I'm hoping for third time lucky this week! Fingers crossed that Mr Linky has had enough of testing the New Girl and will play nicely for me today :-D  Apologies to anyone who had difficulties linking up last week, let me know if you have problems today in my comments and I'll link you if possible.

For those of you who didn't see my previous post, Julia came out of hospital last Saturday - her post op brain scan was clear so it's a case of slowly recovering. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you but don't expect a quick response, she's sleeping a lot at the moment. But she's home (phew). I've went to see her yesterday and was surprised to find her downstairs rather than in bed. I asked how much I could tell the deskers and she said she doesn't mind, she wants to raise awareness of the condition. Julia's face has dropped on her right side because of palsy caused by the op. She has a sheaf of exercises to do in order to make the nerves and muscles work again. Her stay in hospital was good with excellent treatment and care, it really is a case of slowly slowly now, it may take up to a year for nerves to grow back. We had a good laugh and caught up on all the gossip - she says hello to you all 💖💖

My desk looks like a gale has swept through:
I've been busy making a few items for this weekend's craft fair - for a friend's stall, I'm out playing both days. There's a zipped tote at the back and a fair few lavender hearts.

I spent a happy half hour yesterday making lavender 'teabags', it's easier to put these into the hearts than just trying to spoon it in - that way lies madness because more ends up on the floor than where it's supposed to be. Also if the fabric is thin, you don't see dark specks through it either. The room smelt lovely!

I've also been making drawstring PE backpacks out of various fabrics. I had to buy some more cord for the strings, hence this next pic:

Just for a bit of fun, how much did I buy?  Answers can be in metres or yards - the closest will win a small prize. Just guess and put it in your comment - you can also see the mass of cord in the desk pic at the top :-D

Some more beautiful ATCs arrived, together with lovely cards: thank you Lisa, Nikki C, Ros A and Andrea - I can't say enough how much I appreciate the thought and kindness behind these little works of art. Hopefully you will be receiving your swaps too and so the sharing and friendship of WOYWW continues for another year!

PS:  for those of you who sponsored a skydive in memory of Janet Fairythoughts (and who are not on Facebook), the jump was postponed from last weekend to early August, due to weather conditions. This was a big disappointment to Janet's daughter and friends as they'd geared themselves up to do it...but it will happen soon.  They have raised £1885 for the hospice in memory of Janet, so a massive thank you to those who supported such a great cause.


Nikki said...

Glad to hear Julia is doing better and is at home and on the mend hopefully her recovery time is much quicker then the year. I'm glad your atc made it to you and your looking very been very busy this week Hugs Nikki 1

Sharon said...

Thanks for keeping us updated about Julia. It's nice to know how she's doing. Your desk looks fabulous! So busy. I love lavender. The smell just brings back so many memories. I hope the craft fair goes well. I love the PE bags - bring back memories too lol.

Sharon K - haven't linked yet as it's not quite midnight here lol.

ToadilyDiane said...

Glad to hear Julia is recovering. Send her our live and prayers.
Nice ACTs.
And I have no idea on how much. I'll say 3 yards

Diane #2

Sharon said...

Oops forgot to add my guess. I'll say six metres.

Unknown said...

Hello Jan. Thank you so much for the update with Julia and is at home recovering (crossing my fingers and saying a little pray that it is quicker then a year) You have seemly had a busy week as your desk shows and I love the little back packs you have made and my guess it about 7 yards of string but not to now if that number is even close.lol Have a wonderful week Hugs~Anne L #2

Unknown said...

Ah I got bumped again and now number 3 with mr linky

Sharon Madson said...

Thank you so much for the update on Julia. So glad to hear that she is home and was visiting with you. That is great news. Sending prayers for her complete recovery. I just wanted to say I really like those backpacks. You got some lovely ATCs. I actually got one, but forgot to show it off. I will have to do that next time. I linked up tonight (Tuesday night) when I saw you were already posted. Is that illegal? # 6

Claire Grantham said...

Hi LLJ - I can't upload my link - http://hamnmuledesigns.blogspot.com/2016/06/woyww-366learning-and-laughing.html Perhaps you can do it for me, whilst I go to bed :) I love the view of your desk and the tin of lavender, I bet it did smell amazing..I am going for 10 yards of string. Claire (no number yet..)

Helen said...

can you link me please....!!
Thanks for the update about Julia, I hope she does her exercises like a good girl! Please give her a big hug from me next time you see here. x Helen

Neet said...

First of all, thanks for the news about Julia, please pass on my love to her. Those little hearts look so pretty, you have been busy again and I had not a clue what was in the tin when I first saw and scrolled through the pictures. A lorra lorra lavender.
As for the cord, well I will say ten metres. Not a clue really but I bet you have a metre in each bag, or maybe nearer to two. Oh heck, ten will have to be my guess.
Take care and enjoy your working weekend.
Hugs, Neet xx 7

Helen said...

oh. and I love the PE bag, I guess six and a half metres..

