Well, I'm getting there bit by bit - though I wasn't able to speak after band practise on Tuesday, I was so puffed out! The weather has been so lovely though, we've been out trying to walk a little longer each time. 

No crafting in the JanCave this week but I did host the WI Craft group again:

We were painting rocks with acrylic paint - the results will be varnished and hidden in various parts of the UK as part of the Burry Port Rocks campaign. Judith (in the checked apron) was a schoolfriend of mine - we got in touch recently after last seeing each other many. many years ago (40...!!) This was her first event and I think she really enjoyed. We don't normally blowdry rocks but it was the quickest way of setting the background colour quickly!

How varied can you be?! It was really good fun and I enjoyed painting the rocks far more than I'd anticipated. Now to hide them all.......

I was bought some daffs recently and they were looking so lovely on my kitchen table, I thought I'd get the watercolours out.

I had great fun but am very much out of practise...watercolour is a hard medium to crack. Still, I enjoyed doing it and that's the main thing huh?

A couple of pics from our beach walk on Monday (just cos I know you like seeing them!)

The lesser spotted G taking some pics!

The wreck being swallowed up by the incoming tide....

Weird to see reflections on a beach eh? These were all taken on my camera phone...

as was this:

A little seaside vignette, nothing was rearranged, that's exactly how we found it. It's always interesting to see what's been washed up by the tide!

Much as these little Sanderlings were doing in the shallow edges of the incoming tide:

They scurry along as if they've been wound up by clockwork - absolutely hilarious to watch - but they're demons at winkling out tasty treats from the sand. Clever things!

Hopefully I'll have a bit more crafting to share next week but the weather promises to continue fair so I'm going to get out and walk as much as I can!  Hope you all have a good week too!


Helen said...

the rocks are wonderful, and so is your jug of daffs - both the real ones and your painting! you are right, I do love the beach pics, I bet those shells were staged by a previous walker though...have a great week and don't faint when you stop by mine later... Helen #?

Lynn Holland said...

Those rocks are fabulous and you look to be having some decent getting outside weather. Long may it continue
Lynn xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

A storm is brewing here and the wind awoke me I sure enjoyed my visit ~ love the rock art, love the watercolor (I haven't mastered that yet and I've been trying) and LOVE the area you live close too. Something about the water is calming to me, all of nature soothes my soul. I grew up enjoying all of it. My dad had a boat and he made sure we used it. Thanks for the fun. .

Claire said...

You always have such fun round at yours!! Gorgeous beachy photos...
Happy WOYWW :)
Claire no. 2

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh I love those sanderlings they’re so cute Lunch Lady Jan the WWI are fun rock painters are amazingly brilliant ...have few favs.
Well done on the daffodils too, lovely thinking of daffs last saw them growing in Lincolnshire... too warm really here by ocean but can grow them if out bulbs in fridge for while.
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #4

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
{Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

Neet said...

Enjoy the outdoors whilst you can Jan. And take more photos of this quality for us to enjoy - always love your (and G's) photos.
I cannot believe you have been hiding your light - the daffodil watercolour is beautiful. Such talent! You need to do more - I can imagine filling your walls with beautiful paintings and photos. Love the rock paintings too, such a talented bunch of ladies. Are they all being hidden in the area you live in? Will have to come down when my back gets better and go hunting LOL.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you clarified you were using the hairdryer on stones, as I was wondering why you were heating up a iced bun:) LOL

Love the stones. Drawn to the cat one.

Lovely photos. I think you should enter the one of the Lesser Spotted G into a competition.

Sue # 12

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, loving those rocks. You all managed some fabulous artwork. Good job with the watercolour too, you are a talented lady! Great beach shots, how cool that starfish & friends were to find like that. And the shipwreck, just wow! Love & hugs to you both, Shaz #15 XxXx

J said...

Hi Jan, I love those painted stones, I saved a pin showing how to do them for our GSs but I haven't got around to it yet.
Your water colour painting is beautiful, well done, I'm sure you'll find somewhere to hang it. I don't think you see quite so many star fish nowadays, when we were young they seemed to be all over the beach
have a great week
Jan no18

Diana Taylor said...

