Sorry I was missing in action last week, I was properly poorly with gastric trouble, not Covid thankfully. But that's all behind now so here's this week's offering!

I have been in the JanCave beavering away:

I've bought a fair bit of new fabric recently for the Jubilee and other things. When I saw this Welsh flag fabric on eBay, I just couldn't resist! It's no wonder it's been voted the Coolest Flag in the World...dragons make everything better *grin*

I was debating what to do with it, the pattern is too big for glasses cases and then inspiration struck:

Peg bags! I'm really pleased with how it turned out, I don't know if there's space in the cafe to display it but I might sweet talk Laura, the owner, to see if I can.

I'd had this conversation with Lynnecrafts about how you can get smart doggy print fabric but the cat ones seem to be cutesy and not my thing at all. Then I found this:

Fun huh? I really like the range of colours too and the pattern is good for quite a few of the things I make. This example is winging its way up to Scotland for Elizabeth Silver Scrapper.

There's been some more Jubilee stuff going on too - I know that pom poms are going to feature heavily in the town yarnbombing and so I got some Stylecraft acrylic in the appropriate colours and invited my mate Kim over for a cuppa and some wool winding!

We hadn't seen each other for a month so there was a lot to catch up on. The Clover pom pom makers make it so much easier than the circles of cardboard method.

And before you knew it:

It's a good start!

Hope you have a nice week, the weather for Easter looks pretty good so I see some beach walking and gardening on the horizon! Enjoy your crafting xxxxx


Helen said...

Good to see you this week, I was wondering where you were last week but sorry that you were ill; glad you are better now. Love your new fabric for the peg bags and the pom poms look perfect. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you are over the nasty bug.

The fabrics are fab. Hope they can display the peg bag.

I use to love making p0om poms as a kid, but only had the cardboard method:) LOL


Julia Dunnit said...

That IS a good start, the yarn bombing will be terrific, I’m excited to see it all! Good for lovely Kim, it’s so nice to sit and ‘do’ whilst catching up isn’t it. We’re good at that. We’re also good at not doing and catching up. Super skill sets!! I didn’t think the cat peg bag would hang around long, I really like the fabric and expect it will go down as well as any dog stuff, it hits the right note between cute and cheery doesn’t it. As for the dragons, well, perfecto! also sorry you haven’t been well…I shall ring and Dr you as soon as I can. Xx

Twiglet said...

Glad you are better Jan - we missed your cheery post! The peg bags are fab - you do get hold of some lovely fabrics. And, who doesn't love a well puffed pompom! xxx Jo

Neet said...

Sorry to hear you had gastric problems last week, not nice! Glad you are feeling better this week.
I must make a journal page with cats from Dylusions soon and then you can see how alike the cats are to those on the fabric. Same shape anyhow.
The dragon peg bags, if you are making more, will go lie hot cakes, People always want a souvenir with a dragon on, especially a Welsh one.
Hugs, Neet xx 1

Diana Taylor said...

I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell, but glad you are over it all now. It looks like you are up to full speed with the creating - the peg bags are fabulous, they will definitely cheer up the drudge of doing the laundry. The pom pom making looks fun and you've really been churning them out with the pom pom maker. I've only ever done them the cardboard way, but that little gadget looks very tempting!
Hope you have a lovely week,
Diana xx #9

Lynnecrafts said...

So glad you’re feeling better Jan. Your peg bags are lovely (especially the cats!) and it looks so much fun to be pompomming with your friend!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 8

Crafting With Jack said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better now. Absolutely love the Welsh peg bag - about time I had a new one! The Pom poms are coming along and those gadgets look very helpful. Happy WOYWW. Angela #6

Sarah Brennan said...

Sorry to hear you've been poorly Jan and glad that you are feeling better now. Saw the peg bags on FB and they are indeed cool. Good that you had company with the pompom making too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

Annie said...

Thanks for calling by at mine and for your lovely comments. It’s been a long anxious road lately and hopefully life can return to a little nearer normal....whatever that means lol.
So glad you’re feeling rather better this week. I love the peg bags.
Annie x #5

Diana Taylor said...

Hi again Jan, just popping back to say thank you so much for the beautiful card that arrived just now - it's an absolute stunner and will definitely be framed - just my colours too! xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather last week but looks like you're making up for it now. Loving the dragon fabric, it would be nice if you could get it in different size dragons but I love what you've made with it. Thanks for the lovely comment over at mine and wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x10x

Eva said...

Dear Jan! I missed you, you know it!
Fine, that you are here again. My Wednesday is saved! :-)
The peg bags are so lovely and practical.
And nice to chatter with a friend, during making pom poms.
Have a nice day and a pretty Easter weekend.
Stay well,
Eva from Austria

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

I do love a good peg bag Lunch Lady Jan and those truly are crackers, am sure the vibrancy of the dragon aka Weiss style will go like hotcakes… great yarn bobbing tasks too.
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy late WOYWW. Sorry to hear you had the nasty Welsh stomach bug, which we all had here too (although thankfully I was better after about 12 hours). I love both those fabrics. Nice and bright. I must come up to you with my Nordic Walking poles one day, and we can walk on your beach. Ali x #19

StampinCarol said...

Glad you're feeling better! And looks like you've made great time of crafting since! Cool pompoms!
Have a wonderful week!
Carol N #15

Tracy said...

So happy to read you're feeling much better 🤗 the lurgy has been doing the rounds up here too. Gorgeous peg bags and just look at all those pom poms 😍 always lovely catching up with good friends.
Enjoy your weekend with walks along the beach. Sending love and hugs Tracy #14 xxxxx

Lindart said...

The peg bags are great! Especially the cats...It's nice that you could have a friend over to make pom poms and catch up. My friend that I usually see, I haven't been able to see since the summer, hopefully soon though. She's a stamper too. Sounds like your Jubilee will be a blast! Have a great week, Lindart #18

craftyani said...

Missed you last week. Hope I am commenting on the right week, can't see much on my phone. I have been pompom making in red, white & blue.whenever I see dragons I think of my son he loved them. Have a good weekend. Ani

craftyani said...

Missed you last week. Hope I am commenting on the right week, can't see much on my phone. I have been pompom making in red, white & blue.whenever I see dragons I think of my son he loved them. Have a good weekend. Ani

Kelly said...

Happy Easter, Jan!
So glad your discomfort is gone and you're crafting again. I did get your email. Hope to send package tomorrow. PomBom sounds fun. A couple of years ago, Indoor snowball fights were a thing - You got a box of 12 'snowballs' for about $5. I bought Bob and I each a box and we've never used them. I"m thinking his first Day of Winter after retirement should be fun! Hugs & Creative Blessings! Kelly

Bridget Larsen said...

HOpe you are feeling better now, love those pompoms
Bridget #20


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...