Dhal My Number.... or

Peas, Peas Don't Go....or

Pulse Release Me, Let Me Go...or (my favourite)

Candle In The Wind !!!!!   LOL :)

Thanks to Lisa-Jane for some of these suggestions and making me spray tea everywhere!

Anyhow, take a pile of yellow split peas and whaddya get?

Filling for a doorstop!  With copious amounts of wadding too.  I know some people use sand but then you've got to faff around with inner bags to contain it.  I've been told that rice is good but it would pong to high heaven if it got damp.  Whereas dried yellow split peas get rock hard as they get older.  I found this out when I was clearing some cupboards and found a packet that was only *mumble* three years out of date  *blush*  They were like bits of gravel!  You get some strange looks in Tesco when you put ten bags of the little yellow marvels through the checkout though :)

This is what the cutouts from last week looked like when I sewed 'em up.


I really like this combination of colours and patterns!  I've got about four craft fairs coming up soon, so these fabrics will be used to their utmost.  Think I'll make some pegbags too.

See the tree in the back of shot?  I LOVE him!  He's definitely a he, not a she tree and he's not wee (sorry, couldn't stop rhyming there..) When we moved into this house 14 years ago, it was a fairly mature tree, but not too big.  Over the years he has grown hugely in height and girth - sadly so have I in the latter!  He's a flowering cherry but with delicate white blossom rather than the blowsy pink variety.  It is the stuff of heaven to lie on the grass at blossom time and just marvel at the beauty of him - the amount of bees zipping through the branches is spectacular. 

He has been the best climbing frame in the world, for boys and cats.  I have fond memories of Owen and Rhys sitting almost at the top being pirates in the crows nest, or adventurers waiting in ambush for the baddies.

And the best thing is that as I sit here writing the blog, I can look out of the window and see him.  The leaves are just starting to turn, as is the season - he is nature's timepiece.

Have a great crafting week!  xxxx


Sarah said...

Check out that sun...amazing and so surreal for October. A fine tree indeed, full of stories, wisdom and memories and definitely a chap. The doorstop looks really great and love the colour combos too. I sleep with a buckwheat pillow which might be good stuff too...
Thanks for the peek! Sarah (at 11)

jude said...

Absolutely love that material and your apron and tote are jkust fab .That blue combo with the red works really well .im sure youll have no problems getting them sold at the craft fairs think they will go like hot cakes.fab idea for peg bags always have trouble getting them now woolworths closed..lol
Have fab wedensday and a creative week .Pop by as i have candy on offer until 26th
hugs Judex9

Julia Dunnit said...

Good lord Missus, you've turned all lyrical; must be the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness! Really liked Lisa's songs. Ow. You know I love these fabrics, but you know too that I'm itchy to see what you do with some new stuff that you might have chosen yesterday...despite someone's best attempts to put you off!

Belinda Basson said...

I thought your pile of yellow things was a new product for one of those microwave warmers that we usually use pearl barley for. You make a bag and fill it with pearl barley, stitch it shut so there is still room for the stuff to move around inside and heat in the micro for 3 min and it keeps your feet warm all night in bed or is good for aches and pains if you get sore limbs or back! In South Africa we call it a Huggie...

Chrissie said...

I've I'd had a mouthful of tea I would have spluttered it too! I love your finished projects but never would have guessed that your pile of pulses would have been destined for doorstops, but what a fab idea!
Great to see you again yesterday!
Chrissie #28
... and you do still have Word Verification switched on!

Annie said...

Gorgeous sewing crafty bits Jan and my pulse went up at the sight of that wonderful tree :-) [sorry I couldn't resist the pun].
A x

Neet said...

