After last week's photo-fest about my adventures in Canada, a slightly more moderate offering this week :-D

The JanCave still isn't up and running as we're waiting for some new skirting board to be put in and painted and then I can get back to normal...well, as normal as I can ever be! So what crafting I'm doing is scattered about  the house.

I'm running down on cards for the WI and have got the stuff out to make some more...

I was BOWLED over by Marit's jacket and sashiko embroidery last week so I'm unashamedly copying her. The sashiko embroidery captured my imagination, I love the geometric style - and then I saw a linen blend jacket for sale online. I think I'd better practise on some sample pieces before I dive straight in which is my normal method, LOL!

Do you remember I entered a few things for the WI County competition? 


I was rather pleased and got some valuable points for my group. Woohoo!

Last Thursday, we decided to go on a spontaneous road trip and headed over to the beautiful Cardigan Bay - it was a fab day to celebrate our son's graduation results.

We had fish and chips sitting on the harbour wall...this labrador was giving his owners a very hard stare, willing them to share their chips with him, lol!!

This lady artist does outdoor watercolour classes....

We went on an evening boat trip and saw lots of wildlife including

Rows and rows of guillemots and razorbills....

A very fine lobster (who was put back in the sea)

Manx Shearwaters...apparently it's very rare to see these so close to shore...

...and lots of dolphins. This was a mum and calf just playing around...

It was very exciting indeed!

And a truly beautiful evening. We shan't forget this in a hurry!

Have a great week everyone!


Helen said...

wow, what a week! well done on the prizes! I am sure your Marit-inspired jacket will be stunning. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Anne said...

Wow what a week. Congrats on the prizes. Look forward to seeing the jacket completed. Here's to another great week. Anne x 3

Neet said...

Well done Jan! Congratulations on your wins, nice to see the third prize ticket and then scroll down and wowser - a first (and rightly so it is beautiful).
Ooh your trip yielded some fab photos - did you take the or G? No matter who, loved seeing them especially the man with the fish and chips (and four legs). Fun aside I love the sea pictures, dolphins, ooh I want to go and see them for myself. Love them.
The Manx Shearwater picture is beautiful and so is the sunset - but then I think they all are. So en joy your photography so keep 'em coming please.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx (ps look forward to seeing the jacket started ... finished some time)

Sue said...

Hi Jan, The WI is so lucky to have you making cards.

Looking forward to seeing the finished jacket.

Wwell done on the 3rd and 1st awards. When I first moved to the village I enquired about the WI, but they had just closed due to lack of nbumbers.

Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. I love Dolphins and Whales.

Sue ##6

Crafting Queen said...

Wow, love those photos! wish I was at the seaside. Congratulations on your success at the WI. Have a great week. Anesha :)

Annie said...

Well done you with the competition wins. It looks like you had a wonderful time at Cardigan Bay....stunning photos. Hope you have another wonderful day today too....and of course share a few more pics.
Annie x #13

Sarah Brennan said...

Well done on your competition results with the WI Jan. Looks like a great day out on Cardigan bay; congratulations to your grandson on his graduation. Have a great week. Sarah #16

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Congrats on both competition wins Jan, what amazing works of art, your photography is so appealing along with your poster. You are so clever!!
Congrats also to your Son.
We were all in awe over Marit's transformation on her jacket an inspiration to us ALL..
The picture with the Black Lab made me smile, we see this everyday with ours. She can twist everyone aground her paws with those glances!!
Thanks for sharing WOYWW wishing you a fabulous day Tracy #7

Catriona said...

Well done on your competition results and I love that you see it as helping the team. Congrats to your son too. Sunsets have been amazing recently and we’ve seen them in Yorkshire and Lancashire these last two weeks. I also keep eyeing up Sashiko and your jacket looks perfect. Happy sewing.

Diana Taylor said...

Well done on your awards you clever gal - they are richly deserved, the poster is stunning and I love the Paris photo - beautiful. I can't wait to see how you decorate the jacket and am just off to Google Shashiko - it looks fascinating.
Beautiful, magical photos of your boat trip - what spectacular scenery and wildlife.
Have a great day today,
Hugs, Diana xx #17

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, and well done on those awards, clever lady you! Loving the day trip photos, beautiful scenery. The Sashiko that Marit did looked amazing, I know yours will too. Have a fab day with Julia, Love & Hugs, Shaz XxxX

Marit said...

Congrats on the awards, the photos are indeed gorgeous as are the rest of the photos, you are one talented lady! And let me tell you a secret: I didn't practice Sashiko first but dived right in and put it on the jacket... I'm sure you will enjoy and your jacket will look fabulous - keep us posted! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #20

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, first, congratulations on your prizes! Your entries are both wonderful. Your photographs are exceptional too - you capture so well some wonderful little scenes and moments as well as the big ones like the dolphins. Quite a few ladies at my craft group are keen sashiko embroidery - I think you will pick it up in no time. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #23

Robyn said...

Hi! i'm a diver too! love the travellog- must get to the sea side!
robyn 11

Robyn said...

forgot to say, I always carry embroidery with me in my pack.must give this type a try

J said...

Hi Jan, well done on the awards and thanks for sharing those amazing photos, how beautiful.
I look forward to seeing your jacket when it's finished, good on you for giving it a try, I'm sure it will be brilliant as you are such a dab hand at sewing.
Jan x no 22

Hazel said...

Hope the JanCave is up and running soon. Love all the photos you've shared - sure you had a great time. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day - Hazel, WOYWW #18 x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Fabulous photos Jan, what a great experience. Look forward to seeing how you decorate the jacket. Have a great creative week and happy woyww, Angela x12x

Caro said...

Wow, what a great trip. The dolphins are gorgeous. I look forward to seeing what you do with the jacket. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#31)

Twiglet said...

Such really beautiful WI award winners Jan - well deserved. Your Cardigan Bay photos are a super momento of a great time - that sunset is so peaceful and serene. Thanks for sharing. xx Jo

Stacy Sheldon said...

OOh Jan, congratulations on your entries. and the shots of the trip are fabulous :)
I am curious if you shoot people that happen to be there do you ask ahead of time or do you try and do it without interrupting the scene? I used to think about shooting like on main street or something and I end up choking and not shooting the people so, it was just curious to me.
~Stacy #30

StampinCarol said...

I love all your photos! What a great trip! And that embroidery looks interesting. Looking forward to your jacket when you get it done. Have a great week!
Carol N #24

Kathryn Frantz said...

What an amazing day! Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures.

Sharon Madson said...

Jan, what incredible photos on your outing! Wow! Congratulations on your entries and points for your group. Thanks for sharing your lovely post. #37

Frayed Round The Edges said...

How wonderful your day trip was. Looking forward to seeing the jacket. I am in the process of up cycling denim jackets myself. Karen #23

Anonymous said...

After reading this week's post I realised that I must have missed a week - and was ashamed to see that I had in fact missed more than one week! Congratulations on your competition success. I was intending to enter a few projects (photography and crafty) into one of our local shows next week, but realising that I am rapidly running out of time to get it sorted (and the energy needed). I may well concentrate on the big Pembrokeshire County Show, which is 3 days in mid-August (OMG that is this month!). I always say I will enter, so I will check later to see which classes I could enter and actually do something about it. Ali x


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