It's been a funny old week...full of ups and downs... but there have been many things that made me smile...

Making a dap bag for the son of a friend from band who is starting Big School this September. He needed a bag in which to keep his PE kit and when I saw this fabric, I couldn't resist, as Samuel might possibly be The World's Greatest Digger Fan!

The fabric is called 'Dig It Up Dave' Love it :-)
This little row of clips on my work desk drawers. Janet (Fairythoughts) MADE me buy these when I was last in Winchester. I haven't used them once yet.. like the Pin Rebellion all over again. But I love them perched there in a row and for that, I shall keep them!

Learning how to crochet a flower! I followed my nose on a tutorial trail around t'Interwebs and arrived at this lovely blog. I was a bit scared of the pattern at first but stuck with it..et voila! No idea what I'm going to do with it but it made me happy.
As did these yarns. They are 100% cotton by Drops and these juicy colours are GORGEOUS!  They were very reasonably priced too - I got them from The Wool Warehouse. An excellent choice, free delivery and they arrived within 36 hours of me clicking the order button. Fantastic service!

Another reason for a great big grin:

A get together of Di (Pixie), LLJ, Annie (Wipso) and Mrs Dunnit herself. Great fun all round..for more pics, see here. It was a lovely meet up of some WOYWWers...I don't think Marlborough has recovered yet... ;-)

And can you think of a caption for this shot? The one that tickles me the most will win a small prize!

Have a great week!


Deb said...

That fabric is perfect, what a great boy bag! Love your wools, gorgeous colours there. Can't wait to see what you make with them! Well done on following the tutorial for the flower, it is fabulous and so neat! I am still plodding with the crochet, not loving it as much as I thought I would!
Love the pics from the WOYWWers meet up! Looks like a lot of fun!
have a great week!

My name is Cindy said...

Lovely fabric and those yarn colours are delish!!Your meet up looks a lot of fun but I'm not sure what's going on in that photo!! Caption - 'Eating ice cream is a very serious business'. Those two look pretty determined!!
Have a great day, Cindy x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love that you say 'daps'! So often people look at me strangely when I say that word and have no idea what I'm on about!

Judys Lace Creations said...

I love You Tube Tutorials!!LOVE that flower Jan.How clever of you to make it.
Judy #28

Annie said...

Fab makes Jan.....and now I can really imagine YOU making them :-) ...."didn't we have a lovely day the day we went to Marlborough?" :-)
That cotton yarn is stunning...esp cos I've seen it for real :-)
A x # 61

Unknown said...

I havent heard the word Daps in ages. Brings back memories of PE when we wore black daps - no Nike trainers for us!!! ;-) Photo caption could be 'Hurry up and take the photo already.... ice cream eating is a serious pastime you know!' Happy WOYWW from Helen 71 x

Claire said...

looks like you girls (and guy, I seem to remember from Julia's pics) had a great time - nothing better than meeting blog friends :)
love the fabric - bet your friend's 'big boy' will too!!
thanks for stopping by already!
happy W0YWW and have a great week :)
no. 43

Jackie said...

Looks like you girls had a fab day I had to go have a look at the other pictures as well
Thanks for the visit already

Twiglet said...

Such gorgeous fabrics around at the moment - where do you get your best deals from? x Jo

glitterandglue said...

Lovely fabric and threads, Jan. What a great day out you all had together - fun! But I must say, poor Julia looks worried on that photo - maybe asking whatever has she gotten herself into??!
Have a great week.
Thanks for visiting already, and for not minding no photo!
Margaret #55

VonnyK said...

That fabric is gorgeous, I'm sure he will love it. You could make a ton of the crocheted flowers in bright colours and make a nice summer blanket or even a sixties inspired table runner. No matter what you use it for, the flower you made is beautiful. With the photo, I think Julia is thinking..If I just move my bowl a little closer I can get my spoon into Di's ice cream before she looks around. It's certainly a trick I'd try with yummy looking ice cream like that. I had a look at the photos, looks like a fabulous day was had by one and all.
With my fish painting, I have always just drawn a picture in pencil and coloured in with paint but I want to learn to make a painting look painted and it seems you have to do blobs and then I hope the next step is to refine it. The next few lessons will tell if it's worth it.
Have a great week.
Von # 62

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Looks like some real fabric fun. Love the threads and you'll enjoy crocheting, lots of cute things out there if time permits. Love the photos, you all look so happy. Thanks for all your lovely comments the past few weeks. #83 this week and hopefully the new computer will make my life simple!

Anne said...

