WOYWW 600+1


Wishing my wonderful husband a Happy Birthday today, he's a quiet, understated, awesome, funny person whom I love dearly - he has had to put up with a load of nonsense living with me all these years!!

Well, I thoroughly enjoyed both the 600 celebrations last week and the Zoom Crop on Saturday! How lovely to see friendly faces old and new and to meet people properly, it was just wonderful and also great fun to see who was an uncontrollable giggler like me...yes Felicia, I'm looking at you!!  I really hope that we can do something again but maybe in smaller groups to make it a bit more manageable. It was fun to hear voices, meet pets of all descriptions and trying to describe Marmite.....you had to be there.... :-D

As the morning gals saw, my eldest son arrived home during the first session and as he has to work from home during his stay, the JanCave is now full of monitors and laptops. So I've been crafting where I can!

The coffee table in our lounge for example where I was making something to identify myself at the Crop, using some old reindeer antlers and card/felt tips.

There I am, top row, 2nd from left, looking really daft! Hey Lynne, we could have pretended to be in University Challenge, lolol! I seemed to get everyone looking down or out of frame, sorry.....  It was great fun and I was impressed with Zoom, mostly the pics and sound quality were great.

I was crocheting another stripy blanket during the Crop and carried on during a Facetime chat with Julia:

This is at the kitchen table where the light is lovely to work in - I like doing stripy blankets, don't have to think too hard ;-)

And it's where I've been doing some more cross stitch, a hare has started to appear top right and I'm doing what should be snowflakes (but which have morphed into dandelion heads) in a silver -gilt metallic floss which is a complete and utter monumental pain in the A£$e!! It splits and tangles at the drop of a hat - I'm doing my best to be calm and zen but I am never using it again, pretty though it is. The air has been blue......

I shall leave you with the decorations that my SiL Jill has been making from scraps left over from quilting:
So pretty and effective, love the little bells - they'll be treasured for years to come. Well done Jill, they are really lovely and, yet again, I am in awe at your meticulousnessnessness (If that isn't a word, it ought to be, lol!)

Thanks for all the friendship and support you lovely lot, I enjoyed the last week a lot but here's hoping that we won't have to use zoom to meet next year xxxx


Helen said...

Hi Jan, it was great to see and hear you on Saturday, it was such fun. Happy Birthday to G. hope he has a good day. The cross stitch is coming on a-pace! Happy WOYWW Helen #3

Neet said...

Happy Birthday to G - it was my son's on Saturday which is maybe why I was so quiet. How lovely to have your son home with you; does that mean he is staying for Christmas? Well worth losing your Jan Cave.
Love the decorations your sil made for you, how gorgeous are they? Also love the view of the embroidery - it shows it off perfectly and I can see the 3D (ness) of it. It is looking rather special now and I love your snowflakes. They can be snowflakes in winter and dandelion heads the rest of the year (but they look like snowflakes to me).
Have a lovely week.
Hugs, Neet xx 8

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I noticed that bottom left the person had done a runner:) LOL

So glad you all enjoyed the virtual crop.

The fox stitching is coming along lovely. Your lovely colourful blanket is also getting big quickly.

Those decorations your sister-in-law made are lovely.


Twiglet said...

A lovely post Jan - Happy Birthday G!. Your screen pic of us all at the crop is priceless - we must all have been engrossed in our crafty activity and listening hard to the chatter going on. Thanks for sharing and for helping make the day go so well. Long may it last and yes - 2021 will need to be a celebratory Crop so we can all let our hair down. xx Jo

Mary Anne said...

Love your projects as ever. Your Zoom hats really made my day and it was lovely to "see" you there. I envy you your visit from your son - def. tugged at my heartstrings. I see, like my journal page, your xstitch inching closer to completion. My we both finish soon LOL!

Have to skip off for a bloodtest (ugh. Tired of them now...) but I was determined to make it at least thru your number before I take a break.

Happy WOYWW! (WowWee!)

Mary Anne (1)

Annie said...

Happy birthday to your gorgeous hubby...hope he's being spoilt rotten. Saturday was such a lovely day...the only thing missing was the hugs so lets hope we can have those soon. You should have warned us all you were taking the pic...we would have all looked up and smiled for you [instead of showing off our double chins!! :-) ].
Thanks for your gorgeous cross stitched card...I love it.
Annie x #11

Sue said...

Happy Birthday Mr LLJ. It's my mum's birthday today too. Lovely photo of everyone along with your gorgeous textile work. I might save it to refer back to!! Hugs, Sue #24 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan and all, and happy bIrthday Gordon! Lovely to see you on Sat. It would e been fun doing a Young Ones Uni!
Your hare is great. I wondered when one would pop up 😏
Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 26 (what? Is today Wednesday? ?)

