(Listen to a gorgeous version here)

Howdy! Another balmy, tropical day dawns in sunny Wiltshire!  What? Aren't you bathing in temperatures of 80C?? Well, I am.... only when the fire's lit, lolol!! It's blooming freezing outside...our Easter Eggs will all be frozen at this rate...sigh....

The desk....
Lots to see today:
*I'm piecing out some patchwork bits to make another knitting needle case
*I bought some more fat quarters.....but they were in the sale box, honest!
* My hare knitting bag is on the table. I don't know why....did I bring it up to 
  do something? Sigh.........
* I see my scissors sharpener is still out. I took it to school to sort out the teachers' scissors and haven't put it away yet. Tsk Tsk.
*I sewed the big spotty buttons onto a length of petersham for the WOYWW crop raffle. They look quite funky!

They might not actually make it on to the raffle table...cough..... :)
Here's a closer look at the fat quarters. Now this is a complete departure for me. I just don't do the chintzy look.....but these fabrics just 'spoke' to me across the crowded store. I'm getting soppy in my old age. I don't even know what I'm going to do with them....summat will happen one day...*grin*

Loads of you commented on the hares last week....I really do have a thing about them and consequently, I get a lot of hare related stuff as prezzies! This useful canvas tote holds my current knitting projects and was a gift from my lovely teacher friend Sue.
And here's my current knitting!! I'm going to make a blanket from squares made with left over yarns and 'odds'...you know, those single balls you find lurking in the bargain bins. It's only garter stitch but is great for something to do brainlessly while watching the telly. Hang on, doing things brainlessly is pretty much the story of my life at the moment!! Why change a good thing?!
Have a good week :)


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch lady Jan, I had a chuckle again through your post and yes I TOTALLY adore that rose chintz too begin a rose lover what is there not to love - and yes can see it yelling beckoning to you from the other side of the room, sending weather of 20c to you for the day, brr! over there, :(
Sending happy sunny WOYWW Shaz in oz.x no number yet!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

We are still freezing in downtown sunny Worcestershire. Mind you, we did get some sunshine today (Tuesday) with forecasts of more snow, maybe, probably, perhaps, depending on which forecast you listen to. Love your materials, and the colours of those squares ore pretty too. I am still struggling to find somewhere locally to buy decent wool. I want to crochet myself a nice cosy blanket. We have lost all our independent good shops. Have lots of fun with your beautiful chintz. xx Maggie (no number yet)

Lisa Richards said...

I admire you gals who knit. I'm too ADD. Can't stick with one thing for long! Looks like you're having lots of colorful fun!
Have a great WOYWW!
Lisa (no # yet)
Pen and Ink...and maybe some paint...

Words and Pictures said...

Can absolutely see why those fabrics spoke to you - I'm not chintzy either, but they're flat out beautiful! LOVE that hare too (also a hare lover, though not a collector as such - have one tiny Steiff one that I adore)... I've missed a few, but happy to be back (and with my mother in tow this time!)... Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

lisa said...

Morning Jan.
As always you have lots happening on your desk. Love all the roses, just wish there was a chance of seeing them in the garden too. With our weather this year we'll probably still be under snow come June!!
What a surprise to spot my Sweet Pea hanger on your board there. I'd forgotten I'd sent you it but what a sweetie to still have it up.
Did you have a favour to ask me, I can't remember?
Enjoy your 80o!!
Hugs Lisax #60

Lucy said...

Wow - such busyness! I love seeing the desks of people who are into many different crafts and also attempting several projects at a time! That's what I usually do, but hav sadly been completely craft free for a week while getting my new cats settled into their new abode, it's so worth it though! I may have some spare balls of yarn for you that i don't appear to ever be getting around to, for your squares if you'd like them. I just need to find them! Have a great week and thanks for sharing! Lucy #37 x

Kyla said...

Ooh you have been busy, love the hare bag.
Scissor sharpener? New to me, is that the white machine on the right?

Kyla #63

Unknown said...

What gorgeous fabrics, I can't wait to see what you do with them. I'm also enjoying 80 deg ... the fire, the central heating, a hot bath ... whatever will work to warm me up! Fortunately the sun is shining today but there is still SNOW on the ground ... argh! Thanks for sharing, keep warm and Happy Woyww Liz @ 69

Helen said...

Got to the end and realised I hadn't checked on today's song.., had to go back to the top! How gorgeous is all that fabric, and the buttons and ..and .... sun out here today, so far so good...! Happy WOYWW, Helen, 12

Annie said...

I'm having a whiz around a few desks while my twinnies have their morning nap :-)It may depend how long they go down for as to how many I get to see this morning. :-)
I'm chuckling cos it's brainless tasks that I do best. :-)
Annie x #44

Anne said...

