It's a short post today - my beloved Dad passed away last Saturday and so I have no desk picture to show you. What I've chosen instead is a picture of 'my' beach, Cefn Sidan, in Wales. In the 1960's, the Ministry of Defence had chosen this site to be a gunnery range, shooting at targets out at sea.  My dad headed up a group of locals and became Chairman of the Save Our Sands campaign. I remember TV cameras in our lounge and marching through Cardiff in a protest. And Dad and his group stopped the range coming...the area is now the Pembrey Country Park - a fitting epitaph to a man who loved his family and life.

I am ok, don't worry but won't be visiting many desks today - I'll keep an eye out for linking issues. Mention it in the comments and either myself or Neet will help.

Have a good day and give out lots of hugs xx


Bridget Larsen said...

So sorry to hear of your dads passing, thank you for the link up...say hello to Julia and wish her well in her recover. Sending you prayers and love
Bridget #1

Helen said...

So sorry for your loss, Jan. have cleared my cache this week but still can't link... please help again! The beach is beautiful, and well done your lovely dad for saving it!

dmgarafalo said...

Those whom we have loved never really leave us. They live on forever in our hearts, and cast their radiant light onto our every shadow. ~Sylvana Rossetti
blessings, donna #1

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a wonderful legacy that it is Jan. We were there last year and it is so beautiful. Sending love xx

Nikki said...

Got you linked up Helen :)

Nikki said...

Got you linked up Helen :)

Helen said...

thanks Nikki

Nikki said...

Sorry for your loss Jan and that is a lovely picture of so ething your dad helped saved hugs Nikki 4

RosA said...

Hi Jan
Very sorry to hear about your Dad. What a fabulous legacy, to know that he helped save that beautiful beach.
RosA # 10

Neet said...

A lovely tribute to your beloved dad, and yet another wonderful memory you have of him to look back on.
Hugs, Neet xx

Unknown said...

Jan I am so sorry for the loss of your loving father what a beautiful picture of a wonderful place he saved. Hugs~Anne L#7

Annie said...

What a beautiful memory of your much loved Dad. Sending you the biggest hugs this week Jan....always here for you if you need a chat.
Annie x

peggy aplSEEDS said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, dear Jan. It is always so hard to say goodbye but I am glad you have those wonderful memories of him. He lives on in all of you and the work he has done to save your beach. Big hugs!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh dear, dear Lunch Lady Jan, am sooo sad to read this. Think at such times words are so inadequate, so just sending bloggy hugs and prayers for you and all who loved your darling dad. I haven't done my post yet. Am out at Drs will link later.
Much love and hugs. Shaz in Oz.x

Sue Jones said...

Sending you my love dear lady (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))).Lovely memories <3

Lisca said...

Oh Jan, I'm so sorry to hear that! Sending you lots of hugs! And what a beautiful legacy your dad has left the world in that beach. Stunningly beautiful it is indeed. You must be very proud.
Of course prayers are winging their way up as I speak. Have a very special week as your family gets together to mourn and share memories.
Lots of hugs and blessings,

lisa said...

Dear LLJ. It is so difficult to say the right words at such a time. Just know that you are in our thoughts and I know you have such lovely memories of your Dad. Take care my friend. I am sending gentle hugs your way.
Love L:isa xx

Mrs.D said...

Jan, again , I am so sorry for your loss. It seems that you have some fabulous memories of him,hold on to them. And I know you will remember him especially as you sing those stirring Welsh hymns as you commit him to the Lord.
Bless you

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

My deepest sympathy to you and your family. A very appropriate photo. Cherish the memories. Smile up at that brightest Star it will forever be there. Hugs to you my friend.

Andrea said...

Jan so sorry to hear about your dad,my thoughts are with you.Hope the time with your family is filled with happy memories . stunning photo it looks like a beautiful place anda wonnderful memory to him . Andrea x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, sorry to hear about your dad. Love the photo and it's a great tribute to him. We are all thinking about you and the family at this sad time but great memories Jan. Angela xXx

misteejay said...

BIG (((hugs))) - thinking of you and the family.
Toni xx

Kathyk said...

Jan, I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your dad, you only get the one and I feel your pain, having lost my own. Wishing you and your family all the best


Anne said...

Hello Jan I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Sending you lots of gentle hugs. The beach is beautiful. You and your family are in my thoughts. Anne x #24

Twiglet said...

Such a beautiful post Jan. Thinking of you and sending a big hug. x

Diana Taylor said...

Oh Jan, I wish I was there to give you a hug. Your blog post is beautiful and a very wonderful tribute to your dad - what an idyllic place he has saved for future generations. Thinking of you and sending hugs,
Diana xx

lilian said...

So Sorry to hear of you Dad passing Jan. Losing a dad is hard, lost mine as well so know how you are feeling. wishing you all the best.

Lilian B# 24

BJ said...

