If you've made it here today, then thank you and well done for being persistent! My internet provider (BT) has decided that I can't access Stamping Ground at all, it throws up all sorts of security warnings. My Tech Guru is on the case and Julia has hopefully let you know on her post but it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to link up as per usual. Damn and blast......

I was looking forward to rejoining today as well, last week I had the mother of all reactions to the flu jab - I'm not alone, many people have had the same, my bro included. Perhaps they've upped the anti flu jollop this year because of Covid. Anyway, I had a very quiet week but started to feel better at the weekend.

Most of my crafting was like this:

Under a blanket doing knitting! The UK Handknitting Association is running a Hats for the Homeless scheme again this year so I'm just making some ribbed beanies and using up some leftover yarn.

Ribbed hats are great for all different size heads and this variegated wool knits up quickly too!

I did feel like getting up into the JanCave on Sunday - the cafe was running low on cases/masks so that's what I got on with.

Betty was supervising the ironing - she kept telling me I'd missed a bit ;-)

One thing that did get done was the hanging of some pics on the wall above my workdesk:

Apart from my cross stitch, the other pictures were presents from friends! It makes a nice display, I really love it!

Life is going to be strange again from Friday when the Welsh Gov have instigated another lockdown so we won't be able to go far or see anyone. This meme made me laugh:

For the readers from abroad, this is the Welsh National Costume and Cawl is soup! Never cross a Welsh Woman, they can be wild!!  

I hope you've enjoyed the read if you made it this far - hopefully I'll be able to return some visits.
Stay safe and well xxxxxx


Helen said...

hope you manage to get linked - I am hear from my reading list but have see Julia's warning Glad you are feeling better after the flu jab, I haven't booked one (never had one) - not sure I will either, we'ere too busy at work for sick leave lol! Hope you cope ok with the new restrictions, I fear it will come to more of this country too. take care, stay safe. Helen#2

Sarah Brennan said...

I just went back a few weeks and found you via an old link Jan. Not sure why BT has banned you I was able to link up as normal this morning. Glad you are feeling a bit better. For once I didn't get a reaction to the flu jab so it seems I was lucky. Love the latest masks and the collection of artwork on the wall. Stay safe during lockdown and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I'm glad to see you today Jan, so sorry about the reaction, thankfully Hubby & Mom have been fine this year with their jab's but previous years not so. Hope you can figure out what's causing the error asap. Beautiful shares, cosy work on show.. the cross stitch looks amazing ..
Happy WoywW Tracey (8?) xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you over the nasty side effects of the flu jab. All I had was a tender itchy spot for a day.

I did chuckle at the Welsh Women:)

Your cross stitch looks lovely amongst your pictures.

Well done for keeping up witht he items needed at the shop and doing the hats for the homeless.


Neet said...

I too am having problems and I too am with BT. Maybe I won't get many visits this week but at least I will know why. Are you using Chrome? I ask because I had to link up using Safari and wondered if it was the mix of the two causing the problem.
Sorry you have been feeling decidedly under the weather since the flu jab. We had ours last Saturday and feel fine, in fact my arm has not been as sore as usual.
Love that you have still been working for others although not well, you are a trooper! Also love your Welsh women and cawl although I think of it more as a stew than a soup - it's so chunky (well the ones I have had).
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

glitterandglue said...

Good morro, fair maid of Wales!! Got your costume at the ready for Friday evening?? Incidentally, I love cawl!
I am definitely thinking of cancelling my flu jab!! I have heard of lots now who are getting a bad reaction to it - and as I'm currently not exactly going far, I reckon I stand more chance of catching flu by going out to get the jab than by staying at home as per Assembly instructions!!!
Love the blanket your are keeping warm under, plus the little hat - well done. Oh my - you are busy, doing those masks and bits!
I had absolutely no trouble linking with you. I went back 2 weeks in Julia's blogs and linked straight through from there. Weird!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I've made it Jan! No probs here, even though we're with BT too - though I've probably jinxed it now! How idyllic your living room looks with that fire going. This time of year definitely has its perks too and Christmas is just around the corner! Loving the pictures above your workdesk - your cross stitch looks adorable! As it happens, I've also posted a pic of my wall this week! Have a lovely week - glad you're feeling better after the side effects o fthe flu jab. Tell you what - I don't want to be at the front of the queue for the Covid vaccine! xx zsuzsa #13

Lynnecrafts said...