Fab post lovely things to look at!!! I do like the 'chintzy' fabric - something about it so no surprised t spoke to you - '' buy me buy me'' :-) Happy WOYWW Anne x #84

My name is Cindy said...

Sooo many projects! Love those funky buttons, will quite understand if they don't make it to the table..... Keep the fire going - no sign of this awful weather letting up (although it does look a little brighter today.....)Happy Easter!! Cindy #91

Heathers Inspiration said...

Ooh those fabrics are Gorgeous, totally Love them x
Fab knitting project on the go and lots more too, you have been so busy :0)
Happy Easter WOYWW heather #86

SueH said...

Looks like you’ve had a very busy week again Jan!
I’m loving that fabric, it’s not surprising that it ‘just called’ to you. Can’t wait to see what you make with it.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 101

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Love that fabric, not generally into chintz either, but they're very pretty, and no doubt better than the cold outside your window. Perhaps you're just subconsciously craving warmth and flowers! Beautiful bag, just love the hare's face, so expressive. What the heck is a length of Petersham? Is that the ribbon?

Brenda 110

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, love that song and love Eddi's rendition in particular - gorgeous. And love your rosy fat quarters ... can quite understand that they would sing to you across the store. Can't wait to see what you will make with them. The spotty buttons look very happy on that ribbon - it would take a brave woman to part with them!
Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #45
PS: you are responsible for me sitting here for nigh on 30 minutes just playing one Eddi Reader video after another - shame on you :))

MiniOwner said...

Oh some gorgeous stuff on your workdesk, Jan. I love the hare bag and the patchwork is going to be so pretty. I wouldn't blame you in the least if those buttons failed to make the raffle. LOL Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@29)

Deb said...

Your table is so lovely and tidy, love the patchwork you are making, so pretty. those buttons looks fabulous on display, who could blame you for not putting them in the raffle? The hare on your knitting bag reminds me of Hartley hare from Pipkins! Funny what jog can your memory at times!

famfa said...

I love hares too, in fact I miss them, always used to watch them them jumping majestically across the fields in England - don't see them here! Great idea for odds of wool. I use mine for my Granny Blanket. Great fat squares, lovely prints.
Famfa 111

Unknown said...

Once again--we're like twins, I swear. I making seed stitch squares for a blanket! (or maybe a small lap throw if I get tired of making squares, ha!) I am proud of you for braving the chintz world! Years ago, there was an interior designer in New York, and they always called him "the Prince of Chintz!" It is a little hard to be productive when winter just drags on, and spring refuses to reload! You are trudging through so nicely. But like Ron, Joseph and Minnie will find any spot of sunlight to bask in for as long they can! I hope your eggs don't freeze and that you have a wonderful Easter! I'm having everyone over (including the daughter's new boyfriend, oh my) and I'm making ham, scalloped potatoes, bubble buns, veggies, spinach dip, a chocolate bundt cake and a carrot cake! Lord help me! Hugs dearest. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #28

Anonymous said...

Oh I cannot WAIT for the WOYWW crop to come around again.... Although I have done blankets from crochet squares I've never even really THOUGHT to do it from knitted ones. Silly, as that size and time frame for completion just about matches my skill level and attention span.....


MA (5)

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow you are busy! Loving those buttons and that hare. Your knitting is so pretty. Hope you are well and dandy, won't be long and June will be on us and I shall see you all! Take care my WOYWW friend. Zo xx 117

Julia Dunnit said...

Change nothing, unless I strongly recommend it of course!! I love the chintzes..and I have no idea what you cando with them either, but doubtless something will call for them, it was ever thus. Tomorrow then Gal, shall be sick of my own company by then!

Winnie said...

Such fun goodies to look at. LOVE the floral fabrics! Your knitting is lovely, I don't know how to knit, but when I see others doing it I wish I had learned! Have a Happy Easter! Winnie#78

Darnell said...

Your post is always a fun stop on the WOYWW tour, LLJ! Always so much going on, so pretty, so creative, so full of life and fun. And apparently, this week, full of addlepations. Snap out it! No "old age" talk allowed. You are way too brilliant and vital and life-affirming to fall into that nonsense talk! (I took my Bossy Pill earlier, can you tell? I'm also having a bad hare day. [eek, couldn't resist.])

Thanks for coming by early o'clock (my time) to see me. Have a wonderful holiday and week! xxoo Darnell #43

Deb said...

Wow, that was fast! I shall be sending some goodies back your way so if there is anything you would like particularly let me know!

Unknown said...