What a lovely blog entry Jan. I read with a big smile on my face as I visualised the peculiar looks you would get with your mammoth collection of split peas. Fab use of the fabrics. Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Lunch Lady Jan - I am back, I missed it all last week so much - and had some craft on my desk this week so had to post- didn't I?
And yes love your wee bag and the dress but think I love your doorstops most of all! so agree with you about these colours and think if I went to your fair would just HAVE to buy something, mmm!?
Now as for the tree, surely a soft fragrant pink flowered tree means he is a she??
Happy WOYWW :D on that conundrum, Shaz in Oz.x

Helen said...

you are positively poetical today, Jan! Can't wait to see your tree in full flower in spring. in the meantime, your creations today are gorgeous.

donnalouiserodgers said...

Luke got stuck up a tree adn called out for Niall to help and at that split second his voice broke,

Heellp in a really high falsetto,

we laughed so much we couldn't help and he was so embarrassed he contemplated just staying there until puberty passed..love the colourways

I'm sure they will sell well, and yes pegbags always seem a popular item especially now cath kidson has made retro de rigour...


Julia Dunnit said...

This is another comment. It is not a test.


Blooming marvellous the makes and the tree all :) I may be back to visit I have purchased some oil cloth to transform into a bag but read it is difficult to work with so may well need your help, experience etc.......

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love your tree and can well imagine its beauty in the spring. There is one on the island outside our house and it was truly glorious this year, both in the winter snow and in the blossom of spring. You have inspired me to make another peg bag, mine has lasted for over 30 years but is now seriously sorry for itself. The material has rotted away so it is terminal. A new one needed. I am off now to see what material I have to create another one.

Karen said...

Ohhh I remember using split peas to make frogs when I was a kid...memories come flooding back.... thanks for that! Your tree is beautiful in the sunlight, more memories for you there. Enjoy WOYWW!

Lisa-Jane said...

Morning Jan! Thank you SO much for the bunting, I LOVE it! Your stall must be busy busy with all those lovely items. Wonderful tree too - I love trees, especially when it is windy and the move like they are dancing. SO glad you are not eating all those peas. I like the idea of the heated bags - with lavender in for aches and pains, definitely a winner! Thanks again, you did make me smile xx

Lulabelle said...

Great desk! I love the doorstop and the bag and the dress is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

April said...

Your tree is magnificient! how lovely to have this in your garden! ahh i've been waiting all week to find out about the split peas!! Love the fabrics your using, the big check fabric goes so well with the smaller checks in the other fabric. Something tells me your going to be selling alot of these!! x

Kate said...

Your all barking (and that includes the tree!)
Beautiful projects as always.

** Kate **

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Lots of Goodies from your Teapot Fab.Love the doorstop. Nature in all it's beauty. Do your birds and bees go south for your winter? Here in Iowa all the little creatures are head south, California, Mexico to avoid our freezing temps.We have had flocks of unusual birds and butterflies, stopping for a break of a day or so and out they go. Fun time for us to see the varieties. My sister still has hummingbirds but most are disappearing also. Will be in the 80's here this week, lots of field fires with the farmers doing harvest. Happens with no rain and so much equipment giving off sparks. Enjoy WOYWW and your week ahead

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

That was fun to read! :) Great tip on the peas, too. Not that I'll be doing any doorstops any time soon. :) Great stuff you have for show today. :)

Morti said...

Oh ROFL - I am tea sputtering too.... Love the bits you've made. And the tree is fab - we had a fruiting cherry like it in France, and the last year we were there it pulled out all the stops to produce an astonishing amount of cherries. Prior to that, of course, was the blossom and yes, the number of bees was incredible. Definitely something to marvel at!

Debs Willis said...

Soooooo funny! And I love the doorstop - I'm sure your stall wil do well.

Debs x

SueH said...

Trust me to think of food and suggest Pease Punning when you mentioned your split peas last week Lol!
I just love the door stop………………practical and very pretty too! The fabric is so sweet and although there’s already gingham in the design the red you’ve added really helps to lift the tiny flowers on the tea cups.

Loving your beautiful tree too!
I wish my garden was large enough to have a big tree like that. It must be so great sitting under that natural shade on a very hot day………bliss!
Happy Sewing!

Anonymous said...

