Hello everyone - this is the first week of me taking over WOYWW while Julia is away then having her operation and recuperating. I'm going to write my blog as normal but it's fine if you just scroll down to the link. You don't have to comment either.

There's not much I can do to help her practically, but this is a way of keeping the weekly madness going. There's a lot to be said for continuity!  I do appreciate that numbers of folks participating may fall but that's ok, as long as some of us keep going so that at some point in the future Julia will be well enough to resume her Queenly Duties :-D

I am therefore keeping everything firmly crossed that Mr Linky does his thing ok!!

So, the desk is looking a bit empty this week, though I have made something:
I hadn't made one of these mini craft totes for ages - it was a request from Julia for one of her coven friends. It needed a good iron at this point!  I like the stripy linen lining a lot.

Then here is the reason for today's lyric - I was trying to cheaply make a spare bed look a bit better. I'd bought 1.5 metres of this duck egg blue fabric a while back....
It's only folded over the old headboard at the moment but I will make a proper slip cover. Then I'll make some cushion covers out of these fabrics - heavens to Betsy.....it's almost co-ordinated, that'll never do!
Oooooh, lovely.....yum yum yum. I do love it when a happy accident happens because I never plan anything!!

And finally, I'm making a crochet blanket out of bright colours just cos it makes me happy:
Using up my stash as well - a win win situation!

Right then here's the link - don't forget next week is the Anniversary ATC swap. See here on Julia's blog for the details.


Helen said...

was just wondering around my reader list before the link goes up..and here you are! Love that butterfly fabric, it's so pretty! Happy WOYWW and thanks for stepping in for Julia.

Andrea said...

Hi jan and thanks for being this weeks host.A very happy WOYWW its been a while since i took part.I love the tot eteh butterfly fabric is ace I wish Icould sew!...as for the wool whata rainbow of colours,i wante dto learn to crochet this year or was it last ...mmmm...last i think ..|Istill havent got round too it yet but i will one day. big hugs and thanks
Andrea x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, how are you doing today? Loving all your fabrics,the hare one made me smile. Pass on a big squishy hug to Julia when you see her for us. Love & hugs Shaz #2xxxxx

505whimsygirl said...

Hi LLJ! Bet you thought I wouldn't show up! The tote is great as is the headboard and matching fabric for pillows. What type of surgery is Judy having? You're such a good friend to be there for her. Especially taking on WOYWW!!

Hugs, Kay

Kyla said...

Ooh love these craft totes, is there a particular pattern? The co!our combo is fabulous too, I especially like the butterfly fabric.

How is Queen Julia's crown/tiara fitting? I hope she ensured there was enough glitter on it before she handed it over! ☺

Kyla #10

Nikki said...

Oh your tote is so pretty and your headboard cover is looking good did you make it removable? And myself I like matchy matchy I try to do the odd colourfu,nothing just to watch the DH and his face lol hugs Nikki -8-9

glitterandglue said...

Hi Jan. Hey... don't diminish what you are doing practically for Julia - she set this up, loves doing it (for goodness sake, she MUST do, she has kept it going for 7years), and you have agreed to step into the breach dear friend!!! That is beautiful - well done.
Your desk may not look as full as normal, but what is there is great, and think of the new skills you are learning about the internet!!!
Take care dear girl. God bless.
Margaret #5

Lynne Mizera said...

How I love how you are jumping in to help... and DITTO for what Mar4garet said! I actually stayed up until midnight tonight, here on the west coast of Canada so that I wouldn't be one of the last ones... to link up but I still wasn't the first one either... Grin! thanks for doing this Jan! Scrapbook Lynne #13

Annie said...

Good morning Jan....thank you for stepping up and holding us all together. This is a very important job so don't underestimate what you're doing. We will all be sending her best wishes and lots of love while she is going through her surgery and recovery and will support you til she gets back to the fold. Shout if you need help with anything and just keep doing what you're doing.
Love you lots. Hugs,
Annie x

misteejay said...