Hi Jan sorry you've had some 'downs'!! Love the photos of the 'meet up' looked such fun. The flower is lovely - I recently discovered the same blog!! Love the fabric of the PE bag. Hope you have lots of 'Ups' this oming week. Anne x #92

Kate said...

I shall have the floral dance playing in my head all day now, your blog should come with a health warning!!

Like the flower, especially as it's purple.


peggy aplSEEDS said...

i enjoyed your post today, Jan! good job on the flower and i love the colors of the yarns! i would love to meet up with some WOYWWers, looks like you had a lot of fun. that's a funny photo, it looks to me like "what are you looking at? are you saying we've eaten too much?"
happy WOYWW! thank you for sharing,
hugs, peggy aplSEEDS @ 12

MiniOwner said...

Ooh fab projects there, Jan. Now I have an urge to do some crochet - I haven't picked up a hook in years! Happy Wednesday.
Sue x (MiniOwner@65)

CraftygasheadZo said...

Ooh pretty colours, and that dap bag is fab! You'll be pleased to know Lisa loved her beanbag bin and she loved the fabric and the fact I had it made for her. So between us we did good!! lol Great pics. Take care Zo xx 93

Ann B said...

Not sure what 'daps' are but you made a great bag to put them in. (Think they must be gym shoes, or what we used to call pumps, funny word).
So much to see on your blog this week Jan from gorgeous ladies to pretty flowers.
Thanks for visiting already.
Ann B

Heathers Inspiration said...

caption "Do you like my colour co-ordinated ice-cream?"

Gorgeous photos and items this week. LOVE your crochet x
Have a Great week - Heather #99

Debs Willis said...

Haven't heard the word 'daps' for ages :-) what a great digger bag!

And both Di and Julia look very pensive in that pic, think it's "think I've got some paper the same colour as that ice cream - now where can I find some matching ribbon!"

happy woyww

Debs #98

Neet said...

Love the "Meet" photos and agree those colours for the yarns are gorgeous. Well done on the crochet flower and what a great bag you have made - why do I never find fabric like that? have been into Abakahn nearly every week looking for a remnant of kimono fabric to repair my iPad cover with - to no avail. maybe I should move down to where you are.
Have a good week - Hugs, Neet 32 xx

Di said...

Hi Jan! Happy WOYWW - and what a happy post too. Meant to say, I went to the Post Office with you-know-what on Friday :)

I did giggle about 'daps' - had never heard the term until I made friends with a girl from South Wales - wondered what she was referring to the first time she said it :)

Dunno about a caption - I was certainly thinking 'I didn't ought to have this after that yummy pizza!'.

Hugs, Di xx

Debs Willis said...

Hi Jan, thanks for your lovely comment. Spclst says the knee is a bucket handle (both sides of knee) cartilage tear. MRI in couple weeks then prob surgery (yuk!!) Upstairs craft room proving a problem as stairs are a himalaya challenge :-)
Still no joy on the house sale - summer hols not a great time for viewings, hoping it picks up in Sept
Celebrating a big scary birthday this weekend, will be dancing (hopping!) in my brace lol !!
Debs xx

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Jan, LOVE that dap bag (many years since I've had to call it that, I grew up in Gloucestershire, but they're called pump bags here in Staffs). The fabric is perfect for a digger fan! Impressed with your crochet flower - would never guess it was your first (can't crochet to save my life) and that new yarn - ooh yummy colours! Have a great week. MMx #33

Unknown said...

Jan, I saw your comment on the butterfly scarf post, and I was so excited at the thought of these women getting a scarf like that, made by you! As you can see, the pattern is easy and goes fast, but looks amazing, so that would be sooo neat! Love the dap bag today. I'm glad you're having fun in your garden. I've discovered "earthing" where you actually put your bare feet on the earth, like walking on the beach barefoot, or like me, just standing in my garden barefoot for at least 30 minutes. It's supposed to help your whole body--and it made me realize that we 52-year-olds don't often go barefoot in the grass! So--be a barefoot contessa and go barefoot in your garden! I think I'm going to do a post about this. Hugs dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #9

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Although I normally get your song reference, I have never heard that one about the floral dance. I'm sure the big boy is going to love his sack. Digger is almost the name I gave Bleubeard. Glad I didn't (grin), because I'd have images like the one in your fabric swirling in my head.

Nicely done on the crochet pattern. I often make a few things I have NO idea what I'll use them for later. But at some point, they show up in my art.

BTW, I bet Janet didn't MAKE you buy those clips. I didn't see any broken arms or other limbs in the photo (grin). Thanks for the earlier visit while I slept. Happy WOYWW from #10.