Diana Taylor said...

Happy Birthday to G. hope you all have a nice celebration together. I love the decorations you SiL made - they look soooo tricky but extremely effective. The embroidery is looking fabulous, I'm thinking of staring another little one now - you are great inspiration. It was lovely seeing you on Saturday and I loved the different disguises but I knew it was you all along!!
Have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx #20

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi Jan!

Great to properly meet you. If you all do really get together next time, perhaps there can be a Zoom “Station “ where you can each check in with those of us far away and unable to attend in person.

Something to think about....doing both, although not the food..

Stay safe and well
Happy Wednesday


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Happy birthday to your husband, Jan. I tried to let you know how funny your head dresses were. I liked the "hat" and the blinky one, too. I tried to let you know in the second session, but I don't think anyone noticed. You had a lot going on during the zoom meetings. At one point I asked when it turned into a crochet and knitting group since several of you were doing those at the same time. I really had fun, even if you couldn't see me. Happy WOYWW from #2.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Zoom was fab, wasn't it? it would be great to do them occasionally, to involve all the people who physically can't get to a real live one.Hopefully I can do the next one from my craft room, and not the sofa,lol.Happy Birthday to Gordon, hope he's having a perfect day.Fab that Owen is home for Christmas, even if he's taken over the Jan cave!The cross stitch is coming along beautifully, and those decorations by your SIL are just gorgeous. Isn't she clever? Love and hugs to you all, Stay safe, Shaz #12 XxXxXxXx

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah, hope Gordon is having a lovely day, no doubt you three will make it special. Love the decorations that Jill has made, how fiddly clever is she! Fab to chat on monday as well, still smiling over Saturday!

Chana Malkah said...

I love your blanket, it is gorgeous! Your SIL's decorations are nice, too!

The cross stitch scene is coming along nicely!

Chana Malkah, #31

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, your antlers are fun and no less than I would expect you to wear to identify yourself. Meeting on Zoom sounds like a lot of fun too - I wish I could have been there. Maybe next time. I was wondering whether a hare would make it on to your embroidery and no surprise that it has. Metallic thread is notorious for splitting. I've tried to use it on the sewing machine, once, and I vowed never, ever, to do so again. Love your SIL's decorations - truly beautiful. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #34

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

It was fun to see you on Saturday Jan - with your antlers LOL - two kinds (or was the second set bunny ears?) It was so difficult to take good screenshots of 20+ people - while in real life you could say 'cheese' there was no way to warn everyone that we were taking a shot - Sarah's got her tongue out LOL! I hope your son didn't mind sharing you with us for a couple of hours - it was nice seeing him on camera for a few seconds. Those leaves on your coffee table look like gelli prints? Your SIL's decorations look lovely! Very medieval perhaps because they remind me of a jester's hat! Thanks so much for your visit - just realised that I forgot to boast about your watercolour card on my blog, but I will next time! xx zsuzsa #23

Felicia said...

Jan.....I AM STILL laughing about that bit!!! EVERY TIME I think about it, I just get a chuckle!!! LOLOL It was so awesome to see everyone even by far!! We all had lots to say and things (and animals) to share and it was positively great fun!! I hope to do it again! And yes....my giggles get quite uncontrollable and even get a *snort* or two in there if you really get me going...just ask my kids!! Great fun!! I'm loving seeing you stripy blanket metamorphizes!! I love those colors and it reminds me of the candy stick we used to get as kids at the dime store. Of course, they aren't a dime anymore, they have capitalized on that little ditty!! And the cross stitch is really looking great! Yea, the metallic floss would have had one go around with me, then it would have been chucked...my patience is thin! LOL I really LOVE, LOVE the decorations that Jill made! Some people are just so stinking crafty! I would not have envisioned ANYTHING out of quilt scraps!! LOL I'm a little slow on the thinking outside the box thing! LOL Blessings to you Jan and again, Saturday was great fun! Felicia, #29

Caro said...

It was soo lovely to see you again on Saturday. It was such a fun occasion. I can completely understand the frustration with the thread - I have bad experiences with normal thread but the one occasion I tried with metallic thread it ended up in the bin! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With Love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#33)

Catriona said...

I love your blanket but sadly can’t crochet at all. The hoop embroidery is ramping along-a good project when you are shut out of the Jan cave. It was such fun on Saturday-can’t believe it’s 18 months since we first met!

Shoshi said...