Morning Jan, so glad you’re feeling better. Damn and blast bt for making it difficult for you to join us today.
I’d love to see a picture of you in the Wash national costume!
Your cross stitch is looking great on the wall with your other pictures.
Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
Love Lynnecrafts 16

Julia Dunnit said...

I’ve put you on the link list, but came at you the old school way via url. Weird. Hurrah for feeling better, am very glad to hear you sounded better, ugh to the flu, but now at least you won’t be ill from that. Dratted COVID, I really could do with a short break in South Wales and I’m constantly thwarted. Lovely shot of the knitting in front of that lovely fire.

Julia Dunnit said...

So the link from my place to yours works for me, through Chrome. I also wanted to say.....just as well Betty hasn’t got a block to knock off....

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, sorry you were suffering from the after effects of the flu jab. I only felt a bit off after my first one 2 years ago, but I had the pneumonia jab too. Last year and this year I've been ok with just the flu jab. I love those Welsh ladies. When I was young my Nan used to bring me one every year when she came to visit - I have no idea what happened to them. Lovely colourful blanket - just right for you! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #15

Mary Anne said...

Glad the link works in the end. And glad you feel better. I got both arms, flu in one pneumonia in the other. Ugh. Your gallery wall looks lovely, but I think you missed a bit....

Happy Woyww
Mary Anne (9)

Annie Claxton said...

HI Jan, I've just come via the link at Julia's, so maybe your techy gremlins have been banished? Grrr, I hate that kind of palaver! Love the idea of knitting hats for the homeless and I do have a basketful of wool somewhere, I must see if there's a similar scheme around here. Hope you get over the flu jab side effects soon, I now they can be a bit nasty, but I guess not as nasty as actually getting the flu so hopefully worth the suffering! Take care, happy WOYWWday. Annie C #23

Eva said...

Well, I tried to understand everything. Glad to read, that you got well from the flue jab. And you found the way back in the JanCave?
Sorry for the troubles with the internet provider.
Wish you all the best!!
Have a nice week!
Eva from Austria

My name is Cindy said...

Hello my lovely, looks like you got sorted. Yeah I think my recent sickness was related to the flu jab as well - and to think I mocked my friend who said it 'made her arm sore' - well I would rather have had a sore arm than what hit me last week!! Your sitting room looks so cosy with the fire, though it has been so warm here the last two days it seems like we are going backwards again. Well done you on your hat knitting, yuo are such a hero. Love n hugs, Cindy #25

Twiglet said...

I'm having same problem with Julia's blog/BT. That flu jab sounds to have been more potent than the one we had - I often feel a bit groggy but this year I was fine after mine. Hope you are soon back on top form. Your beanie hats are a great idea - if I get fed up with twiddlers I might use up some of my wool on a beanie or two. Well done with the mask making- they do look cheery don't they. xx Jo

BJ said...

Oh I'm wetting myself reading that meme in my Welsh accent.
I so remember coming home from school in my Welsh costume on St David's day once and some little kids running away from me shouting witch!

Gosh commenting here even before Julia's page as I have BT internet (I cut and pasted your url) but no such problems. Maybe you need to get rid of your cookies. Which search engine do you use, I use Chrome.

Thanks for the heads up re flu jab (you couldn't be more precise as to the reaction you experienced) as my hubby goes for his today!! Eeeekkk.
BJ #26

BJ said...

Link worked for me btw BJ#26

Annie said...