Me again too!!! Okay...bubble buns..they are these huge rolls my family makes for all holiday dinners. They start with those little frozen dinner roll squares (the brand here is Rhodes) and then we take muffin tins, and put two squares in each section of the muffin tin, then let them rise which takes 3 or 4 hours since they start out frozen, and they rise to this huge bubble-like formation, and then you bake them for 20 minutes, and top them each with butter when they come out of the oven. Everyone loves them, and the children in the family especially go crazy for them! I'm so used to calling them bubble buns though. Tee hee! We make dozens, so that whatever is leftover whether it's turkey or ham, the bubble buns make it a great sandwich later!

shazsilverwolf said...

That chintzy fabric makes me think of Miss Marple, for some reason, lol.Running very late today, nothing new there. Love the hare- my thing is Penguins & Wolves, and also get loads of stuff with them on.And buy stuff with them on too.As you do. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #144xx

Jaki Morris said...

Ooo LLJ you have the same end number as me!

I might need a private lesson from you as I want to make a cot quilt, my first ever, for a new baby due, well I don't know when!

Jakix #129

Caro said...

Love the hare! There is so much going on here; the buttons are fab and I love the look of the new patchwork pattern. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x #73

Laura said...

Gorgeous hare bag
Love the squares for the blanket
Happy Wednesday

fairy thoughts said...

lots going on on your desk as usual. I don't 'do' chinz either but I can see why you brought them especially the one on the right. The buttons look like medals hanging down like that, you might need to think of a special reason to give them away.
your hare bag is fab too. have a good week and enjoy the sunshine :)

Belinda Basson said...

Sewing and knitting are not my craft of choice, but I love what you are making. Love the Hare bag, we have a bunny called Luigi in a hutch who has a penchant for chewing electric wires if we let him loose in the house!

Lisa-Jane said...

I love those chintzy fabrics - would be beautiful offset with something plainer but then you know that's right up my street!

Victoria said...

Wow..what a super beautiful post..love your patchwork pieces..especially those pale greens and vibrant blues! and those florals/roses..all look so vintage-y..ever so charming! I love the bunny too..and your knitted creations are so pretty..I have always wanted to knit..you have inspired me!
Thanks for your kind visit

Ali H said...

Love the March Hare ! And those buttons do look very tempting ! have a fun Easter weekend ! Ali #159

Unknown said...

Oh, those fat quarters are beautiful!
Sometimes I wish I was a quilter. :>)
Actually I'd probably get kicked out if I collect anymore

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your blog. You are making my sewing bone wake up. lo1! One of these days I am going to sew something. I'm so going to learn how to knit too. It's so pretty. Love what you are doing. SueC#137

HeARTworks said...

You've been busy, LLJ! I'm wondering what you're going to do with those big buttons?Love those colors! I'm a vintage gal myself and those flower prints would call out to me too!
Patsy from

Kelly said...

Hi Jan! Hmmm more fat quarters? Yeah, I can't resist new fabric either. Is it coincidence I manage to be in the quilt store quite often when new bolts come in? I keep telling myself it is :-D Lovely Chintz. I was already mentally picking out coordinating fabrics. LOL Creative Blessings with what you come up with. Kelly #158

Di said...

Hi Jan!

I think you collect material like I collect pretty patterned card :) Totally adore the hare on your knitting bag!!

Thank you so much for calling by - belated Happy WOYWW and a Happy Easter. Hugs, Di xx #51

Debs Willis said...

Hi Jan, love the hare tote bag - so cute! And the chintzy material is lovely :-)

Happy woyww

Deb s#90

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, Thank you for visiting me and for your sweet comments. I'm so sorry to hear of your losses as well. Glad to hear your son is feeling better. Mine is too! Whew! We are going to need a vacation after all of this, huh? ;) Psi Chi is a national honor society (dd has really good grades!). lol! Next week our parallel lives are going to be on a better path! Hugs, SueC#137

Twiglet said...

Belated WOYWW greetings!! I have emailed you. x Jo

Robyn said...

Thanks for welcoming me to your space, and visiting mine! and your kind words.
Love the bunny! and the fibers too!
This is my kind of madness!
Robyn 164

sara j said...

Once again your desk looks great to me. Those fat quarters are gorgeous. Maybe those of us living in the northern climates can be forgiven an occasional foray over into the flowers. These are very bright and cheery. I so appreciated your kind words on my blog; seems as if you, too, are having one of those periods in life when you start to wonder and "what's next?". We did get a bit of relatively good news. My sweetie is in Colorado for his father's memorial service and we found out right before he left one of his brothers has lung cancer...at least it's only stage 1 and not stage 4. One thing I do know is that if we look hard enough, we can find something good in just about everything....Hope you Dad adjusts to his new living arrangements and you get some time to play. Thanks again Jan.
sara j#24

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I'm so late doing the rounds this week, but wanted to say, "Happy Easter" to you and yours,
Fiona xx


  ALL THE COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW... Well, that was a wild and woolly week eh? Though we missed the snow here on the coast, we had LOTS of ra...