It was so great seeing you "in the flesh" as it were, on Zoom, Jan! I loved all your various headgears! Great fun. Nice to see a screen grab too. It was fun being on there but too many people all talking at once made any proper conversation pretty difficult... I absolutely adore those pretty fabric decorations - really pretty. I thought they were little bags to start with. You did well, crocheting away, and the stripy blanket is coming on a treat. The cross stitch is amazing! I agree with you about the metallic thread - it can be a pain to work with. I've got some softer stuff that I've used (mostly for other embroidery rather than cross stitch). It's best to use short lengths, and keep twisting it in the opposite direction from the one it wants to go, pull it through slowly, and don't pull it too tight.

Thank you for your two comments - I've now put a "sticky" post at the top of my blog warning people of the over-zealous spam checker and to keep trying. I just have to remember to keep checking to see if anyone is being blocked. It's a major pain, but I just have to deal with it! Lynne's comment has now come up for moderation, and I shall be dealing with all of that so she can get her needle book in due course. Sorry for the trouble this has been causing.

I'm glad you liked my name badge! It's the first Zentangle I've done in a very long time.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18

StampinCarol said...

I'm so glad so many were able to Zoom.
I amended my post to explain my car arm rests. But they were made out of very thin fabric and tore (car is 13 years old) when I had the inside cleaned, and they kept tearing more and more.
Love the bright colors of your blanket, so cheerful!
And your embroidery looks great. I remember using that silver thread and I agree with you!
Cool decorations!
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #28

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, firstly happy birthday to G. How wonderful to have your eldest son home. My girls have both flown the nest and have their own families now - they have been gone for years, but I still miss having them around. It was lovely to see you on Saturday, and I agree, a smaller group might be more manageable, in the future. I could only see one person on my tablet - 16 would have been better! I do love the colours on your blanket. I'm still on my first 3 projects - all small baby blankets. I wouldn't dream of attempting a full size blanket yet - but I can definitely see me doing one in the future! Thanks for stopping by my blog. A kindred spirit - I do like to have multiple projects on the go at once, so if I feel like sewing, scrapbooking, painting, colouring, cardmaking, and now crocheting or anything else, I always have something to pick up and do. I find it difficult to sit down and do nothing - I have to be 'doing' lol. Have a lovely week, Heather #17 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, you're so right it was brilliant on Saturday and can't wait to do it again. I thought I'd never get to the posts today, three deliveries of craft stuff, one delivery of a surprise raffle prize, walking dogs, sorting mum's vaccination, trying to finish some cards and that's without the usual stuff like cooking Lol! Love the fabric decorations and happy birthday to hubby too. Wishing you a lovely creative week, Angela x19x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Loved your different hats on Saturday Jan! I'd give up all sorts to have a son come to stay - not that they can...but I would!! Well done for getting something done on Saturday too - it looks fabulous!. Love those decorations - how clever! Hugs, Chrisx #38

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. I wish I had thought of making something to identify myself with for the Zoom. Time for crafting has been far too restricted recently. I have signed up for a crafty Zoom tomorrow night - Painted Ángels. Looking forward to learning some new methods. Must be wonderful to have your son at home. We are only having a brief visit from stepdaughter & 2 of our grandchildren on the 23rd. My mum has decided not to travel until we have had the vaccine. Just need the weather to improve, so we can get out for walks or bike rides. Ali x. #16

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Jan, ooh I love that you made a name tag for your antlers that is so fun. and I am totally impressed with how your stitched piece is coming along too. ~Stacy #35

Sarah Brennan said...

It was good to see you too Jan. Love your SIL's decorations. The cross stitch is coming on well. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Susan Renshaw said...

It was lovely to catch up with so many on Saturday! It all worked very well.
Love your stripey blanket - lovely colours! I also love Jill's ornaments - I am wondering about the pattern...
Happy Birthday to your husband - it is my husband's Birthday on Sunday which reminds me I have yet to make a card!
Happy 601st WOYWW!
Stay Safe and Keep Well...
Susan #9
Calling All Crafters! – My personal Blog!

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
Found you in the row. Nice reindeer antlers!! And good Mom is giving the JanCave to son - you are a real precious person....
Have nice days.
Eva from Austria

BJ said...

Totally taken by you myriad of headgear, yes you needed to use them due to the lack of carolling this year, I completely get that. Great to see you all. Love your bold stripy crochet and the little decs are adorable. Son's birthday isn't until 21st but a belated one to your hubby. Thanks for the visit BJ#21

Crafting With Jack said...

It was lovely to see everyone Saturday, I loved your head gear! Love the bright colours of your striped blanket and your cross stitch is coming along. Your SIL decorations are lovely. Happy WOYWW Angela #25

Eva said...

Happy belated Birthday to your Husband!
Eva from Austria

Lindart said...

Hi Jan, so lovely to meet you and all your alternate personalities on our Zoom meeting! Your SIL is very talented, those bells are awesome, and the fox embroidery is coming along beautifully1! Sorry I'm so late this week! Thank you for your earlier visit, Lindart #31


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