Ooh now you really make me long for a bowl of split pea soup! Unfortunately I'm still going to bed at about 8pm and waking up at 4am due to the time difference! So right about now it's four hours since I've had breakfast and three more hours until lunch and I'm hungry again!! Love the fabric and that's a beautiful tree.

Brenda 67

Twiglet said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes -just taking a break to check out my WOYWW blog buddies! I love that doorstop - I keep promising to make one for my sewing room to replace the large thread cone that keeps my door open.x Jo

Shoshi said...

Love the split peas. Far from re-pulse-ive.

I made wheat packs a couple of years ago for Christmas presents. They are great. Wheat is nice and heavy and hard and would make good doorstops too, I expect. The best thing is you can heat them in the microwave and they keep you lovely and warm, and act as hot compresses if you've got a poorly part. They smell gooooorgeous too!

Love the stuff you've made, and your beautiful tree! Our kitties are not great tree climbers. Too lazy.

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog and I'm glad you like my Clementine. I think ordinary things like that really are beautiful. I often look at them and think how marvellous they are. I mean to say, a nice round fruit that fits in your hand or your pocket, that's made up of bite-sized portions held together with a sort of temporary glue, and each piece has a nice little soft edible envelope around it to contain the juice so it doesn't get all over you, and it all comes in a pretty little package that's easy to remove, and is biodegradable to boot. Full of Vit C and other goodies too! And then when you shine light through them... What more could you ask? I give thanks to the Creator of such things every day of my life!!

Happy WOYWW.

Shoshi said...

(Not sure if my first attempt got through, so trying again...) Love the split peas. Far from re-pulse-ive.

I made wheat packs a couple of years ago for Christmas presents. They are great. Wheat is nice and heavy and hard and would make good doorstops too, I expect. The best thing is you can heat them in the microwave and they keep you lovely and warm, and act as hot compresses if you've got a poorly part. They smell gooooorgeous too!

Love the stuff you've made, and your beautiful tree! Our kitties are not great tree climbers. Too lazy.

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog and I'm glad you like my Clementine. I think ordinary things like that really are beautiful. I often look at them and think how marvellous they are. I mean to say, a nice round fruit that fits in your hand or your pocket, that's made up of bite-sized portions held together with a sort of temporary glue, and each piece has a nice little soft edible envelope around it to contain the juice so it doesn't get all over you, and it all comes in a pretty little package that's easy to remove, and is biodegradable to boot. Full of Vit C and other goodies too! And then when you shine light through them... What more could you ask? I give thanks to the Creator of such things every day of my life!!

Happy WOYWW.

Franka Benjaminsen said...

I like all the fabric you've used for your projects. They are wonderful. I love the doorstopper most. I think I have to make some and the advice for the filling brilliant. I would put rice in it before I read this.
Love the tree in your garden too. Beautiful.
Have a lovely WOYWW.

fairyrocks said...

Gorgeous tree photos. Love the peas dialogue. Great door stop and such a pretty apron!!
Keep smiling and creating

The Crafty Elf said...

Great post! I was laughing and singing along but no coffee was spit anywhere thank goodness! What a great doorstop and your sewing items are great Jan. I do love the colour combinations they really work great together. I love your tree, I thought I was the only one that will sit and just stare at the beauty of nature! I could revel for hours ....thanks for the "moment" ahhhhhhh! Would love to see pic's of your tree in full bloom, sounds gorgeous! Thanks for letting me visit and have a great day!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely projects from those gorgeous fabrics. What a beautiful tree and lucky to be able to see it from your window :o)

Kath Stewart said...

thanks for the crafty snoop...loved seeing what was on your desk today..love the door stop...hugs kath xxx

ScrappnBee said...

Love the door stop! It is so cool looking! Esp. with the handle! Your projects always turn out so cool. Love the description of your tree. We all need a giving treee like that!A PS from my blog- an American Girl doll is kind of like the 2 ft tall porcaline dolls of old,except that they are made in the USA and have story books about US history (each doll is from a different era). And then there are the accessories that go with the books, etc... -Amanda

Jingle said...