Wow, your watercolour painting is fabulous and the daffs look gorgeous in that spotty jug - so beautifully Spring-like. I love the rocks too - it looks like a fun and relaxing get together. Glad to see your are making the most of your stunning location - views like that soothe the soul.
Hope you have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx

StampinCarol said...

I just love all your photos!! And how fun to paint with friends. I'm usually alone as our home is 10 miles from town on a gravel road. Have a great week!
Carol N #21

Stacy Sheldon said...

I loved every single shot Jan. yep, it is cool to see the reflection on the beach and I just gasp! seeing you paint those blooms.
watercolors intimidate me and I always Stamp something to trace along first as the sketching gene is not one I have. :) ~Stacy #23

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, had we lived closer we could have kept each other company - in between bouts of coughing, of course. Annie (Wipso) could have joined us too - imagine it, if you will :) The stones are fab. There's a group up here leaving painted stones in our favourite haunts but I've only found one so far. It's a nice bit of fun. Your watercolour is beautiful. I use the medium sometimes to colour in stamped images but I've never had the courage to try a painting. Love, love, love your photos - they are all wonderful. I checked out Shaz's post and had to laugh at her 'and finally' - so appropriate! Hugs, Elizabeth xx #19

Sarah Brennan said...

Love the variety of painted rocks and the photos of the beach are amazing Jan. #2 son is in Romania because his girlfriends studies in Bucharest and he can work from home. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

Annie said...

I love all the painted rocks Jan. I've just read Elizabeth's comment and chuckled....there seems so many of us coughing at the mo....I bet Tena lady are reaping in the profits!
Get well soon my friend. I loved your daffs but after a bunch triggering off my asthma last year I wont be having any in the house again.
Annie x #11

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah girly, you just keep on working on getting back to full speed, it’s t2king a while, but we ain’t spring chickens any more!! I love the variance of painting on the rocks, and love the Burry Port Rocks as a title!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great! rock painting, love it and one of my favourite things when not doing stuff with paper and card. I especially like my dragon eyes, think you've seen them and love all these too. What a great photograph, lucky you to find a Starfish on the beach. Have a lovely woyww, Angela x13x

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, I need to wear my specs more often. I thought you were all having some type of jacket potatoes for lunch, until I read your post. The stones all look beautiful. My grandsons are doing something with pebbles where they paint and hide them, and when they are found, the finder posts pics in a special Facebook Group, and hides them again, they are having great fun. Your photos are beautiful, a bit of competition there for G! Thanks for stopping by earlier - I worked in Leeds for a few years, but never lived there - just spent far too many nights in hotels, so don't know if it's changed much. I pin lots of things on Pinterest too - I'm sure I'll find something to inspire me soon. Have a lovely week Heather x #17

Marit said...

... so you call them 'Sanderlings'.... now I learned something from you, ha! These 'little-beach-walkers' (as we call them) are too cute, I love watching them 'run around' on our beaches, you are so right that they seem to have been wind! The painted rocks look amazing, all so different and each one of them beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, have a great day. Love from Holland, Marit #16

Kelly said...

Great photos! How cool to meet up with an old friend after all those years. We have the rocks here in the US, too. I've not found any.. oh wait. I'd have to look. LOL I don't need another project LOL Thanks for stopping by this week. Hugs & Creative Blessings! Kelly #20

Anonymous said...

Happy Very Belated WOYWW. Great to see some rock painting being enjoyed. It is such a fun craft. Recently some of the rocks I painted for Remembrance Day have been photographed at other locations around the UK. My Nan loved watercolour painting, but I have never mastered it. It is wonderful to see daffodils in the hedges (and I always bring some indoors to brighten up our kitchen). I cleaned my car out yesterday (for the first time since autumn), so Spring is definitely getting closer! Ali x #26

Lindart said...

I think you cracked the watercolour - it's beautiful! Frame it and hang it in your kitchen, it sure says Spring to me! Your little group looks wonderful, and the rocks are precious! What a great project! Sorry I'm late, have a great week, Lindart #25


 IF A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS... Hi everyone, hope you've had a good week! Mine has been busy and sociable with lots of time in ...