to use, he looks fab. glad you're getting on and sorting out things for your dad's funeral, it is a strange time as I know... you are in my thoughts.
that was one big pile of cord how deceptive! and finally, a great crop of atcs you received. Helen xx

Nikki said...

That's 21m looks so small great box filled with ribbon to play with and your little hare heart looks wonderful
Great batch of ATC YOU have there :)
Hugs Nikki 2

Unknown said...

Hello Jan your desk is super tidy and what a great box of ribbon and trim. Love the little heart you made. What wonderful ATC you have received and glad mine made it. Have a good week Hugs ~Anne L#3

Annie said...

What a pretty little heart Jan....and so full of love :-) Been thinking about you all week....really hope all is going as well as to be expected [these things are never easy are they?]. Keep smiling and doing what you do and you will get through it. Sending you as much love and hugs as I can fit in one comment.
Annie x

dmgarafalo said...

Beautiful Hearts. They are wonderful everywhere, I have some on my sink, wall, Christmas ornaments. Great reminders for those we love. xoxoxox Donna #4

Unknown said...

Hi Julia
I love that Hare heart. Hares have a mystical meaning don't they but I'm not sure what it is. Will have to Google. Glad to hear you are ok. It is a busy but difficult time for you I know.
Hugs and love
Lynda B 10

Neet said...

What fabulous atc's! I bet you have quite a collection now from the years past. I have mine in a folder stored in Pokeman wallets - I need some more as I have had to double up for some time now and you cannot see at a glance who made each one.
Congrats to the winner of the guessing game, I can't remember what I put but I bet I was miles out. Never have guessed how many sweeties in a jar or anything. LOL
Thinking of you and the family.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Sue Jones said...

Sending you lots of love XXXXXXXXXX

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Love the heart.

You had a lovely variety of ATCs.

Sue #8 (at the moment;))

lisa said...

I love the hare heart, Jan, so you and what a lovely crop of ATC's. all such little works of art. I'm glad to hear you are doing ok, it's a busy time I know so sending you gentle hugs. I've just spotted Julia's post, so off there now to say hello!
Take care
Hugs Lisax #12

Judys Lace Creations said...

Hope you are slowly adjusting to your dad's death. It is a tough thing isn't it?
You've done a lovely thing to do the Desk Hosting for our Julia. Thanks muchly.
Those ATC's are so lovely.All different, all so carefully done. Cute heart.
Have a peaceful week.

Kathyk said...

FAB looking desk and fabric heart, loving those ATC's. Well done on getting the funeral organised and hope it goes off as well as these t hings ever do.

All the best and HAPPY WOYWW


misteejay said...

Love the hare heart.
This must have been a very busy week so my thoughts remain with you. (((hugs)))
Toni xx

Diana Taylor said...

Love the hare fabric - it's so you!
I hope you are doing OK - it's a strange time of adjustment waiting for the funeral. I hope the day goes smoothly for you and I'm thinking of you and sending love and hugs,
Diana xxx

Anne said...

Hello Jan. loving the Hare Heart - lucky Cara. The days waiting for the funeral etc are indeed strange ( I remember from when my dear father died) Thinking of you Jan and sending warm wishes, Anne x #20

Twiglet said...

Oh well done Cara! Great minds think alike hey!! The harey heart is lovely Jan. Been thinking of you this week Jan and know how you will be feeling. I hope all goes to plan and we are sending you all our love. x Jo

Inside the artists shed said...

Oh so close to winning the draw :( I guessed 20 coz that was what I probably would have bought. This ATC thing is a must for me next year they are all so lovely and maybe they can inspire CRUNCH folk with new ideas. Father's Day must have been poignant for you this year - my thoughts are with you x Jackie 22

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Gorgeous fabric. Thinking about you Jan and sending big hugs. Take care. Angela x 21

BJ said...

Oh you always get me singing a song for the day in my head! Love this one. Love the hare heart too, and why 21 metres? BJ#24

Chidkid said...

So sorry to hear about your Dad... hugs and healing thoughts sent your way. I love the hare heart too. xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm so glad to see that you found the inspiration to create that cute little heart, Jan. I believe that our passion for arts and crafts can help us overcome the hardships life throws at us sometimes and still find joy in something we love to do. Best wishes xx

Kathyk said...

