Hi there, another week of desky snooping arrives, yay! Joining in with the link up at Sarah's Craft Shed

Thanks for all the lovely comments last week, so kind of you when I was unable to return many because of being away. We did have a really lovely time and I found crafting all over the place:

I'll just share a couple - this was a post box topper of Criccieth in Criccieth! Complete with the castle (love the Welsh flags!), boats and swimmers, there was so much detail from some very talented crafters.

Also in Criccieth was a curtain of flowers leading up to the Memorial Hall:

The colours just made me smile, so happy!

I might have bought some fabric....

All from the sale rack in a little shop in Machynlleth. I always look out for something a little different to what I've already got.

The doggy fabric has already been cut out, interfaced and sewing started:

I thought a red spotty lining would be fun - I'm doing a craft fair on the 29th June and thought they might go well.

The red lining picks up on the dog collars!

I also bought some yarn on holiday ( I like supporting small independent shops if possible)  I didn't buy all this but was having a sort out of what I had to make some small jumpers for The Gift of Warmth charity:

That should keep me quiet for a while! The white stand is for my iPad, I was having a chat with Lynnecrafts and doing some knitting whilst we nattered away.

My menfolk had a lot of fun taking different panoramas on holiday, I shall leave you with three:

The seagull show off made me laugh!

Whoever balanced those rocks was very clever....

and this shot started with G, panned around the Criccieth Bay and ended with me!

Fun huh?!

Hope you're keeping well and happy - may your crafting be ink splot free and without yarny snarlups xxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

love the postbox topper! the doggy fabric is perfect with your red spotty lining. Great panorama shots; they're such fun! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

SOme great photos in Criccieth Jan - love the yarn bombing. Those new fabrics are fab - love the bottom one in particular. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

A fab post Jan - so much crafty yumminess. Your doggy fabric makes will fly off your craft table I'm sure. Those panorama photos are beautiful and I love that you feature too. ( Made me think of those long school photos they used to do. Have you thought of running round and being on both ends🤣🤣. xx Jo

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

I concur with the red spotty fabric! I immediately thought oh that would look good with red hehe! Great photos from your travels and great purchases too. I love seeing the post box toppers all around the place - so clever. We have a local group that does it but suddenly another one has appeared that has not been done by them... controversial!! Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6

Lynnecrafts said...

It was good to chat yesterday, Jan. I love your new fabrics and hope your next fair is a success. Those panoramic photos are great; I love the one of you and Gordon framing the bay.
Good luck with your knitting.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13 xx

Mary Anne said...

You find the most interesting spots to photograph! Love the flower curtain - that must be spectacular IRL. Doggy, ok, fine, but where's the kitty love!? :P I need a charity project, as I keep hearing they little Smoothe hats are not happening this year. Will look in to Gift of Warmth. I have a lot of yarn to use up...
Happy Desk Hopping (and for me, knitting)!
Mary Anne (3)

Crafting Queen said...

Looks like you had a great time. Love that doggy fabric. Have a great week. Anesha x

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Jan, some great photographs today. I wonder how long it will be before someone knocks the stones down? A great balancing act. Love the dog fabric, the red is perfect with it. Good luck on you next craft stand. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Neet said...

Oh Jan, what stunning photographs. Each one is beautiful and I love how G has imposed the two of you on the vista of the Bay. It made me think of a long postcard to send to someone saying 'wish you were here'.
Fab. fabric, love the red with the grey regardless of the dog collar but that just adds to it.
That topper! WOW I think that must be the best one I have ever seen.
Take care
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Wow the postbox topper is amazing, and I love the fabric - the doggy one looks fab with the spotty one. North Wales has some stunning scenery and I'm so glad you had a lovely time - I love your panorama shots.
Hope you have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xx #15

BJ said...

Super panoramas, especially the one with both of you in and amazing rock pile! Love the lilac daisy fabric and the post box topper is fantastic (always curious how these things cope with all the rain etc??) Hugs BJ#11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased you had a good time. I so love all those post box toppers that are appearing, they are brilliant. Beautiful photos of you two and the landscape too. Obviously not surprised you came home with fabric Hee! Hee! Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x14x

Lindart said...

Looks like you are having a whale of a time! Imagine all the work that went into that topper and all those flowers! Incredible! We don't see much like that here, although there is one garden I drive by that is all crocheted flowers! I love that panorama photo of you and hubby! And I'm sure those doggy prints will sell like crazy! Have a great week, Lindart #19

Robyn said...

wow! fun yarn bombing! you'll be please to hear I finally did some sewing- not mending actual sewing! robyn 17

Annie said...

Sorry I'm so late calling by. I had a busy morning with sewing then had an appointment at the diabetic clinic this afternoon [all well].
I love it all....the crafty knitting you found on your travels, the fabric and yarn purchases and the gorgeous photos.
Annie x # 8

Susan Renshaw said...

Fabulous yarn bombing!
Loving your holiday snaps!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5


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