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the flower Jan, it made me think of the lacy doileys you used to have under ornaments and on dressing tables!What an ace fabric, we called them pump bags up here too- never figured out why pumps was 'short' for plimsolls.Great 'meet-up' pics- how about- 'I don't care what you say, Ice Cream is definitely a food group.And its Strawberry- that makes it one of my 5-a-day!'

shazsilverwolf said...

Forgot to add, Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #50xx

Lisa-Jane said...

Me me me!!! I could use those crocheted flowers on scrapbook layouts but I think they would be gorgeous on a few odd squares of your blankets. How soon could you make another of those wonderful bags? I need something pretty for Miss Bella and we could swap bag for cash and make time to meet up too! x

Lisa-Jane said...

There was supposed to be a lot of pleases on there but they fell off! xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I had a good chuckle at that bottom photo as well! I love your digger Dave fabric, any little boy would be pleased to have that bag. Oh no.. colored yard! I became a huge fiber addict for awhile. It has subsided but for awhile there I didn't meet a yard I didn't like. There are still stashed of it all over the house. Maybe I should take up crocheting? Well, only if I can do it in my sleep as that is my only spare time!

ria gall said...

what little boy wouldn't like the bag with the diggers on it looks great.
I love the colours of the wool you got they are so bright and lush. Glad you ladies had a great time when you met up the photos tell that it was a day of laughter
Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Hugs Ria #85

Caro said...

So lovely to see all you girls together...sounds like you had a wonderful time! The crochet flower is stunning...I am a total disaster with anything to do with thread...much happier with inks and stamps! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#87)

Maisie Moonshine said...

Me again! I'm only booked in for 2 craft fairs so far, it would have been 3 but one of them clashed and I went with the one I do better at (obviously!), I'm hoping to find a couple more but we've got lots of Uni Open Days to get round so I think it's going to be difficult. I'll do a couple of church coffee mornings and stuff but nothing too onerous. What instrument do you play? - I tried to teach myself the saxophone but I think I gave myself a hernia trying (- no really!) Have a great week. MMx #33

Julie Lee said...

I love the Digger Dave PE bag - he'll love it! And I'm so impressed with the pretty crochet flower. What a fun day you must have had! Now captions, I'm not great at that sort of thing! I'm always in awe of Ian Hislop and Paul Merton on HIGNFY when they come up with their witty news captions! But here goes - this isn't very good! 'I only ordered this ice-cream because it matched my cardigan - honest!' I did my best there! Have a great WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #35

Helen said...

what a great PE bag... still can't think of a caption... I am no good at witty repartee! Enjoy your week and thanks for the visit. Helen 8

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, I only ever here Terry Wogan's dulcet tones when I see those lyrics. The sand shoe bag is fabulous - the fabric is perfect for all little builders just starting school. And like you needed to have your arm twisted to buy those cute little clips - I don't think so :)) The crochet flower is lovely and so too is the cotton yarn, yummy colours - what you going to make with it. Still enjoying, in a green with envy sort of way, seeing the photos of you and fellow WOYWWers having a super time, and those ices look delish, though the ladies are probably hoping there's only one calorie in each helping :) Many thanks for visiting earlier and for your kind words - now that I'm back in the craft room I am indeed finding it very therapeutic. Hope you have a good week. Elizabeth x #47

fairy thoughts said...

love that digger fabric where did you get it as it would be great for a Lillybo quilt. By the way someone told me that the fabric shop in Salisbury has closed down do you know if this is true?
Shame about the wonder clips .... do try them they really are very useful, not like pins at all.
have a good week
janet #31

Laura said...

How about, "Don't even think of touching my ice cream!" They both look so serious! Or, "What do you mean you've never heard of Tim Holtz?" lol Your crochet flower is beautiful. Happiest of WOYWWs to you from Laura #116

Unknown said...

Oh that's funny! I'm so glad you do that--I always take my shoes off the minute I get home! But, I don't always let my tosies feel the grass, so I'm going to do that more often now like you! It makes me feel young again, that's for sure. Barefoot hugs!

glitterandglue said...

It's me again, Jan. Just read your comments on Maisie moonshine's blog - what an amazingly musical person you are. we have friends in the Ratby band - and we always struggled to see them anywhere near Christmas - sorry - that word!! - they were always doing a gig. They take part in lots of competitions etc. I was trained as a singer, play piano and keyboard; our daughters are musical too. One is a saxophonist, plays guitar and is teaching herself the bodrhun (is that how you spell it?) The other is a flautist. All 5 grandchildren are now learning one instrument or another - soon have a full orchestra between us.
Still can't think of a good caption for that photo!!
Margaret #55

Spyder said...