It appears you've sorted your Internet problem now? Keeping fingers crossed for you. Sorry to hear you've not been well....thankfully I had my flu jab on Saturday and that seems to have gone ok...I'm not sure I would have wanted problems with that too...I seem to have had a week of being attacked from all angles medically and am feeling pretty yuck.
Keep cosy and safe my friend and shout if you need anything.
Annie x #12

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Did chuckle at your Welsh Birder Force, knew the costume, having been a lover of Wales from way back a favourite book of mine when teens and younger was “Mary Jones and Her Bible” it had her in costume as everyday wear for her. Was a true story from 1800s .. she saved years her pennies and walked on foot across countryside to big town many miles away to finally own her own bible, a real rebuke to us today. Heard re close down at beginning of week been praying for you all there since then, didn’t know what cawl was though!

Was delighted to see you’d linked over okay as saw Julia with note on post, re BT. I’d prayed would be okay and mercifully is for mo, pray it stays that way!
Well done on knits and sewing of masks and wonderful pickies on wall. Glad the flu jab recovered okay, lots of side affects, I only get very sizer arm, and use Arnica cream on bruising for that!
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier - I really wanted to tell his mate over the phone but I only have an address so I will have to write . . . . I managed to speak with his family and other friends. Ah! Well!
That's a lovely warming photo of you knitting. I don't have the flu jab, too many people feeling ill afterwards. Like the material for the masks, bright and cheerful.
Have a good week
Christine #14

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, glad you're feeling better. I felt a bit iffy for a few days after mine, and I've never had that before. Meanwhile Doug had his, and the last few times, he's felt iffy for a week or so after his, this time he was fine! Very odd. Glad the linking worked out ok, I'm using my Chromebook to link and visit, but we're not with BT, so all is good. Love the colour in the beanies, it's looking great. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Diana Taylor said...

Glad the problems seems to have been sorted with the links - odd how it can all go haywire without any obvious reason isn't it. I'm sorry you felt so ill after the flu jab, I've never heard of anyone having a reaction like that to it but I'm glad you are feeling better now. Your knitting and that lovely fire make for such a cosy picture, like something out of Homes and Gardens.
Stay safe and well,
Hugs, Diana xx #19

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That's interesting what you said about the flu jab. We've been okay with ours but both of us had a strange sniffle just after but now it's gone not sure if it had anything to do with it. Under a blanket doing your knitting sounds good to me. Have a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x20x

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hey Jan, I hope you are feeling better. This is actually the first time I have had the flu shot where I did not feel like I got the flu right after but, I have been seeing ad's on TV lately that they now make it in two strengths and for people over 65 they get a shot that is 4 times stronger than the regular dose, so maybe you got one of those? (( HUGS ))
The internet is bad here too. ~Stacy #33

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan, sorry to hear you had such a bad reaction to the flu jab, we hardly noticed it.
Pleased you managed to get on today, and I followed the normal link to find you.
Those masks are clear evidence of lots of hard work on you part, well done.
See are hoping your lock down in Wales will be lifted by the 20th, we have booked a cottage in Brecon for the 26th for 4 days, so hoping the Tafia won't still be sending invaders away then
Thanks for sharing

Felicia said...

Glad, to hear you are feeling a little better. Flu...uggghh! We are hot on the shots right now, although I haven't gotten one. I've been dealing with sinus infections, so I totally know what you are going through! I love your blanket and the Hats for the Homeless is such a wonderful thing! Good on you! I know they will be appreciative! Good to see that cross stitch hung between such lovely art from friends!! It looks great! Blessing for the rest of your week and continue to heal! Felicia #32

Catriona said...

Glad that you are feeling a bit better after your reaction to your jab. I love knitting hats and last year I made loads for the homeless charity we support. Think you may have put me in the notion for a bit of knitting-I like to have an easy knit while I’m watching Strictly! Happy sewing.

