WOYWW 123 - easy as ABC...


We had our Christmas music folders dished out to us at band practice the other night - and if I've got to suffer 'seasonal' music in October, why, I'm going to have to pass that festive cheer onto you!!  Bah, humbug.... :D

Actually, my desk is looking quite festive at the moment as I'm really busy making items for the fast approaching Christmas fairs.  Here are the fabrics that I bought in Winchester the other day.

These are going to be used for tree decorations, bunting and groovy Santa stockings....

And these are going to be more bunting and padded hearts - I'm a sucker for the Scandinavian look...

I've already started to cut some pieces out...

Here are some naked bunts, ready to be backed and put onto the binding tape.

Or possibly a row of thongs, as the Big O once remarked!!  Hang on, how does he know???  Actually, I don't want to hear the answer to that *fingers in ears* la la la la la!! I'm not listening!!  :D

Then I paid a quick visit to KraftKrazy in Tidworth and bought this lovely little selection to embellish the tree decorations. The wooden buttons look really smart sewn onto the hearts.

So, as you can see, there's a fair bit of sewing to be done this week!  Keeps me out of mischief.....and if you believe THAT, you'll believe anything *grin* !

DH, Son No 2 ( who doesn't think the moniker Son No 2 is as cool as the Big O, so I'm going to have to think of another shorthand for him...) and I went to Cardiff today to visit the Big O - he'd left behind a few things that he'd decided he couldn't live without, so we did the emergency run westwards along the M4.  He lives a 10 minute walk from the city centre, so we had a stroll around.  It's changed a lot in the 20 odd years since I was last there - very shiny and new!  We were walking through the St David's Centre when both lads suddenly spotted a store selling nothing but Lego.  Most of the shelves were stacked high with boxes but this caught my eye at the far end of the shop.

I've never seen a Pick and Mix of Lego before!  It made me want to get my hands in and riffle through them all!!  And even though my lads are 18 and 15, they're still suckers for the stuff...

Thank you to my gorgeous DH for taking these pics on his iPhone cos we didn't have the camera with us.  Aren't they great, abstract shots?? Hope there's enough bright colour to keep you all happy on this gloomy autumn day!

Well, that's about all except to say a HUGE thank you for all the wonderful comments last week!  May your leaves be crunchy, your apple pies steaming and your crafting productive.

See ya!


Chrissie said...

Your fabrics look as good in these pics as they did in real life Jan, and I love the idea of what they will become... the hearts will be gorgeous, I ought to make some myself but it's the getting round to it, plus the fact that my machine sometimes continues stitching after I've taken my foot off the pedal!
Have a great day... the lego pics are awesome!

jude said...

I didnt think Lego came that small.Oh the festive material looks fab .Love the hearts and the bunnting .
Have creative week cant wait to see finished products.You should have wee shop or sell on your blog i would buy crimbo bunting if there for sale ?
hugs judex 28

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Amazing all these Lego and yes... I'd like to be 10 years old too when I'm there. Love the fabric, especially the Scandinavian ones. You can never start to early for Christmas :-D
Enjoy your Wednesday and happy sewing.

Neet said...

Your post is definitely lovely and bright - enough to waken me on this dreary damp morning. What a fab Lego shop! Fab fabrics too - can't wait to see what you do with it all - love the Scandinavian look myself. Thanks so much for sharing - Hugs, Neet #8
ps did you see you got a mention on my blog?

Helen said...

Thanks for your kind words, LLJ, they are much appreciated. Love the Lego pick'n'mix!!

Belinda Basson said...

Now there is a thought, pick n mix lego! My hubby and son would be lost in there for hours!


Wow so many memories crashing over me - I studied at Pontypridd (Uni of Glamorgan) and was a regular visitor to Cardiff - loved that city. The thought of a lego store may be enough to persuade my husband to take a trip there - the only other time I saw a lego store was out in Germany and it was a glorious thing to behold (so may pretty colours all in a row).
Sewing with oil cloth has been a big challenge, I can sew with the 2 vinyl sides together no bother but if I have 2 vinyl surfaces on the outside it is a disaster (although I have forgotten to play with the tension on my sewing machine - would that help?). I haven't given up though and I am hand stitching the vinyl parts as there is also denim parts and they are no bother!. Thanks for all the helpful tips it really would have been a complete non-starter without them.

Julia Dunnit said...

On a day like this, I'd work there for free - the colour combo and the possibility of just swirling your hand through a bucket of lego is irresistible!
Chrissie's machine still behaving badly I see! How funny. The 'bunts' and hearts look very pleasing...will be speaking to you later by method of telephoning. (Promise,not threat!_

Annie said...

