Hello everyone - another week has shot by and here we are at Whizzday again! There's been more plotting and planning about the Crop, so it's exciting times, especially when you realise that it's less than four weeks now - woohoo! 

You find me mid-make with some more glasses cases.
The scrap squares turned out to fit the template very well - you can see a finished one in the background. It's just as well, because I've got a few more to make, along with the little popper purses - I popped into the harbour cafe and there's only two of each left, they've nearly sold out! I'm very pleased about that as it's all for a good cause. There may be a bit more to show you next week!

I've also just finished another scrap yarn crochet blanket:

It still amazes me that you can turn all that yarn into something useful with just a bent stick!! I've got two now, ready to be taken to the local hospice. It makes me happy to see the rainbow colours - I get great pleasure out of making these, it's quite meditative, zipping back and fore along the rows. See, us crafters have been doing Mindfulness for years, way before it became a buzzword!

More colour in the garden to share:

These alliums have taken over a week to open, it's been really interesting watching the progress. The bees have been taking an interest but not as much as this:

The Perennial Wallflower.  This has flowered for three weeks solid now and when it's done, I'll cut it hard back and it'll probably repeat the process..what value for money this was - I should run a Spot the Bee competition for this picture cos there is one in there, having a good furtle around!!

Hope you have a lovely and productive week - I've got a band contest in Cardiff on Saturday, fingers crossed!


Helen said...

alliums are fabulous I love them. good luck at the band contest! Helen #?

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

I hear what you are saying regarding *Mindfulness* Jan, we know creativity is good for us it's been there since time began but I really dislike how companies have cashed in on it. Love that bright and cheery blanket, my Mom knits little bears with her spare wool and always brings another round when she's been to visit. Happy WoywW Tracey #5
P.S Well done on those sales, your such a generous crafter!!

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I'm not surprised your various items sell so quickly.

Love the4 colours of the crochet blanket. I make crochet blankets. I can do them and a scarf, but that's it, as never learnt anything else:)

Apparently not all flowers attract bees. You can Google plants for bees.

Sue #8

Julia Dunnit said...

Yep, things are definitely slightly ahead down there in the welsh micro climate of Burry Port. Those alliums are a gift aren’t they, I do love them so. Such a deep colour on them too. But of course the wallflower wins it..a riot by comparison! Good luck on Saturday!

Neet said...

All the best for Saturday.
Love the glasses cases, just shows how lovely they are if they are selling like that - 'hot cakes' springs to mind. The fabrics you chose are really eye catching and perfect for a shop like the RNLI.
Love the flowers, I love alliums and would like some in our garden but I think the wallflowers sound a safer bet for me as they seem to provide so much ground cover and, sadly, I am no gardener.
Have a good week and enjoy Saturday.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, love those Alliums. I've got quite a few planted this year, and mine are still at the bud stage, so you must have a fab climate there!Not surprised those cases are selling well, they're awesome! Can't believe how fast the crop has come round! Need to get a move on here with ATC's! Love & hugs to you all, Shaz XxXxXx#3

Twiglet said...

Well Jan - your lovely colours in the garden have definitely inspired me to get on with my ATCs - you will love the riot of colours they all make when I scatter them across one of our crop tables!! I wish I could crochet so neatly - your blankets are soooo cuddly and beautiful. xx Jo

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I suddenly thought that I haven't booked our hotels for the end of the month yet, so will do that shortly. We are travelling up to the Swindon area on the Thursday, as our car needs servicing (the nearest dealership is Swindon now the one in Cardiff has closed down). That is being done on Friday morning and then we drive up to Shrewsbury. No wonder your sewn offerings are selling so quickly - love those fabrics. The rainbow crochet blankets are glorious. A wonderful way to use up bits of yarn. We went to a local garden centre a few days ago and bought a few more plants for my pots. I should have taken some photos, as there were so many lovely plants on display. Ali x #25

Annie said...

I spotted the bee....You know me I love a challenge! Gorgeous colours there Jan....flowers and fabrics.
Annie x #12

Jan said...

Happy WOYWW Jan. I totally agree about Durham Cathedral alas we take it for granted! Loving your colourful & creative post xx Jan

Diana Taylor said...

Your glasses cases are fab and I'm not surprised they are selling so well - the fabric is so perfectly 'summer'. The blanket is beautiful too and your thoughts on Mindfulness made me smile - so true! Gorgeous flowers - mine are all very late flowering and I think some might have given up on life - but I'm enjoying going round garden centres and seeing what mine should be looking like!! And of course, buying more!
Hope you have a great week and good luck on Saturday,
Hugs, Diana xx #18

Glenda said...