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Thanks for the update about Julia. Glad to hear she is up and about...and laughing!!! The fabrics on your desk look lovely and I can just imagine how lovely the room smelled! How many meters? My guess is 6! Happy WOYWW and thanks for subbing for Julia!

Annie said...

I'm still doing a happy dance about Julia. It will be slowly slowy for her and she will no doubt get frustrated at times but she will get there with all the love and support that she is getting off everyone [please shout if there is anything we can help with Jan]. I love that you can still use your time to make for charity Jan....you really are one very good egg.
Love and hugs,
Annie x

dmgarafalo said...

YOu do lovely work, wish I could attend that craft fair. I would for sure pick up a few pieces . . do you sell on etsy? blessings Donna #9

Andrea said...

thanks for the keeping us updated on julia and pleased she is home .I see you have received your card and ATC, it was a pleasure and I really enjoyed making them .Once again you have been busy .I love that butterfly fabric you've been using recently and looks ace on the tote bag. The hearts look fab what a great idea to put the lavender in little square bags,I bet your room smells lovely I share mine with hubby so isn't always that pleasant !...I reckon 15 meters but don't sew and usually hopeless at guessing but hey ho ...:-) crafty hugs andrea 13#

sandra de said...

Ohhh you do such beautiful sewing. I am sure it will all be snapped up at the stall.... I am randomly thinking 15 metres. Have a lovely week.
sandra de @ 14

sandra de said...

Sorry Andrea I didn't even read your comment. 15.5metres :)

Kathyk said...

Fab lavender projects and ATC's



Andrea said...

hi Jan sorry I've messed up link twice to wrong post can you remove me and I will link up later, How daft am I !!! andrea x

Lisca said...

I'm so glad to hear that Julia is home. Please give her my best wishes. Yes, it's a question of slowly, slowly ('catch a monkey' my DH would say).
I love your lavender bag project. A while ago, those grain bags were popular that you put in the microwave and then put it on any part of the body that needed some heat. I loved those. I expect they are out of fashion now.
And your string? I donh't think it is much. I'm guessing 1.m 20.
Happy WOYWW,

Chidkid said...

What beautiful projects... so pleased to hear Julia is on the mend. My guess is 5 yards. Elaine #15

Sue said...

Hi Julia, So pleased to hear how Julia is doing. Please pass on my best wishes to her.

The tote and draw string bags are lovely, as are a the hearts. Unfortunately the smell of Lavender makes me feel sick.

A lovely variety of ATCs.

I think you bought 10 yards of the string.

Sue #15

misteejay said...

Thank you for the news about Julia - great to hear she up & about although obviously taking things easy. Please give her my love.
You have been busy with all your makes - I love lavender.
Now I'm no good at guessing quantities and this is either less than I think or way more...oh, I think I'll have to split the difference and go with 8mtr.
Have a great week.
Toni xx

BJ said...

Morning Jan, Oh not played that tune on my harp in a while, might have a go later. I can smell the lavender here, how lovely and I adore your tote as usual. I'd say 5 metres of cord. BJ#23

Twiglet said...

Thanks for the news on Julia - you are a gem. Do tell her if there is anything we can do she knows where we are! Oh and I think there must be 20 metres of cord for those fab bags! Lavender teabags are always fun to make - ha ha - do you have a funnel!!! x Jo

Christine said...

Divine aroma is reaching out to me ...... sorry, the cat has just run through our lavender bed!!! lol Thought I had smellyvision for a moment...... heigh ho! I am retired so I'm allowed ....
Thanks again for watching over us all, give Julia our best wishes for a speedy recovery - enjoy your days out playing.
Have a good week
aka Bishopsmate #25

Diana Taylor said...

Well, if anyone is going to get Julia laughing it's going to be you!! So glad to hear she's doing well, please send her big hugs from me. I love the tote bag you made and I would guess at 5m as it probably uses a lot more than it looks like it would! I love the idea of little teabags of lavender to go in actual bag - why have I never thought of that - it's genius!
Diana xx #24

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, glad to hear your visit with Julia was a good one bet she was pleased to see you. Mr Linky is behaving well or seems to be. Nice bags, I can smell them from here or maybe it's the one I keep on the radiator behind me Lol! I think everyone loves them. Have a crafty and very happy WOYWW, Angela xXx 26

Inside the artists shed said...

