After last week's photo marathon, a shorter offering today! I was inspired by many of the deskers who have been clearing out and resorting the stashes so:

It was carnage in the Cave! Everything came out before being put into piles for recycling/redistribution or keeping. And because of this, I discovered these hidden away in a box:

I'd kept some legs from old jeans to use for projects and had completely forgotten about them! I'm cutting out cases and purses from the better parts of the denim.

I haven't got very far yet, just mulling over linings...

Most of my time has been spent outside in the garden, working but also just watching the sparrows having a free for all in the bird bath - sheer entertainment, lol!  The veg beds are starting to be productive:
Radishes, spinach and lettuce are providing the basis of my salad lunch every day. Look at that Golden Marjoram in the herb bed at the back, isn't it wow?!

And the garden is looking and sounding great, all you can hear are bees buzzing and birds chirping, it's brilliant and amazing how it's developed in only three years:
I love it!

I'm having my second Covid jab tomorrow so visiting may be curtailed but hooray for being fully vaccinated. 

Have a great week everyone! xxxx



Helen said...

Loving the garden - you've certainly achieved lots in 3 years! good luck with the jab later - had mine Sunday, no side effects apart from a bit of sore arm. Happy WOYWW Helen#??

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope the second jab goes well Julia. The garden looks fabulous indeed! Great find while sorting your stash too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh Jan, I have garden envy. I am in awe of your garden and the specific beds, too. I like that you have totally eliminated the mowing. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

My name is Cindy said...

Oh that garden is looking wonderful (and still under control unlike mine which is bursting at the seams). It's actually quite nice rummaging through all the bits you keep for 'one day projects' - good that you have managed to find a use for those old jeans! Just lately my sorting has been going more along the lines of 'what was I thinking? Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

Julia Dunnit said...

Hooray hooray, am very pleased and hope that it doesn’t do the side effects thing on you. Finding the denim just a week after being asked for some more male flavoured stuff is a right old serendipity. My inclination for the linings is to keep them either fairly plain or stay away from contrasts…Bart for example, would prefer the boats to the lime dots. No help at all, huh! Garden looks really fab, three years was a bit of a surprise, but yep, it does look nicely established. Keep the radishes, but I’ll take the rest of the produce.

Sue said...

Hi Jan, That denim material will be great with any of those other fabrics.

Your garden looks fab, as does your veg plot.


Debbie Rock said...

Nothing like a good sort out to then not be able to find anything - or maybe you are just a better sorter-outer than me! How can it possibly be three years already!!!!! Your garden is just beautiful - a style that appeals to me as I am not a huge fan of more traditional flower gardens. I love watching the little birdies too - spend way too much time watching their comings and goings but, hey, we are retired, right! Much love to you dearest Jan. Love Debbie xXx

Twiglet said...

I have loads of denim Jan so if the purses etc work well, you are welcome to dip into my stash!! Your garden looks wonderful - amazing how quickly things establish and look like they have always been there. Good luck with the vacc. xx Jo

Christine said...

Your garden is looking really good. Catt is coming round to mine today to knockback (prune) a few bushes. I love gardening and your herb bed looks scrumptious.
Have a good week
Christine #24

Neet said...

What treasure do we find when we tidy up? It's amazing isn't it? Love the idea of the jeans being used for spec cases etc with jazzy linings. I always think denim is a seller for things like cases.
Do you remember once giving me a tiny purse with a popper on the front? Well, it now sits permanently in my handbag and has my face mask in. I just fold it up and stuff it in. Might be an idea for some more "Jan makes" for the 'RNLI. I'd certainly buy another.
The garden looks wonderful. The kind of garden I like, lots of colour and not too much to tend. Of course being over run by ants (as in our back garden - red ones too) I don't do much tending. Love the herbs - if only I had a herb garden!
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Lisa-Jane said...

Good luck with the second jab lovely lady! Your garden is looking amazing and so different to when I saw it in the flesh. I've got some of the golden marjoram too and it makes such a lovely splash of colour doesn't it? Even though it's still pretty much green! FAB idea with the denim for the specs cases etc - perfect for the request for more muted colours from the RNLI shop. I bet they'd go down well with the males too. Would it work as a mask do you think? Would be great for those little desk bins with the weight on, do you know the kind I mean? Bye for now, Lisa-Jane, #8

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan, hope you feel ok after your jab. Your garden is looking good and the denim purses ok will be very cool and attractive for some of the customers.
I’m so glad you lik Pavlov’s cat! We’re all programmed, aren’t we?
Hope to see you soon, Thea is really looking brighter. Fingers crossed!
Lynnecrafts 11

Spyder said...

oh!!! poo, my internet is playing up and not showing me any of your pictures, so I will call back later!!Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #26

Mary Anne said...