Hi Jan, love the tote.
Those fabrics for the spare room look super.
What a lovely friend you are to Julia for taking this on - I'm sure you will do a fabulous job.
Toni xx

buterfliecrafter said...

great of you to step in and take over from Julia for a while, thanks. And on top of that you have some lovely butterfly fabric, you're a winner to me. Vicky

BJ said...

I nearly got right confused over at Julia's today, but worked it out in the end. Hope she has a good holiday before the op etc.
Adore the mini tote, especially the butterflies and stripey lining. Happy WOYWW BJ#15

Lisca said...

Thank you so much Jan for taking over temporarily from Julia. You are a good friend that helps out when needs be!
I love the tote and the fabric. Beautiful. As you say, it's so nice when things come together like that. The spare room looks lovely!
Have a good week,

Lisca said...

Sorry, I forgot my number: it's 16

Lisca said...

Sorry, I forgot my number: it's 16

SusanLotus said...

Lovely fabric and a beautiful tote!
So happy that you continue this WOYWW.
Always very inspiring.

Have a great day!
Susan Lotus nr 17

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving the tote. Also love the headboard cover and cushion material.

You are a real star for doing the WOYWW.

Sue #18

Twiglet said...

Hey well done Jan - your Deputy Queen hat suits you!!! Thanks for doing the honours. I am imagining you like the Queen making her speech today - you will be waltzing round in a long white frock with your crown on!! Fab colour combo for your room BTW. x Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, it's really good of you to keep the group together. Loving your post today, that little bag is awesome. Looks like you.ve been pretty busy and more to come. Have a great woyww, Angela x 21
Ah! 21 today, 21 today, I've got the key of the door, well the rest would be lies of course Lol! xXx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks Jan for helping out. Queen for the Day so glad Mr. Linky is working well so far. What a fun idea for fun colors in your spare room. Love the fabric. I have a new iron in a box, can't wait to try it out. Love the tote. Enjoy a great week,good luck with our next one.

Anne said...

Dear Jan - as others have said it is so lovely that you have taken this over until Julia is able to carry on- Well Done You!
Love the little tote - fab fabrics. Anne x #24

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Bravo for helping out Jan, you're a star! I really love the crafting tote bag - such a brilliant idea. I like the guest-bedroom-on-a-budget makeover, you really are great at teaming up colours. Happy crafting, Max #25 :-)

Mrs.D said...

Morning Jan, Thank you for hosting the Wednesday party for the time being.
I'm not just scrolling down and linking, I'm scrolling down to comment and not linking. Life is too chaotic to link today.
I love that butterfly fabric, and the bags you make from it are so classy, have you approached Harrods to sell them for you for mega bucks?
Enjoy your crochets, looks nice and cheerful

Bridget Larsen said...

Love the colours you have used
Bridget #23

Diana Taylor said...

I absolutely love your little craft tote - what gorgeous fabric and it looks so good with the blue stripe - once again you've got it soooooo right!
You are doing a grand job so far, and Mr Linky seems to be behaving himself! I'm sending you a big hug for being such a star and keeping this going.
Diana xx

Annie Claxton said...

LOVE duck egg blue and that striped linen looks fab with the brighter colour prints - what a great way to brighten up your spare bedroom. Doing a great job with babysitting Jan, thanks for keeping us going :o)xxx Annie C #27

Jill said...

Those fabrics are gorgeous, and I love your bag, you have been busy

Jill said...

Those fabrics are gorgeous, and I love your bag, you have been busy

Lynn Holland said...

I think the new bedding will be gorgeous, I can just picture it.
Speaking of which I have just taken possession of a vintage eiderdown and am madly in love with it. I post some pics once I get the computer to be friends with me again .
Lynn xxx

sandra de said...

Ohhh that is looking very snazzy and definitely has the LLJ touch. Have a lovely week.
sandra de @ 30 something... I wish

SusanLotus said...

Hi Jan!
I am not sure I understand the swap for next week.
Do you mind explaining it for me.
On my blog or in my mail: susanlotus@gmail.com
I´d love to participate. If possible of course.
Thank you.

Marit said...

I really love the tote you made and wow, do those colors match fabulously! Thanks for helping out Julia and hosting the 'event'... I'm kinda addicted to it so I'm glad you post the link list. Happy woyww dear, and a big hug from Holland! Marit #35

My name is Cindy said...