Great projects! I love that door stop! Thanks for the tip on the peas!!!

Hettie said...

Well done for that idea. Never would have thought of it.
Your tree is gorgeous. I miss the one at the first house I lived at. It was a pink cherry blossom but a really delicate one. I used to go and hug it when I was upset!!!
Loving that Pinnieon too. You have a buyer if it doesn't go at the Craft Fair!! Serious.

Hettie said...

P.S. Dobby is a scream. A rescue dog with only one eye (he has a silicone one which cost an absolute fortune but hey-ho). He had a brilliant time and came back a little trimmer, as we all did I think even if we did eat fish 'n' chips on the front in Penzance, cream teas and Pastie at St Michael's Mount!!

Spyder said...

Love the apron and tote bag, fabulous bright colours, lovely pictures all round!


Simple homemade living said...

gorgeous projects as usual. The tree is wonderful I find them peacefuk to look at.


Laura x

Becky said...

What fabulous material! Love the doorstop and your tree is just beautiful!

Deb said...

fab doorstop, thanks for the tip about the split peas! love all your makes with that fabric, so pretty! what a fab tree, about 3 houses ago we had a tree like that but it yielded the most delicious apples, I made apple pie/crumble every week of Autumn! I miss that tree!
have a great day, Debxx

J.A. Martin said...

I love the apron! I love red checked fabric - very country gingham (to me). I have to say, Jan, that I love your blog and look forward to your comments on mine every week for WOYWW, so I am a follower now! Looking forward to seeing more of your projects. BTW - I love using green split peas in my art. And now I have another use for them! :-)

minnie_mac said...

Thoroughly enjoyed your post. Lovely makes from the teapot fabric.


Lisa-Jane said...

Just returning your question - we were in Newport, Pembs! My Out-laws have a place there and so we visit every year at least once. Wish it wasn't so far, its my spiritual home.

Helen Pigott said...

I love the mtching doorstop and apron (bought mine from a lady on Ebay as sewing is not my thing) Thanks for the visit to my desk, it is a printers tray on my desk, I attended a workshop with Jennie from Artistic Stamper and it was amazing fun. Hope you have a lovely week ahead.
Rum x

Mrs A. said...

Only been in the cupboard for 3 years? Stick em back their only babies. Don't need to see the light of day for a good few more years!!!! Loving that fabric. Hugs Mrs A.

Elizabeth said...

I'll never look at a doorstop in quite the same way again and as I hate split peas - ugh, the soup - I'm happy to see it being used as a non-food item :) Love the fabrics and he apron is so pretty. Our cat, akak The Boss, doesn't climb trees ... probably too old now ... but that suits me as I'm too old to rescue her if she got stuck! But I wish I had a pretty cherry tree like yours instead of the sad and badly pruned fir trees the council has seen fit to leave as the back boundary to our garden... sigh ... have a great week. Elizabeth x #75

Bubbles said...

Your fabrics are always so gorgeous!
That tree really is a stunner. I have lilac trees in my garden... but if I were to lay under them, guaranteed I would end up with cat or dog mess all over me! Love my pets... but they do have their drawbacks *lol*
Hope your WOYWW was (and is) wonderful!
aka Sheleen at

fairy thoughts said...

dont ya just love alternative uses for everyday things. LOve yout fabric combinations. A gorgeous tree like that is definately part of the family, so many happy memories

Ohhh Snap said...

What a great post :D. Love all the titles and your projects are fabulous, such great fabric and useful too!! And I love your tree :D Thanks for visiting and the white thing on my desk might make a good massage thingy, but it's intended purpose is to hold things for table decor (it's still being put together). But I bought lots of doweling, so we'll see what works :D.

Sandie said...

What a lovely post Jan, and those fabrics are just gorgeous!
I had a cherry blossom tree when we moved here. It was as beautiful as you describe. Unfortuantly we don't have it any more but you bought back happy memories of my own children climbing it and collecting blossom.