Love all your craft fair makes. I'm glad to say our grandchildren are fast reaching the lego stage cos a house without lego has something missing :-)
A x

Jennibellie said...

Love the fabrics, bet the bunting looks gorgeous once strung up tfs Jenny x

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love the fabric selections. You always seem to put those purchases to good use too. Will be fun to see the Christmas decor from them.
What an awesome display of Lego's..my 2 sons spent hours designing with them. Now it's on the grandkids list!! Get hand to eye coordination and puts inventive little minds to work. The Mall of America in Minneapolis has a wonderful store with it seems almost anything your little heart desires in LegoLand.
Have a fun week.

Karen said...

Ohhh lego, who can beat it. We've still got a huge box of it here and we're well past playing age!!! No correction, you're never past playing age! Have fun everyone. Enjoy WOYWW!

Angie said...

Where to start ...loved your post ...right down to the last word. Your materials and projects are so eyecatching.
As for the Lego ...my son would have thought he had died and gone to heaven if he had walked in to that shop ....and he is 36. lol

Neil said...

Hi there. Just a quick peek around the door this week as time is definitely not on my side! I did want to visit though. Lego, irresistible to all. Especially once you discover it is great to stamp with!

Ohhh Snap said...

Ohhhhhh those legos brighten up a day :D. Such memories of my long ago childhood too! Still love them. But as a kid I seemed to be forever stepping on them, one of the single most painful toys invented lol. Love all that fabric too! Red is my favorite :D. Lovely projects, giggling over the thongs lol. #82

Debs Willis said...

Lovely bright colours! And steaming apple pies - what a thought, feel a pie making sesh coming on.......

Loved your festive fabrics - C&H by any chance?????


Debs x

SueH said...

Just look at all that gorgeous fabric and yes, it does have a real Christmassy feel to it, Jan.

I know you were saying that October is too early for Christmas music but I like to make my Christmas cards while listening to Carols and other Christmas songs, it gets me in the right mood.

Loving the pick-n-mix Logo…………..boy has it changed since my day!
Happy Sewing!

Ann B said...

So that's two things I have learnt today, you can buy pick-and-mix lego and you can stamp with it.
Love your beautiful fabric you have enough to keep you going until next Christmas.

Morti said...

Oh wow - Lego! And more to the point, pick-n-mix Lego!

I want some!!!!!

Love the fabrics you have, they will stitch up just Ace.

Thanks for stopping by - I'll whisper matey-o's name in your ear when I stop by next, which I must do soon to return the music book...

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I so want to plunge my hands into all that lovely Lego! Gorgeous hearts :o) I plan on making something similar with a piece of linen I bought. I love those wooden buttons too.

Carola Bartz said...

Your hearts and bunts are beautiful. The fabric simply looks delicious!!! Have fun with them. Thank you very much for the lovely comment you left on my blog.

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Fab lego store and the fabric projects are simply wonderful!

Kath Stewart said...

thanks for the crafty peek today jan...loving all those gorgeous fabrics and love the lego store...reminds me of the huge one in NYC...hugs kath xxx

Jingle said...

Lots of fun stuff! I'm loving that second set of pretty fabrics!!!

JoZart Designs said...

Great fabrics and I love the Lego shops too. I've been often to the Brighton one when visiting DD! but now (woo hoooo) we've got one in Liverpool!
Love your tree in previous post, what a freind you have there.
JoZarty x

Made by Mandy said...

Love the pretty fabrics and those wooden buttons are lush :)

I love Lego and think I had more fun with what I bought my nephew for Christmas years ago than he did. The colour pods look like an art installation, cool pictures.

Love Mandy xxx

Becky said...

Ooohhh your fabrics look fun and so do your hearts! Loving the wood buttons! That picture of your son is awesome, love the colors!

Alison Horne said...

good to see you have a 'thong in your heart,' despite the early christmas music.feeling guilty now, not even entertained thoughts of Christmas crafting yet.x


Hello again - it's called Catbus and is from a delightful set of Japanese Anime films by a company called Studio Ghibli - most people have heard of Spirited Away. The Catbus is from 'My Neighbour Totoro' and was specifically aimed at kids, but my 3 year old loves most of them - as well as the above 2, Howl's Moving Castle is excellent and Kiki's Delivery Service, They are sometimes on Film 4 and very splendid :) Bag is taking 3 dimensional shape (tacked together) and should be ready to have a lining put in once I have sewn it together tomorrow. I may even brave a second zip - see how it goes ;)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

All that lovely Lego. I know quite a few grown up children who would revel in digging in to that lot. Those Christmas fabrics are beautiful and I am not surprised you have given in to the festive mood. I spent all afternoon adding a little glitter to all the cards I mad earlier in the week. Thank you for your lovely comments earlier today.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Color, color everywhere in this post! Gotta love the fabric and I've never even seen a Lego in real life. What a fun bunch of photos and a far better I-phone than I have camera!