Thanks for your visit to my blog and your comment ... re: exercise equipment. I had occasion to be recovering from an operation myself and was often awake and watching TV during the night ... hence the comment!!! You can buy no end of exercise equipment, steam mops and weird underwear!!!!!


Debbie Rock said...

Can easily see why you love that hare fabric ... 'tis lovely! Give it a good sniff for me will you please ... it looks to be the sort of fabric that smells just wonderful. Thinking of you very much - goodness knows what a turmoil the path through grief is and it is such early days for you. Hope it is just that teeny-weeny tiny bit easier knowing so many wish you well and have you in their thoughts and hearts right now. Much love Captain of the WOYWW Ship ... you are doing a splendid job keeping Julia's baby sailing. Love Debbie xXx #26

Christine said...

Love the fabric!
Another set of very good ATCs, lovely to see all the different designs.
Have a good week

Bishopsmate #26

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, I love your hare heart, it's really sweet and as always you've picked a perfect combination of colours and patterns - I find that very difficult to do. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad, I've been away and I hadn't realised. It is a very strange feeling indeed I remember at this stage, like you're in some kind of bubble while the rest of the world goes on. I hope it helps you a bit to know how much we all care about you and I'm glad you're making time for a bit of creativity as I'm sure it helps. Sending virtual hugs. Annie C #28

Unknown said...

Hey Jan, I'm so sorry to hear that your Daddy has passed away. Sending you lot's of strength and love ♥

Glenda said...

Still sending comfort your way. I'm hoping we do hear from Julia today as I have had her on my mind a lot this past week. Your desk looks wonderful and the "hare" heart is so pretty!

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, hope you are feeling Ok? Love the words at the top of your page- Days, The Kinks. Funny how those words can mean so much to us. It was the song that kept going through my head when I lost a daughter born at 27 weeks. Just read the wonderful article about your Dad- what a hero, to you of course, but to so many others as well. Definitely will always be remembered. Have a better week, my lovely friend, and I'll be thinking of you next week.Lots of love and huge hugs,Shaz xxxx

Diana Taylor said...

I've just come back again to say I've just read the article about your Dad - it's a wonderful tribute to him and makes you realise what an achievement the campaign was - how many people take on the MOD and win. You must be immensely proud of him - thank you so much for sharing it.
Hugs, Diana xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Thanks for linking me, I've only just made it downstairs! Jean Ladd was right about honouring your father; what a great article and the pictures of the sands go a long way to showing what would have been lost. How proud you must be, to have the best Dad and then discover he was so much more to so many. Great article. I nearly passed out when I saw the hare fabric had been cut, how typical of you to use something you like so much to make something as gift to another. By the way - from that lovely picture of him - you have Frank's hands.

RosA said...

Lovely ATCs to add to your collection!
And many thanks for stepping in whilst Julia recovers, especially at this time, which I know is not easy ... at all. Just know that we are thinking of you (both) and sending much love and virtual hugs from all around the globe.
RosA # 36

pearshapedcrafting said...

So sorry to read the news of your loss! Not linking yet as I'm a bit bogged down with 'stuff' -may join in later! Thinking of you! Chrisx

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Cor what a wonderful article about your Dad Jan. It's amazing to think that, but for his 'contagious passion' that stunning environment could have been lost forever.

Your hare heart is lovely. Just don't get carried away with those pinking sheers - we can't forget my episode of 'bunting maker's finger' from overuse of the pinking sheers ahead of Ben's birthday last year!

Best wishes for the week to come, my thoughts are with you and your family.

Max, #38 :-)

Sharon said...

Beautiful article about your dad. You must be so proud of him. Lovely that you are able to scatter his ashes on a place he loved.

I really like your heart - so beautiful. It always amazes me what beauty you come up with. As always - lovely fabric!

Hope your week goes well
Sharon K #37

Stacy Sheldon said...