Carola Bartz said...

I would love to have a tree like that in my garden! I can understand your love for him. Hopefully in spring you'll post a photo of him all in bloom, I'd love to see that.

Nicky said...

Love your material and all the items you have made

Grand tree you have there as well his marvellous

dianneo said...

Good luck at your sale, may the peas be with you! (stupid pun, I know).

Anonymous said...

Love your fabulous projects and your pictures are wonderful!

Tuire Flemming said...

That fabric is sooo beautiful! I have used dried green peas as filling in my peabag-animals - and also I have bought tens of pea bags from the market. Maybe they thought that I have twenty kids ;)

KatzElbows said...

Brilliant door stop. And if the people at Tescos give you funny looks, shop at Sainsburys! Seriously, I've wanted to make a doorstop for my parents but didn't know what to fill it with, so thank you for helping me out. I love your fabric choices. The apron is gorgeous.

cheers, rachel #21

Di said...

Oh Jan, your posts do make me laugh :) Candle in the wind indeed. A brilliant idea though for the split peas - I'd have waited for a supermarket to offer free delivery, being the coward I am. What a wonderful tree - part of the family it seems. Happy belated WOYWW. Di xx

Made by Mandy said...

Great idea to use it as a doorstop filling. Living in Birmingham we have lots of Asian supermarkets and I bet they do lentils in sacks. I'll keep an eye out for you and price it up for you as I would guess it can be pricey buying it in small bags from Tesco. Wiltshire is a nice drive out for me :)

We have white cherry trees on the street outside my house and I love it when the blossom blows off in the wind, it's just like confetti raining down. How nice that you have such lovely memories of such a special tree.

See you next week crafty lady :)

Love Mandy xxx

famfa said...

Lovely post. Fantastic tree. Corny titles but like it. I use chick peas for my chickens bums! Or sometimes kidney beans. Bag is fabulous as is doorstop x

famfa said...

Have to tell you that I am now singing...... Peas don't go, don't goooooooo,.........?.

Thanks for that

Unknown said...

I thought you were going to make soup.LOL Love the doorstop.
Carol C

Alison Horne said...

What a beautiful garden, I can just imagine you swanning about in your lovely pinny, collecting stuff in your new bag.Not sure i could be trusted to stuff a doorstop, probably end up as spilt peas,[groan- peas release me indeed]

Liz Miller said...

Thank you, the start of your post gave me a giggle. Love what you've created with your cutouts from last week. Agree with your comment on the ATCs and have now stencilled the web on the backs too.
Liz xx

Carmen said...

Love all your creations LLJan! Love your tree too - am extremely jealous of your garden!

My ears just pricked up at your crafty makes for your fair. Have been looking for a nice peg bag everywhere (why did I not think to ask you? Doh!) If you have one spare after the fair would you flog one to me?

lisa said...

I love coming to visit you, you always have such a lovely, funny, intersting post going on.
The doorstop is gorgeous, I was right about those peas!!!! Bet the checkut lady thinks you are super healthy either that or mad!!!
How wonderful to have such a fantastic tree in your garden. I love the spring blossom, it is always a magical sight. We had a huge Eucalyptus but the winter caught it last year and although it's shooting from the bottom, we've had to chop it down to ground level for it to start again and I do miss the rustle of the leaves.
Hugs Lisax

voodoo vixen said...

I bet the family is glad you are using them for sewing projects and not planning on feeding them humungous bowls of the stuff!! The doorstop looks great as usual... and I knew the others were going to be stunning just from the cut-outs!!
How lovely to have your tree for so long and all the memories it holds... all the trees here are turning yellow and gold... it will be snowing shortly!!

sandra de said...

Your tree is stunning ...just want to give it a hug. Love all the beautiful creations from the pretty fabric and I did giggle over the pulse song themes. Very clever.

Angela Toucan said...

I guessed doorstop or paper weight, so I got it. It looks fabulous and so does that apron. Like that tree.


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...