I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed last week's celebration of all things craft and friend-wise! My PiF was Kyla (hope you got the parcel ok?) and I have been on the receiving end too! Most of my swaps will be done at the Crop, others will have to be sent off when I get back, so there may be a slight delay.

And the photo film competition was indeed Some Like it Hot! Out of the many who guessed correctly, I drew Sue's name out of the hat...a little something will be posted soon!

Not much crafting as gone on this week, only a little crocheting in the evenings that I have actually been at home - it's been a busy few days!

I bought this yarn ages ago and am making another blanket for the hospice - it's going to look like the sea and beach. The Caron yarn is odd, it's acrylic so useful for charity projects. but it does split quite easily. So I'm using a half size bigger hook and am having to crochet more loosely than I normally would. I'll probably bring this to the Crop, but whether any hooking gets done remains to be seen, lol!!

Diana Taylor (Velvetmoth) sent this utterly gorgeous ATC, envelope and die cuts:

When I grow up, I want to craft like you Diana - I truly love your style. Thank you for the beautiful ATC, I love the greens xx

Other events that have happened this week:

The Community Wind Band played in the National Botanic Gardens of Wales again - here we are in the Dome, it was blooming hot!!! I'm hidden behind my tuba, next to the French Horn :-D

I did my first proper shift in the RNLI shop on Sunday - here are some views from the inside, as it were!

There is a beautiful stained glass panel above the door, made by a local artist.

The nicely laid out interior - makes a change from old trestle tables out in the cold!

I was there on Sunday morning and come rain or shine, there is a training session for the rescue volunteers. The tractor is just going to pick the boat up from the harbour - that's the old boat house in the background. You wouldn't believe that it was brilliant sunshine an hour later!

Burry Port is a place where chatting is a national sport - you just have to go with the flow. So it didn't surprise me when this chap turned up:

Bryn is an amazing chap who has some fantastic stories to tell about flying all over the world - these days his travels are on his boat in the harbour. He bought along his squeezebox and entertained us and the shoppers with some sea shanties and folk songs. The box was fascinating, built in 1902 - I didn't know that if you press down a button, you get two different notes on the push in and pull out of the bellows. Live and learn, eh?

And to prove I was there:

Me and Helen (a friend and neighbour) - we did ok, didn't make too many mistakes - it'll all get easier the more we do it!

Right then, have a good week everyone - the next blog will be about the Crop. I'll warn you so you can prepare the tea/coffee/alcohol of choice before you start to read ;-)



Helen said...

I love the atc from Diana - beautiful! the shop looks great; and I bet the sea shanties made the time pass. See you on Saturday - it's been too long! Helen #?

Claire said...

I bet the Crop will be great fun! One year I'll get there...
Love the ferny ATC and envie - gorgeous!
Happy WOYWW!
Claire no. 2

Neet said...

Yes, I too was blown away with Diana's atc and her envelope. What a talented lady and how lucky are we to swap with her.
Love your crochet, I am a fan of grey and the different shades you have used look lovely.
Great photo of the band in the conservatory but I imagine it got hot - how do you cope?
The RNLI Shop look delightful and you and your friend both look very welcoming with your big smiles - I can imagine you are a big draw for the visitors.
Hugs Neet 5 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Congratulations on your first successful shift Jan. Such a great cause. I hope you win my raffle prize on Saturday, I think you'll find it really useful. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

Anne said...

Another busy week for you Jan. You pack in so much! I'm not sure I'd have lasted long in that Dome! Looking forward to Friday! Anne X #9

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Suppose the RNLI volunteers don;t mind the rain,a s they must be use to getting wet.

The shop looks lovely. Just found out that there is a shop by the side of the station at Old Hunstanton. Knew there was one in Sheringham, but not the one more or less on my doorstep.

Nice photo of you with Helen.

Sue #10

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw mate, can’t wait for the weekend. This week is full of appointments and time consumers, hate it!! Well done on the shop shift (say that fast why don’t you), it looks lovely, very totally professional! Lovely to meet Bryn, gosh his stories must be incredible. We’ll talk. Xxx

Eva said...

So much to see, so much to admire! I love The ATC from Diana. Cool idea!
Best whishes from Austria,

Annie said...

Well whats to say? wahooooooo I really cant wait now. So much prepping/sewing etc going on here that I've forgotten that Saturday is about crafting together and haven't thought of anything to bring to craft! Best get my thinking cap on eh?......not that much will get done.
See you very soon.
Annie x #14

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm always impressed by Diana's art and her ATC she sent you is gorgeous.

Not sure what the shop is (I'm sure I should know), but it looks warm and inviting, especially if the weather was as bad as that most of the time. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Forgot to mention. Have fun at the crop and please take lots of photos. I live vicariously.

Kyla said...

Hi Jan, just back from a soggy field in Devon to find your lovely PIF so just managed to do a quick blog and link up, love it thanks.
I bet the National Botanic Gardens were hot in there, such a great venue though (remember visiting when my Aunt lived in Llandaff) and how great that you are able to volunteer for some great charities too.


shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, totally agree, Diana's ATC & envelope is amazing. Love that shot in the Botanical Gardens.And the shop- l=how lovely and fresh it all looks. I do have a soft spot for stained glass, I admit. Never knew that about squeezeboxes either- every days a school day, eh? See you Saturday, looking forward to it.Love & hugs to you both, XxxX

Diana Taylor said...

