Hi there all you lovely deskers! Another week of crafty sharing hosted by the lovely Sarah in her Craft Shed.

It's a short and sweet offering from me today! I have done some sewing but it's all either been passed on or put in storage for the next craft fair (ie I forgot to take any pics, doh...)

There was a heap of stuff on the desk yesterday as I sorted out items to go on a Ukraine Convoy courtesy of The Gift of Warmth charity:

A few cardis and jumpers, plus a bag of hats and some tote bags for them to make up parcels of toiletries etc. They had to go yesterday as the convoy is leaving in a couple of weeks' time.

I realised that I'm bad at making time for other things too so I sat down with a YouTube tutorial and my paints, having been inspired by Lynnecrafts.

The tutorial was by Andrew Geeson, he's a bit of an acquired taste but does some simple yet effective lessons! I added some ink outlines not featured in the tutorial:

Rough and ready but it'll make a nice card!

And that's it - hope you all have a wonderful week and may your paints never dry up xxxx


Helen said...

Happy WOYWW.. it's not rough and ready, it's beautiful! have a good week . Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

Ooh that watercolouring is fabulous Jan - love the added lines too. What a lovely array to send to Ukraine - I am sure they will be very appreciated. Glad the fund raising went so well too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

You are far too modest - your card is gorgeous. If you print copies, and send me five I will donate a tenner to your favourite charity! Now there's a thought!!! Well done on your makes. They will all be much appreciated. x x Jo

BJ said...

Thanks to your post and clear title I realised I was a number too many on my post and have now corrected that. Totally losing it these days. Absolutely love your painting, so delicate, will have to look up that tutorial. Just remembered I did a watercolour in my Bible yesterday and forgot to include that, where is my head these days. Oh man. Hugs BJ#4

My name is Cindy said...

Love your watercolour, I think the black lines really make it pop. Well done on all your other makes, you are very generous with your time and energy. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy#9

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Beautiful watercolour, good to see you making time for something relaxing. You should scan and copy that and then you can make loads of cards and keep the original. Have a good woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Oh wow, Jan! That is stunning! I'm intrigued by your 'acquired taste' comment so I'm off to have a look! I think your added pen really makes it all pop and I think you should definitely do more. Could be another string to your charity stall bow! Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #11

Neet said...

Your poppy card is beautiful, you do some beautiful watercolours. I really think you should do more of these cards or make them into calendars and put them in the shop.
Love all the work you have done for Ukraine, these things will be so gratefully received and some little girl will be in love with her new cardi.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh the poppy painting is beautiful - I think the black lines really make it. I agree with Neet that these would be snapped up in the shop if you printed them out! The little cardigans are so cute and I'm sure all your goodies will be very much appreciated - they are having such a tough time over there that hopefully receiving something so beautifully and caringly made might put a smile on someones face.
Hope you have a lovely week
Hugs, Diana xx #13

Annie said...

Well done on your sewing and your water colour painting is gorgeous. As Jo says you are far too modest.
Annie x #7

Lindart said...

LOVE your watercolour card! Adding the ink outlines made it exceptional! Have a wonderful week! Lindart #17

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jan, what a lovely collection of goodies you've made for the charity. I'm sure they will all be much appreciated, especially the cute little cardies. And your watercolour painting is gorgeous. Not rough and ready at all! Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #15

Crafting With Jack said...

Your Ukraine goods will be much appreciated I am sure. I do like your watercolour, as for being rough and ready, no such thing I assure you. It will make a great card. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Susan Renshaw said...

Your painting is beautiful!
Happy WOYWW Susan #8.
Just put the granddaughters on the train to go home and now away for the weekend to look after Ollie while his Mum and Dad go to a wedding. Fortunately the holiday cottage has internet,,,

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
I LOVE this card! Great! And great too what you are doing for the Ukraine.
Best wishes Eva from Austria

Kelly said...

Hi Jan.
First off, love the painting. I'm thinking poppies? Go you on stepping out of your comfort zone.
those items for the Ukraine convey will be much appreciated. I'll have to tell you all a story sometime. Something I've always wanted to do but never seem to get around to. Maybe I need something like the convoy deadline. Hmm.
Big hugs & Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #15

Mary Anne said...

In awe, as ever, at your charity output. I have a few things on the go (hearts and bears, mostly) but nothing like your pile of stuff. Amazing. OMG I love that card - what a fun piece. I must give it a go - I have been so bad about using my watercolours and you always inspire me, and Lynne too. I think the pen outlines make all the difference. Fabulous!
Late, but determined to get around!
Mary Anne (3)


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