News of Julia.....

Julia is now back home after her operation. The post op scan showed everything was clear, which is brilliant news. She is very tired, sore and still poorly, so I would respectfully suggest that anyone wanting to email/message her could wait for a couple of days. I'm happy to receive emails and will pass messages on if that helps.
LLJ xxxx


glitterandglue said...

Hello Jan. Well, this is incredible news! She was on the HDU on Wednesday - and now she is home. Tremendous. When she is able to concentrate long enough, do give her our love and tell her we continue to pray for her.
Thanks for all you are doing to support your friends. You are a star.

Ohhh Snap said...

I'm so glad that the surgery went well and she is home! Please tell her I'm thinking of her : D.

Elizabeth said...

Such good news, Jan. Please send her my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I'm sure being home will help immensely. Oh, I so agree with Margaret above - you are a star :) Elizabeth xx

Anne said...

Thank you for that news Jan, I have been thinking of her and her family. How wonderful that she is home - best place to be - she has done well. Please pass on my love and very best wishes for her continued recovery. Also wanted to say that you are indeed a very special lady/ friend supporting Julia as you are doing. x

Sue Jones said...

Wonderful News Jan . Thank you for letting us know . Hope she has a speedy recovery . xx

misteejay said...

Super news, I'm sure Julia will be happier now that she is home. Thank you Jan for keeping us up to date with everything - you are a star. Please pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Toni xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Thanks for the update on Jan. So glad she is home. I hope she feels much better soon. Please pass on my love to her. Sue

Diana Taylor said...

That's the best news Jan - thanks so much for the update. Please send her my love and I hope she continues to feel a little bit better every day. Lots of love to you too,
Diana xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Good news indeed - send our love too please! Take care! Hugs, Chrisx

Kathyk said...

Thanks for sharing the update, brilliant news. Hope you make a full and speedy recovery, Julia.

All the best


Annie Claxton said...

Thanks for the update Jan, please tell Julia I said hi and give her my very best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery xxx

Annie Claxton said...

Thanks for the update Jan, please tell Julia I said hi and give her my very best wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery xxx

Sharon said...

Thanks for the update. Wishing her well and a speedy recovery!

Cara said...


Robyn said...

thanks so much for the update and just let J. know that tons of Love and healing Light are being sent her way!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

So glad Julia is doing well! Hugs and prayers for her!

akilli melek said...

glad to hear things went well. send her my love, caroline xx

Christine said...

Wonderful news - ThankQ Jan - Well done Julia. Please take care now, I'm sorry to tell you but there is no need to rush back as Jan is doing a wonderful job of hosting.
Big (((HUGS))) to you both

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great news, sending the biggest hugs, Angela xXx

sandra de said...

Great news.

Claire Grantham said...

This is great news thanks LLJ for the update. Cx

Judys Lace Creations said...

Lots of people have been touched by "Julia" and want to pass on their messages.Thank you Jan for organising this and the Desk Hop.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thank you for the update....being home will help healing also.

RosA said...

Very good news! Hope being home will speed the healing process. Thanks for letting everyone know. Much appreciated. RosA xx


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