I am so very sorry to read this news Jan, (and I hope it brings a small smile that the linking worked for me today) ( one less thing for you to deal with) The art cards you have received are all so vibrant and gorgeous, Love that bunny. :) ~Stacy #40

Morti said...

I'm here - just came shuffling in at the back like a kid late for class..... hehehehe

Sorry to hear about your Da. At least he's at peace, even if the rest of you are full of sorrow. May your hearts be lifted in joy at the life he led... Much love to you all.

Sharon Madson said...

OH, your ATCS are fabulous! But your news about Julia, even better! I had to go over there first! :) Ok, I now you said it was quick with that heart hanging, but if I tried it, it would take hours. When I sew, the needle breaks, then I have to rethread, and that takes hours, because I never remember how to do it. That is my experience with a sewing machine! LOL
#43 I think that is twice in a row I am that number. LOL

Felicia said...

Continued peace to you Jan in light of your most recent loss! I LOVE all those yummy ATC's! Happy Wednesday and blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #40

Lindart said...

Hi Jan, I'm so sorry about the loss of your father. I lost mine 15 years ago on the 21st of June, and I still think of him every day. It doesn't hurt as much now, and I can remember the good times we had with joy and a smile on my face. You will be there too, when you are ready. Lindart #45

Mariane said...

I do hope you are allright? - It is hard time for all of us one way or another, warm hug from Copenhagen..... so .....Happyness is... to find the right place where WOYWW is hiding :) - Thank you for hosting it

Suzanne Alexis said...

So sorry to hear about your dad. I've been MIA since Christmas, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Sparkly Engineer said...

It's been a long time since I have played along. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's space.

Praying for your family over the loss of your father

Kyla said...

Ooops very late for me....hope all is ok...you know how to reach me if you need to chat etc. xxxx

Kyla said...

just read the article on your Dad, what an amazing man to defeat the MOD! I also leant your full name!!! :0)

Scrapthology said...

A very cute heart and a big thank you for hosting the hop.

Kim said...

OMG! Love those cute mini scissors on the ATC! That is a wonderful story on your father. I hope you have a good week.

Unknown said...

Jan--I have been such a slob kabob about my desk and desking! I've joined in quite late, but hey, it's still Wednesday over here. I hope you and your family are doing well during this time--my heart goes out to you. Even though I'm 55 I do not like the idea of not having any parents here on this earth with me. I don't like it at all. It makes my heart heavy when I think of it, so I understand how you must feel, and it's not fair that we have to part with wonderful people who raised us! We have memories, photos, and stories to tell, and that's what we do now. I can only imagine how delightful your father was, because you certainly are, and now he can join May and June for tea! Many many hugs dearest. Sandy Leigh

Bridget Larsen said...

Funerals are the hardest things to plan, we have planned my grandmas already so when the day comes it is just a matter of activating it. That was a great article on your dad, he is such a handsome man
Bridget #9

Unknown said...

Been thinking and praying for you about your dad. It's so hard to lose a parent. Your little heart is just too cute but that bunny fabric is adorable! Hugs.
Carol N #35

April said...

Your desk looks so tidy. I think I need lessons. :-) Lovely hanging.
April #34

Dorlene Durham said...

The heart sachet is adorable! I haven't sewn in so long, it'll probably take me forever to make a little heart like that. Super cute fabric too!

Sofie V said...

Thanks for hosting this event! And for visiting me. I love the little heart you made!

Greetings, Sofie #39

Cara said...

Happy belated Wednesday aka Thursday! Oh gosh, how lucky am I, that fabric is divine. Will email you later. Sending hugs Cara x

Paper rainbow said...

Im so sorry to hear your news Jan. Much love sent yo you and your family. x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Jan, not playing this week wasn't well on Wednesday so doing that post today. I read the beautiful piece on your dad, he certainly was a man of vision, one to love and be very proud of indeed,
Lovely heart with the yummy fabric, an odd length is 21 m, in every way. :)
Thanks for sharing,
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Bernice said...

Cute heart - lovely fabric. A great selection of ATCs you have there!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for sharing another great group of ATC's...and that cute little heart.
Hoping you get back into the grove real quick and life returns to it's daily challenges and fun events. Thanks for hosting..


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...