Good news that Julia is home and doing well - she is in my prayers for a full recovery. Hope all goes well for your craft fair - and as for the cord, are you in production? If so 20 metres. Have a lovely week x Jackie #27

Kyla said...

ooh, top tip on making the teabags....I have always done it the other way (and then had the carpet issue!!).
A huge thanks for keeping us updated about Julie, hugs all round and what an amazing amount in Janets name too.
Cord......30 foot?
Kyla #29

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Thank you for the update on Julia, Jan. So pleased the op went well and she's home. I love the PE bag you've made and that's a brill idea for the lavender! Thanks for sharing. Happy crafting, Max #31 :-)

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Thank you for letting us know about Julia, Jan! Good news that the scan is clear and I hope she will achieve full recovery with the exercises. The PE bag looks wonderful and I love the idea of the lavender hearts and pouches. I bet it made your room smell lovely! I've added some suggestions to the beginning of my my blog post to help people link. I'm sure it's not your fault - I had trouble last week, but now I'm on a different computer and my link went through without any problems. I'm pretty sure it's something to do with cookies. Have a lovely week, Jan! :) zsuzsa #32

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, I can imagine the smell of lavender in your room, isn't it heavenly? Cool PE bag, much nicer than the ones we used to have, lol. Back from the docs with co-dydramol, and extra strong Ibuprofen, and he's going to send me for an MRI scan on my back, just to be sure there is no other reason for the sciatica. Apparently a slipped disc can cause it, amongst other things.Such great news that Julia is home, that always makes you start to feel better.Fab batch of ATC's- aren't we a lovely lot? :)
Have a lovely week Jan, huge hugs to you all, Shaz xxx

alifefullofpassion said...

man! is 6:30 am here in Florida and I am the 33th on the list, I can never make it sooner lol I really feel for Julia, thank God she has a friend like you :) close by. I'll be praying for her and hopefully she'll keep up with her facial exercises. I love what I see on your desk, do you grow the lavender? it makes me want to sew, which I haven't done since I was 12 helping my mother :) thanks for sharing all this and keeping us updated :)

Marit said...

Oh wow.. lavender... I can almost smell it, which always reminds me of hot afternoons in France (holidays with my parents) - lovely hearts and bag Jan! Thanks for stopping by my blog, enjoy your day! Hug from Holland, Marit #30

LisaDV said...

Thanks for the Julia updates. I totally love the butterfly zippered tote. Great tip for getting potpourri into sachets. As for your cord. I'll say 26 yards. Have fun creating! Happy Wednesday! LisaDV #35

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update on Julia. Give her my best wishes, and I'm sending prayers for the strength she needs at the moment. Hope she has good care.
I can certainly smell that lavender!!! Mmmmmmmhhhhh.
Happy WOYWW!!
Michelle ♥

Kelly said...

Good morning, Jan. Thank you for the update on Julia. I'll get a card off to her this week. Not sure how long post will take. I always enjoy seeing your bags. and those lavender sachets... oh wow. Your house must have smelled divine! On the chord.. I'm guessing 25 yards. I know that sounds like a lot but I agree the bag probably takes more than appears and you make a lot of those bags. Sending Hugs to Julia. Creative Blessings! Kelly #37ish

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well its time to hit the hay over her in Oz been wa-aay too busy today for my liking, but hey, not bored am I???!
Thanks so very much on the update Lunch lady Jan did check over twice last week but we had such a full on time here over the weekend and since that haven't had time to pop back after that .,.. must confess am totally thrilled to read of your good news truly wonderful indeedy!
Lets hope and pray that Julia's recovery is slow, steady but sure, with minimal hiccoughs, too. :D
Glad to hear of update re Janet's family too pray the weather is good for the time of the next jump and that it is really a blessing for them too .. hard things they've been through an all..
Lovely lavender hearts too LLJ, and wodnerful smell am sure .. used to weave lavender ribbon umbrellas as drawer fragrance items too and they used to smelt wonderful making them too..

Mm, my guess for the cord for your wodnerful bags is 8 metres.
Happy WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x (#38 I think not sure..)

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Cara said...

Thanks for the update on Julia. Looks like you've been very busy. I'm guessing 20 metres! Cara X

RosA said...

Hi Jan
So very good to hear that Julia is on the mend, abeit slowly. But if the post op scan was clear that's the best news.
You are so busy there! Love the smell of fresh lavender. If you buy stuff like I do (in large quantities, so you have plenty!) then I would guess you've bought maybe 11 metres (I'm guessing you use metres because of the EU?). I'd have bought ten and then added one more for good measure :)
Have a good week,
RosA # 39

Helen said...

Thanks for linking me. I did get it to work eventually the first week you right, don't know why it won't again!

Kim said...

Thanks for the update on Julia! I can only imagine what your room smells like....I have just a little bag at my office desk..and that will release a nice aroma. I have a great week, oh, and I'd have to guess 6 yards...
-K #40

lilian said...

Happy WOYWDW hope everything is going ok for you all .

Lilian B

Victoria said...

Beautiful creations, absolutely enchanted with your drawstring butterfly bag..it is super-gorgeous! your tea-bags are magical!
Hugs and Best wishes to Julia for a full recovery, thanks for keeping us posted!
And thanks for hosting
Victoria #44

Tertia said...