Love the flower, just make more the can go with the little pegs! Nice to see the pictures, they've been popping up all day! (well, three times so far!!) LOVe the PE bag, my grandson's into diggers as they've had one on their lnd making the drive bigger all year. He'd love that bag! Thank you for my snoop!!
Happy WOYWW!
((Lyn)) #5

Spyder said...

Salisbury's not that far away , might have a go and lookie see!!

Andrea said...

thanks for visiting yesterday and my as always you have been busy, fab bag ..and such cute fabric and digger loving boy will love and the flower is ace well done you..im hopeless at following any instructions !...looks like you all had a great time ..not great at captions how about excuse me cant you see im busy right now ! as you both look quite serious..ice cream does look yummy though have fab wek andrea #1

Julia Dunnit said...

it took all my strength and will to leave those cottons on the table after coffee on Tues...I've got masses lined up to do, but suddenly have a yearning to buy cottons? argh!!

voodoo vixen said...

Love the digger material you chose for the PE bag and the photo of you girls out to lunch is another brilliant one! Well done on the flower too... I am sure you will find some use for it or you could make a bouquet! LOL I am late in doing my rounds this week... pain got the better of me. Happy WOYWW Annette #6

HeARTworks said...

Well done on the crochet flower- I'm sure you can use that to embellish lots of your cloth projects like bags and aprons, etc. With a button sewed in the middle it will be charming! Thanks for sharing your pictures of your get together! patsy

Kelly said...

Good morning, Jan! Yep... that fabric is perfect for a 'digger'. Great find on those scrumptious colors. If your project made YOU smile, that's all that's important.

How about 'Cheers to good friends!"
Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #131

Unknown said...

love the fabrics, clips and the pretty yarn. Great to see you all having a lovely meet up, and nice food too by the look of it. Sorry, totally rubbish a captions.

Lynda #96

lisa said...

Just catching up with you after my hols, Jan and I see you are as busy as ever. Love that crochet flower and the PE bag, DD had one her Grandma made with her name and some bunny rabbits stitched on!!!
Now what are you going to do with all those clips, they look at bit scientific to me!
Lovely photos of your day out.
Hugs Lisax

Hettie said...

Hmmn! What are you going to do with those clips I wonder? Love that flower you made. Been playing with a crotchet hook recently!
I have used wool warehouse too - have you tried Garn Studios.com? Fab free patterns!! crotchet and knitting!

MiniOwner said...

Hi Janet - well I did send to The Wool Warehouse (fab service) for wool and a crochet hook and persuaded my sister to show me what the various abbreviations mean - and, thanks to you and my sister, I have made my first flower - woo hoo. A quick question - in the pattern round 4, should it be 1 dc into next 2 ch space? Otherwise you end up with far too many scallops and a flower that wonlt sit flat. Or is iot me? I tried it with the alteration to the pattern and it works a treat.
Sue x

Liz Williams said...

A great fabric for a cute school bag. I also love the crocheted flower. I need to learn how to do those. I love them.

Darnell said...

Hi LLJ! I still like my "touch these and you're dead," comment as they both are looking daggers at the camera! I mean, I'm sure they aren't really, as neither of them is capable under those circumstances of looking at a friend, but that's how the photo angle looks.

Well done on your beautiful self-taught crocheted flower! How big is it? Could they go on a card or a scrapbook LO? Another friend of mine makes lovely crocheted ovals and circles for card mats. I'll send you a link if you're inner rested. And I loved the bag you made with the digger machines fabric! So perfect for any little lad!!

Happy Very Belated WOYWW and thank you for your sweet get well wishes! I'm taking it easy and only making cards and blog visits. Mister is waiting on me hand and foot. Oh, wait, he does that everyday! I'm a lucky, lucky girl! Hugs, Darnell #16

Karen said...

Love your cute little digger bag! I don't know about a child, I think I'd love one too LOL!!! The crochet flower, you could make loads and join them all up similar to the granny blankets. Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 82 x

JoZart Designs said...

Life of late has been crazy but at last I'm playing catch up and it's lovely to see all the yummy items on your blog. Annie and Jo dropped in on me last week and it was an amazingly happy time all thanks to WOYWW.
so lovely to see your crochet progressing so well...... king size blanket next.
Hoping to join in this week so may see you again.
Jo x


 IF A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS... Hi everyone, hope you've had a good week! Mine has been busy and sociable with lots of time in ...