Marjo said...

Yummy projects, love the materials. Thanks for the peek and sharing.

Hope you are having a great WOYWW.

xoxo Marjo

Jo.C said...

Fabulous colours in the shots - enjoyed visiting and love your comment on my blog. I will have to try the hoopla pineapple next time but bit disappointed today the chips were a bit soggy :0)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, what a colourful post - love the fabrics, embellies and the excellent lego pics. The hearts and thongs will look great on your stall - very festive. Can't wait to see what moniker you conjure up for DH Son No. 2. Love that blessing you ended on ... :) Elizabeth x #53

Unknown said...

I am coveting Lego. My grandies would love it there. Fab fabric and yummy buttons.
Thanks for stopping by.

Carol C

Mrs A. said...

Love the selection of materials you have cut out for the stuffed hearts. Hugs Mrs A.

Sunshine Girl said...

The pick and mix is fab isnt it - we were in Cardiff in the August holidays - my children loved it too! Love all of the sewing you have to do this week - sounds like a lovely week to me!

minnie_mac said...

Love the Lego Pick 'n' Mix !


Di said...

Great fabrics Jan - and our two grand children would love that Lego pick and mix! Belated Happy WOYWW. Di xx

bohemiannie! art said...

I can't wait to see your hearts and thongs...I mean bunting...finished! Great fabrics. Who wouldn't LOVE red and white?!?! And the legos!!! Wow would my 29 and 30 year olds have had a field day with THAT! I'm getting ready to buy legos for my grandson's birthday and sure do wish I could bring him there to buy them!!!
Oh and before I forget...thanks for visiting my blog and here's the note I wrote back to you but didn't have your email...
Thanks LLJ! There IS a lot of history in that quilt. It's made from scraps of things I'd made and then embroidered in each corner is whatever was pertinent in my daughter's life as she was growing. I had NO idea how to make a quilt and fear kept me from finishing it but...it was finished in it's time. :)And believe it or not...I consider 'making' fabric fun! and I get to practice free motion stitching and use up scraps!!! so it's all good!

Susanne said...

Love all the red fabric. And that cornucopia of colors on the wall - how inviting - that store knows its marketing.

Twiglet said...

Great snaps of the pick n mix Lego! Hope we see your finished Xmas items with that fab fabric too. x Jo

Unknown said...

YOU got me in the Christmas spirit!!! Thank you. I am officially 'launched' and will now think RED, CREAM, GREEN!!! *smiles* Norma

Anonymous said...

Great fabric, I especially love the Nordic inspired ones too, and that pic-n-mix lego looks amazing! I agree about the planes, and after a 22 hour day and the stress of the previous couple of weeks his immune system must have been on the floor. Happily he's feeling much better now, sadly I woke up this morning with a sore throat!!!


fairy thoughts said...

love what you are doing with the fabric, but those brick containers, so fab, I just want to run my fingers through them!

Hettie said...

In the Bleak Mid Autumn, gusty winds may blow....LOL
I love those scandinavian fabrics too - always have done hence why alot (most) of my Christmas decs are from Czech as they are similar.
If you go to Ikea they have some lovely matching candles at the moment - well they did last week - and I did leave some behind!!
Enjoy your music practice and sewing!

karen said...

All the fabrics you have chosen are so lovely! The hearts and the bunting look great already and they're not finished.
My nephews that were visiting would have loved to see that Lego store I am sure! I was really surprised that once my niece and I started to craft, how quickly the boys put down the computer games and joined in!
xoxo Karen

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Thanks for visiting, you're right, I used a Tone F. pattern for inspiration when making the sewing machine cover. Her books are fab!

Warm hugs

lisa said...

Lots of seasonal lovliness on your post today. I feel really cheered up in this dismal weather. The Scandanvian look is huge this year isn't it. Our garden centre have lots of red and white wooden decorations and I have to admit several have found their way into my basket as I think they look lovely all year round.
Your hearts looking gorgeous.
I bet everything you make goes down a storm at the fayres. We all have fabric stockings and I love getting them out evey year.
Have fun
Hugs Lisax

sandra de said...

Great shots of the lego display .. I know what you mean it just begs to be fiddled with!

No. 2 could be 2ic (second in charge).

shazsilverwolf said...

Love that Lego- wouldn't it be fabulous to have buttons stored like that...Running a bit late this week, have a good week, Shaz

Katie said...

Those fabrics are wonderful! I love the Lego store, we have one near us, and I always think about how much my brother (now 22) would have LOVED that store when he was kid! In fact, I think he'd love it now if he saw it!


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...