Flowers are just gearing up here and I'm loving all the beautiful color. I've been busy potting plants for my porches and loving the humming birds gracing the blooms and my feeders. I do love this time of year....before it gets too hot!
Love your glass cases. You are so clever! Happy WOYWW
Glenda #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Wow! so much colour today. I think we need it here as it's been pouring it down all day so the sky is very dull. Gorgeous flowers and loving your new projects too. Oh by the way the magnetic tape on my desk is used for Mini Book closures. Happy woyww and a lovely creative week too, Angela x15x

Mariane said...

WOW Lis, dette er da helt vidunderligt. Jeg ville ønske jeg også kunne sy - Ser pragtfuldt ud også dine fotos !!... Tak fordi du deler med os

Varme hilsener
Mariane #30

Mariane said...

Sorry if I mistake you for another person, I really love your stuff and sewing things - Even the photos are so great !!

Kind regards
Mariane #30

Elizabeth said...

Love your stripey blanket, Jan. Gorgeous colours. The EM is very attached to the one I made for him. And, yes, crochet is a very mindful craft - and cheaper than going on retreat too. Your alliums are way ahead of ours and they are stunning. I think I've spotted the bee, but I could be wrong. Have a fab week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #27

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Thanks for sending the used postage stamps off.Very kind of you.

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

You are such a busy lady, all those glasses cases. Thank you for your visit this morning. Hope your band concert goes well. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #24

StampinCarol said...

That's pretty cool that your glass cases are so popular! And love your blanket! The flowers are gorgeous, and no, I didn't spot the bee! Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous week!
Carol N #29

Caro said...

Gorgeous makes this week, love the glasses case and the blankets. I always love an alium - reminds me of my parents place. Good luck in the band contest. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW and have a great week. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#17)

Anne said...

Hi there and thanks for visiting. I am late as I had Card and a Cuppa first thing, then girls after school so it has been all go.
Love the flowers from your garden!
I couldn't find Wallyx I mean the bee :-) Anne x 14

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, I found the bee! Mind you, I have been playing Hidden City so am used to searching for things! The crochet blanket is lovely. The colours are bound to cheer up anyone using it. I did once fancy learning to crochet but never quite got round to it. I think my mum could crochet as well as knit, but the gene was not passed on! You are such a talented lady! Thanks for stopping by earlier - you are now on my ATC swap at the Crop list. Have a lovely week Heather x #11

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Jan, nope I did not fall into that trap of playing spot the bee. ( my eyes are still watering from driving all day haha) but, I do think that is a gorgeous color and wow two time bloomer too hunh. that is neat. what took me by surprise was how much I like the white space between the colors in the crochet. that really pulls it together doesn't it. ~Stacy #31

Sarah Brennan said...

Sorry for the belated comment, I went straight to bed after work yesterday feeling lousy. Beautiful flowers and the blanket is so colourful too Jan. No wonder the glasses cases and purses sell so well. See you at the crop. Sarah #4

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for the visit...wow such beautiful colors to brighten my wee hours of the day. I am in awe of the pretty flowers. Our weather here is MESSED up, we now have a few tulips and the sweet little viola's that tolerate cold, blooming but limited buds etc just wind, cold and rain. Our road tonight was almost AGAIN impassable 1/2 mile of muck. So garage/cars are a mess.
I am anxious to hear about your crop, Always love the photos. Enjoy a great week

Marit said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, your comment (about me photoshopping all the titles on the DVDs) made me laugh: "Blimey, wouldn’t it have been easier to pile up all your DVDs and taken a pic of that instead?" Yah, right – but we hire the DVDs from the library so I don’t have those boxes at home, otherwise I would have taken a picture… which makes me think that I could have walked to the library to collect them on a table overthere to take a photo... I love the coloured yarn and yes, I, too, knew 'mindfulness' long before it got popular. I am late with my return visit so instead of happy 'Wednesday' I wish you a nice weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #22

Lindart said...

Lovely craft photos as usual, and the flowers! You are so lucky! Our flowers are just barely starting, I saw some Tulips and Daffodils today in someone else's garden, but mine aren't blooming yet. Oh well, soon! We are having a lovely spring rain today, and the leaves are bursting out on the trees! How glorious! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #34

Dorlene Durham said...

Beautiful blankets for sure! Good luck today! Dorlene #32

buterfliecrafter said...

All those bright cheerful colors make this gloomy day better, thx for your visit ad sorry for the late visit, Vicky #16

Anonymous said...

ooh I am always amazed by those who can crochet!
Hope the competition went well

Kelly said...

Good morning, Jan. Really late getting round this week. been busy trying to make my entire studio look like the white space you admired on my desk. Very slow going. LOL I have a crochet project going as well. I have to take it to bed each night to work while I watch tv. Only place safe from the cats. LOL Creative Blessings & hugs. Kel #28


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...