OK so usually I am so blown away by the textiles or the watercolours I can barely mention anything else, but this week it is ALLLL about that lovely garden. Wish you would come do mine, which is a disaster, despite real effort to make it...not. I feel happy to think I inspired you, than you for saying so, because it feels too long since I properly crafted and finished a project. Ah well, my stash of handmade cards grows and there will be time for other things again soon.

Back from my first real HAIRCUT in 18 months - truly a HAPPY WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Crafting With Jack said...

Your garden is fabulous, full of beauty and goodness too. We had no reaction to our second jab so hope you won’t get one either. Angela #12

Morti said...

Woohoo! Using denim is a great idea because it's so robust and will stand up to wear and tear in pockets and handbags... great upcycling! Want any more? Hehehehhe

Your garden is looking lovely. Reminds me to post some pics next week.

Thank you for stopping by today...

Morti x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That's a definite advantage of sorting through your stash - finding long lost treasures you never knew you had! Your garden looks amazing - so neatly laid out with the pots in the middle! It's so joyful watching your plants grow isn't it, although I get a bit stressed when they start looking a bit sad and I can't figure out what's wrong with them. Mollycoddling probably LOL - sometimes they're better off left to their own devices! Happy WOYWW, Jan! Thanks for your visit earlier! xx zsuzsa #28

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, your garden is looking beautiful. We still need to do more weeding. I love having a big garden but it is very time consuming and I have crafting to do Lol! I must say that sorting the craft stuff is interesting as I always find stuff I had forgotten about in fact it's quite exciting Lol! Have fun and a happy woyww, Angela x17x

Shoshi said...

Well done on the stash clearing, Jan, and your garden is really lovely! Thank you for your sweet comment. I know I shall be fine, whatever the outcome. I agree that being positive and having a sense of humour helps! Breast cancer is so common - I was amazed when the nurse told me that 1 in 8 women will get it. That's a pretty terrifying figure. It's really special to know that the WOYWW family will be rooting for me, as before. We are a great community! So glad you like the Persian tiles. It's such an enjoyable project.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #9

Annie said...

I love your garden Jan...I’m sure, like ours that it gives you lots to smile about daily.
Annie x #16

StampinCarol said...

Great purging! I need to do that in our storage shed.
Love the garden.
Looked back and what a great batch of happy mail! And what adorable
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #30

Stacy Sheldon said...

YAY for being fully vaccinated and having that behind you with one less thing to stress about Jan. Love your garden :) ~Stacy #31

Lillianb said...

Loving your garden and you are so right watching the sparrows in the bird bath is entertaining I used to have a pigeon that would sit in the bath for ages, not got a garden now but feel the hedgehogs outside the patio and its fun watching the. Hope the second vaccine goes well with no affects

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #10

roffeycreations said...

Hiya Jan - just a quick pop by to say Hi - I am - like every one seems to be "flat out like a lizard drinkin" to use an Aussie expression LOL!
Gorgeous stuff on your desk - Have a great week - Stay safe & well - Cheers Maurs xxx #35

Marit said...

Your clearing/restoring action payed off... it looks neat and I love that you kept the jeans-legs, I too hang on to such things to use later... and your garden is WOW. And yay for having the second Covid jab, I get my second vaccin next week, it will feel a bit more safe to have that done allright. Big hug to you beautiful one, love from Holland. Marit #20 (P.S. Cataract surgery went very well, I am in the healing mode right now but am able to spend some time at the computer... and I can SEE well, yay!!! )

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
Are you ok with your second jab?? No headache? No fever? I hope so!!
Your garden - oh so pretty!! You have a green thumb! ♥
Denim for cases and purses - a good idea. Especially for men?
Stay well and spend nice hours in the garden.
Eva from Austria

Lindart said...

Congratulations on your second jab! I still have to wait until July 19th, but looking forward to it! I love the idea of a jean bag, and I would choose the nautical liner myself...We love watching the birds splashing around in our birdbath too, and the squirrels, and the foxes! Have a great week, Lindart #33


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