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Jan!
I made it this far,too!
My flu jab made my arm swell and was red and hot! No other symptoms, luckily. Hope you are back up to snuff, unfortunately just in time for lockdown.
Lockdown, a word that is now common place in our vocabulary. It did have a place in my vocabulary years ago and a totally different meaning! I used to work in a prison or Correctional Institution!

Stay well!
Happy Wednesday!

Kathryn #39

Karen said...

I found you! I don't get the flu shot just for that reason, it made me soooo sick one year. I'm glad your on the mend. What a nice project to make hats for the homeless, very sweet of you. Your art wall looks terrific too ~ I'm sorry your heading back into lock down ~ I hope that it won't last too long. Blessings to you ~ Love, Karen#40

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, glad to see you've recovered from the injection. For something that is supposed to prevent illness, the flu jab can be pretty nasty. You did well to knit. I have some crochet sulking in a workbag because it hasn't seen the light of day for weeks. Sadly, I can throw no light on your BT problem but hope it's fixed soon. Take it easy. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30

Anne said...

Hi Jan. I have not joined in this week. The problem you have is the same one I have. It is a real struggle to get onto Julia's blog. Doug ( Shaz's) hubby tried to help. My son who is IT expert looked at my laptop via remote connection. Thought we had sorted it but just still keeps saying same thing. Hope it gets sorted and we can get on easily again.
Sorry you have not been well. Take care and stay safe. Xxx

Shoshi said...

Sorry to hear about your tech problems, Jan. I have just managed to connect to you with no problem at all so presumably it's sorted now. I love the crochet blanket you've been cuddling under, doing your knitting! Also I love your fireplace with the comforting fire and the gorgeous hares at the sides. Nice carpet too! Sorry to hear you had such a bad reaction to the flu jab. I won't have them at all. Hope you feel better soon.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #22

StampinCarol said...

Oh my but you have been busy, too! And today I discovered a ceramics shop. Oh I see some new stuff getting done soon.
We haven't gotten the flu shot, usually don't but we did get the 1st of 2 shingles shot. I had a reaction and the little rash is finally gone after 1 1/2 weeks. Glad you're feeling better.
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #29

Robyn said...

So grateful you are feeling better, and can craft under a blanket! Craw for sure!

Chrissie said...

Glad you made it Jan!
I wouldn't mind having the details of the beanie hat thingy as I probably have lots of odd bits of wool which might do nicely!
I just had a sewing disaster... the fabric I ordered for a dress would have been better to upholster chairs and when finished could have fitted Bertram Mills circus inside. AS soon as it was completed it went out onto the edge of the drive in a charity bag!
You win some you lose some!
Stay safe
Chrissie #10

Crafting With Jack said...

When that BT security thing happened to me I had to go to Safari on my IPad and unclick ‘Stop cross site tracking’. That fixed the problem for me, hope that helps. My arm was sore and swollen for a few days after my flue jab. Angela #36

Dorlene Durham said...

I’m glad you’re feeling better. I hope your tech guru fixes your problem soon. Computers and technology can be so frustrating some times. All these updates make things more confusing. Have a gret week. Dorlene #37

Kelly said...

Good morning, Jan. Sorry you've been under the weather but curling up under an afghan with the knitting tools sounds like a nice way to spend some time. Our bodies tell us we need to slow down. I'm glad you're listening.
Lovely pictures above your desk and lots of busy as always. Bummers on the lock down. I wish our government were as smart. Be safe, Be well & Be Creative, my friend. Kelly #31

Susan Renshaw said...

Loved the read!
Hope you got over the after effects of the flu jab.
Love your wall display.
Sorry to be so late visiting.
Susan #24

Ali Wade Designs said...

I had a fairly mild reaction to the flu jab - just a bit of a 'head cold' for a couple of days. Lockdown has meant that I haven't been able to go out for walks on the coast etc, but otherwise life remains the same for us here on the farm. We were planning to visit family in England soon, but that will have to wait. Ali x


 CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICKEN, LAY A LITTLE EGG FOR ME....... Another week has whizzed past, a cold one too here in South Wales. The wind...