Aw sweetie, it hurts doesn't it, when we lose our Dads. It will be the 18th year since mine went to fly on the winds with Jesus on 18th June, so close to Father's Day too. Sending my deepest sympathies to you and yes the beach is a fitting tribute. BJ #27

BJ said...

I've never been to Pembrey but recognised Worm's Head so had to look up exactly where this beautiful beach is and found it was just round the coast from Rhossili. Memories - Sigh. There'll be a Welcome in the Hillside for your Dad BJ#27

Sue said...

Sending you heaps of hugs (((Jan))). How lovely that the beach was saved and thousand can now enjoy it. A very fitting legacy for your dad.

Judys Lace Creations said...

I'm so sorry to read of your dad's passing.How strong and brave of him to fight for such a glorious cause.Your photo is poignantly beautiful.
Hope you have a gentle week. We're thinking of you.Thank you for continuing the Wed Desk Link-up.So many of us love it and look forward to it every week.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh dear Lunch Lady Jan just had time to read you post properly to take it in better than on mobile..such a fitting thing to write of such a wodnerful man.. a beautiful beach too and I can understand why you hart belongs there in so many ways,
Hugs! and take time out for yourself, too.
Thanks for running the linky too at such a time as this.
Shaz in Oz.x #30

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Caz said...

Sending love and hugs Jan - beautiful photo for your Dad. XXX
Sending love and hugs to Julia too XXX

ToadilyDiane said...

So sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family. Sending you lots of hugs too.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm so sorry Jan :(( A truly wonderful beach and a lovely tribute to your dad. Thinking of you xx

Glenda said...

I am truly sorry for your loss. This is my first day back for quite awhile and I'm so sorry to have to greet you in this fashion. My prayers are with you as you go through this difficult time.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm so sorry Jan :(( A truly wonderful beach and a lovely tribute to your dad. Thinking of you xx

sandra de said...

Sad news indeed ... my deepest sympathy. Beautiful photo and what a heritage to have left behind.
Sandra de @34

glitterandglue said...

Dear Jan. So sorry to hear of your dad - but how precious that you have recently spent so much time there in your (and his) beloved Wales. Take care, dear girl.
God bless.
Margaret - no number, as no post this week

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, sending you massive virtual hugs. It's wonderful to have so many happy memories to look back on, they will be some of what keeps you going. Loving hugs to you all from both of us. xxxxx

Elizabeth said...

So sorry to hear about the loss of your father, Jan. He sounds like a lovely man and your post is a wonderful tribute to him. Thinking of you. Elizabeth xx

Christine said...

Beautiful photo, lovely memories.
No words can express how I feel for you ....

Kelly said...

My first {{{{ Hug }}}}} goes to you, dear Jan. My condolences on your dad's passing. Sounds as if he was a special man. Love and Blessings! Kelly

Claire Grantham said...

Hi Jan, I am not playing along today, I just wanted to leave a comment for you -sorry to hear about your Dad, but it sounds like he was a great guy and that you have lots of special memories. Claire x

Sharon said...

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Beautiful tribute.

Sharon K

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

May the peace of the Lord be with you and your family during your time of grief.

Tilly Tea Dance said...

So sorry to hear your news Jan. What a lovely tribute - your dad sounds like a formidable man and what an amazing legacy he has left in saving that beach. Hugs, Max #41 x x x

Sharon Madson said...

OH, Jan, I am so sorry! What a touching post about your dad. Thank you for sharing. Sending hugs a prayers for you and your family.

Helen Laurence said...

So sorry to hear your news. I hope you are doing ok. It's my great Uncle's funeral today but unfortunately I couldn't manage the trip to Birmingham. I know though where ever he is he knows I am thinking of him and I'm sure the same is of your dad. Big love xx

Sheila H said...

My condolences

Dorlene Durham said...

Thoughts are with you during this time. TFS that story about him.

Kim said...

I'm so sorry Jan, but it's great you have such a lovely memory and legacy of him. Hugs,

Bernice said...

So sorry to hear about your Dad. It's nearly 5 years now since I lost my Dad very unexpectedly so I understand the deep sense of loss.

jill said...

So Sorry for your loss Jan . My thoughts are with you & your family at this sad time , from Jill

Laura said...

Dear Jan, I am so sorry for your loss. {{{big transcontinental hugs}}} I've never been to Wales, but some of my ancestors were Welsh. How marvelous that a beautiful part of the country was saved from military use.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry about your dad. It's been 2 years since my mom passed and I still have tough days. My prayers are with you.
Carol N #38

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear of your Dad's death. He sounds like a super person and very caring. Lots of love to youand all your family.

April said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your father. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Cara said...

So sorry xxx

Sandies' Patch said...

Sad time for you and yours but, good memories to hold on to. xxx

LisaDV said...

Sorry for your loss. My prayers and hugs for your family. I didn't have a desk post this week either. Blessings, LisaDV

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh Jan...I popped in to check on Julia and see that today you are the one in need of a big ole hug this week. Thinking about you from the other side of the world. Take Care.


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