Thanks Jan! What a fabulous place to play in - it looks beautiful but I can imagine how hot it must get in there, I don't think I would have lasted long at all. The RNLI shop looks lovely, all new and fresh - the stained class panel is gorgeous. Our local RNLI is celebrating 50 years at their station next summer so some of us local ladies are starting to crochet and knit for it - hopefully we should have crocheted enough by next July to put up a pretty mean display!
Have a great time at the crop,
Hugs, Diana xx #18

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I can subscribe to that sentiment too, LLJ - I want to create like Diana! I can't think of a better person to run that shop than you and it's also nice that you had your friend/neighbour to keep you company. Whose crazy idea was to play in the greenhouse LOL? You must have been suffocating in there, though it was probably great acoustics-wise. Have fun at the crop! I may be able to pop in for half an hour just to say hello - not sure yet. zsuzsa #23

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Jan, ooh such fun shots. I love the view of the concert where you played that would be so distracting for me I think if I did play something my eyes would totally be wandering the whole time ha. I love the idea of making the blanked it shades from the sea too. :) I really love how bright it is in the shop that must make it much easier to go in and work a shift there too. ~Stacy #27

Catriona said...

New shop looks lovely and well done on your first shift. Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday at the Crop.

Camilla Fisher said...

Burry Port has a fantastic chippy, I remember.

StampinCarol said...

That is a gorgeous ATC!! And what great die cuts!
It does look hot in that greenhouse! Bet you needed lots of water.
Nice little store! Looks like lots of goodies available!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #25

Sue said...

Hi Jan, How fabby I won the name the film competition.

I look forward to receiving the prize once you are back from your hols. Have a lovely time. Sue

Caro said...

Love the ATC from Diana. Had to smile about you being hidden behind the Tuba - I went to many a concert in support of my brother who was always hidden behind his Tuba. The shop looks lovely. Can't wait to see you on Saturday. Happy WOYWW! Love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

Twiglet said...

Lovely post Jan. Your work at RNLI is brilliant. Aren't we lucky to have Diana's fab artwork - like you, I just wish I could do it to her amazing standard. See you Saturday - all organised at this end. Might email you tomorrow. xx Jo

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, I'm in full agreement with everyone who received an ATC from Diana - they are gorgeous! Love your comment ... "when I grow up" ... I still use that comment lol. Congrats on your first successful shift at the shop - it looks great! Can't wait to catch up with everyone on Saturday. I will bring something to craft, but I spent most of last year talking and eating cake! Have a lovely week Heather xx #11

Lillianb said...

Love the ATC and envelope. What a pretty stained glass window. Lovely picture of you both,

Lilian B #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, busy as usual. That Dome is an amazing place. I'm going to the Doncaster Dome on Sunday but it's nothing like that. The weather has been like that here too. We had a load of rain two days ago but to be honest we needed it. Have a lovely crafty week and a very happy woyww, Angela x17x

Shoshi said...

What a great post, Jan, with tons of fabby photos! All gorgeous. Thank you for your visit, and for your congrats for our anniversary. The meal really was great! Angelina fibres are fun but I often forget about them because I don't use them very often. They are quite versatile - loads of stuff online about them if you google them. The man from the wheelchair place phoned today and he's coming down on 6th June to give us a 4 hour demo! We can go wherever we want so I want my hubby to take us to the beach and also the woods. Can't wait to try it out! I'm really excited about it. I'm continuing to struggle with the disability benefit form and just want the whole wretched business over now, so I can concentrate on more fun stuff!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #21

Dorlene Durham said...

Great photos as always. Enjoy the crop. Dorlene #28

Debbie Rock said...

Oh don't talk to me about yarn that splits ... bane of my life! Some ranges drive me potty and others are a delight to work with. Totally get the size of the hook thing ... it takes me AGES to adjust when going from doing my regular DK #4 bobbles to 4ply #2 hook ... feels like using dental floss and a cocktail stick! Then back to my regular bobbles and it is fence posts and rope!
Love the look of the RNLI shop ... not at all what I was expecting ... I'd be there volunteering alongside you for sure!
Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday - 'twas a rotten old day and I just sort of went to ground for a bit. Back now though! Much love dear friend, from Debbie xXx

Lindart said...

Looks like you had fun in the shop! So many nice things to look at! I do believe you about the sun and the rain, we've been having days like that too. I have just put the Tim Holtz wildflower thinlits on my Amazon Wish list -such inspiration from Diana! Have a great week,and have fun at the crop! Lindart #30

glitterandglue said...

Hi Jan - Couldn't comment earlier as I spent Wednesday lying prone on the settee feeling VERY rough - however... here I am now.
You all have some great ATCs sent from around the nations!! I simply didn't have time to take part this year - too much gadding about! - so will simply swap with everyone at the crop. Well done on playing at such an auspicious venue!! And well done on being in the RNLI shop. Yes, I'm sure you'll soon get the hang of it all.
Well, you take care of yourselves - and I'll see you Saturday!! Wahoo - not long now.
God bless.
Margaret #4

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Jan, some learning time indeed but what fun you’ve certainly adopted your semi new place, think if I recall correctly it was a move back to former climes. Very late at calling .. but happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing your desk, Shaz in Oz.x #24

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...