Love those tea bags! So wonderful to hear Julia is doing well. She is constantly in my prayers.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #46

Stacy Sheldon said...

I am so glad to hear Julia is home :) and WOW who knew that nerves could grow back so that is kind of cool to read and hopefully the exercises speed that all along for her :). ( I cannot link again ) so, I will try it from work and see if its a browser issue. at home I use a different one than at work. ~Stacy oh and I will guess 8 yards of cord.

Claire Grantham said...

Lovely Jan, thanks for linking me up and the visit. Can you send me your postal address please? clairescraftsATgmxDOTcom - thanks. Cx #19

Princess Judy Palmer said...

It must be the lavender that is kicking in the allergies today. I love seeing your desk after the whirlwind. It shows so many great things have been and will continue to happen. Lovely fabrics as always. I would say that looks like 4.5 meters of cordage (you know, cuz you used some for that bag).

Robyn said...

Love the butterfly fabric. I MUST sew more!
thanks for carrying us all on!
Robyn 48

Sheila H said...

3.5m of cord? Looks like a fabulous bag!

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Jan, sorry this is such a bother but, nope the other browser at work will not let me link either. ( I have tried firefox & googlechrome)

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous stuff, Jan, and your lavender bag factory takes me back to last year when I made all those lavender bags for my fellow chemo-ites! The smell is amazing, isn't it. I can't guess how much cord you bought so I'll pass on that one! Great news about Julia, and I am sure you will pass on everybody's love and hopes for a quick recovery.

I'm afraid I can't link again, so I'd be grateful if you'd be able to sort that for me! Thanks.

Happy WOYWW,

Anne said...

Hello Jan. Not joining in again but just wanted to say how lovely that Julia is home and doing well and laughing with you - good news indeed. Anne x

glitterandglue said...

Hi Jan. I've no post this week as we are out looking at cars suitable for having hoists put into them... I'm beginning to feel my age as I lift John's scooter in and out all the time...
Great news about Julia. we continue to pray for her.
Hope the stall goes well - and that you have a great time with the band. I'm going to guess that you bought 12metres of cord. A fair amount would be needed for each bag, so...
Take care, dear girl. God bless.

Shoshi said...

Thank you for linking me, Jan. Last time when I couldn't link, I tried all Zsuzsa's suggestions without success. I don't know what's going wrong but this time I didn't spend ages trying to make it work because from experience, it doesn't! Thank you for your enthusiastic comment about the baking and I hope I am able to live up to everyone's expectations (most of all my own expectations...) - the book is a dream! I've been so busy lately that I haven't had any time at all in the studio, but with all that lovely new stash, I really need to carve out some time and start playing with it all. I've also got to decide where I'm going to keep it all!

Happy WOYWW,

Dorlene Durham said...

This is my first time linking. What fun it is to peek at other work areas!

April said...

Thank you for the update on Julia. You are one busy lady! I wondered what was in the tin. LOL
April #34

Carmen said...

Thank you for keeping us updated on Julia Jan. If she wouldn't mind could you send me her address so I could send her a card? I did have it but lost them all when I changed computers.

Oh and while I remember I didn't have trouble linking last week but did this week, using Chrome. I switched to IE and it worked so maybe it's a Chrome thing?

I'm guessing 20 metres.

I can just imagine how your room smelt - our lavender has gone bonkers this year - it's the one plant I haven't ever managed to kill. I don't even water it and still it flourishes and grows, despite me. I love it.

Have a great week :)

Carmenx #55

Andrea said...

thanks jan for sorting link up ...was too early for me to be on teh computer !....just getting arond to vviting now ...better late than never as tehy say ( just as well really as ALWAYS LATE ;-)...) Andrea X 14#

Dorlene Durham said...

Working with lavender must smell heavenly! I bet you bought about 10 yards...

Lynne Mizera said...

Jan, what a lovely post and I could just SMELL your room after creating all those lavender tea bags (which are BRILLIANT by the way!) I just planted two tiny lavender plants into my new rock garden, and now I am so glad I did if this is what I can do with them! Thanks for the visit earlyier this week and Happy WOYWW PS: my ATC from you arrived last week. PPS: My ATC to you went into the mail on Monday...(hugs)

Paper rainbow said...

I have been so busy with my exhibition work I have not had time to link with WOYWW I am so upset to hear of Julia's traumatic time and wish her a speedy recovery. With friends like you Jan I know she will gain great strength. Much love sent your way x

HeARTworks said...

What cute backpacks! patsy

Maya said...

It's the most touching backpack I'v ever seen! So gentle, so elegant! I like natural feeling that it evokes.


  NOW IT'S THE SAME OLD SONG... Hello all you lovely Deskers, hope all is well with you this week! It's been a case of the same old-...