Hellooo there Deputy head woyww honcho Jan!! I'm exhausted, it's taken me over an hour to get my post up, I would have burst into tears if the link hadn't worked! But all appears OK. Lovely bits n bobs on show as ever. Well done my dear for stepping up. Cindy #36 or thereabouts I'm off for a coffee now.....xx

My name is Cindy said...

And while I think of it - far too tidy, your post looks like a Home Decor magazine shoot!! (just jealous - been away for four days so you can imagine the state of MY house)

Unknown said...

The fabric you are using is so sweet! I just adore it. Your pics are so professional! I'm in awe.
Wishing you a lovely creative Wednesday
Michelle ♥

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Such a great idea to make a slip cover for the headboard! The cushion covers will coordinate perfectly. Your house guests will love that bedroom, I'm sure. Great start on the happy blanket - it's already making me smile :) Wishing you a fun-filled Wednesday, Jan! I'm #37 but please don't feel obliged to visit - you'll have your hands full with all the extra comments on your blog this week :)

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

You have an excellent sense for color and pattern mixing. That bag for Julia's friend is lovely. Thanks for being a good friend and hosting for Julia... Blessings!

ToadilyDiane said...

I love your craft tote - and all your things! I need to learn to sew better!
Have a great day!
Diane #41

pearshapedcrafting said...

There may not be much here but it is oh so lovely! Love the tote!! Hugs, Chrisx 43

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, I'm absolutely certain you will make the best Deputy Queen ever! WOYWW is in your safe and capable hands ... Julia need not worry about it in her absence. I love the dinky wee tote - the combination of fabric is lovely. Your spare bed is going to look fabulous when you've made those cushions. The crochet is indeed bright and cheerful - great colours. Have a fabulous week. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

RosA said...

Hi Jan,
Your spare bed will look lovely and the little butterfly bag is gorgeous.
I'm sure WOYWW will be well looked after in Julia's absence. Hope you have a good week.
RosA # 44

Morti said...

Hello! Not a problem - I've been a bit remiss in my attendance but I need to be doing more proper card making etc... LOL.

We're singing Karl Jenkin's The Armed Man (Mass for Peace) and Mozart's Vespers. I've only joined to do the Mass, heard Mum's society sing a movement from it in March and fell in love. Plus it's nice to do something different for a change. I don't plan on joining them permanently, they were just looking for extra voices for this!

Sharon said...

Thanks so much for taking over for Julia! I appreciate it.

I love the colours of wool you've chosen for your blanket - so bright and cheerful. The bag looks great. Wish I could make them. I keep meaning to take up sewing but so many crafts so little time!

Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Hello Jan. I love the butterfly bag it is just stunning and I wish I could sew like that it has been some time since I truly pulled my machine out. I love the fabric you picked out and your new knitted blanket is beautiful so bright and cheery. Have a great week Hugs ~Anne L #47

LisaDV said...

Your butterfly bag is WOW! I just love it. You're guest bedroom will be adorable with the new slip cover and coordinating pillows. The fabrics are soooo cute. Hurray for using my stash with your pretty blanket too. You've been busy. Thanks for taking over also. Happy Wednesday. LisaDV #48

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous fabrics, Jan, and a very pretty butterfly bag. Well done, taking over WOYWW in Julia's absence, and I am sure the numbers won't drop off because of this - why would they?!!

Have a good week, and happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #49

Kelly said...

I always enjoy seeing the new bags you've made. Pretty fabric. The spare bed is coming together nicely. You'll have that room ready for company in no time ;-) Thank you for taking over the reigns. I know what a task this is and you are an angel. Creative Blessings! Kelly #51

Stacy Sheldon said...

That bag is awesome Jan :) The link worked just fine for me too :)
~Stacy #52

Caz said...

Gorgeous bag Jan - love the fabric!
I'm on an empty desk this week too but there's a little bit of inky to look at and plenty of crochet!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jan dearest for taking the duties over. Hugs to you and Julia! That bed will look so cute with that fabric, and I love your mini tote!! I think you are the totes queen!! I hope your garden is going and you guys have some good weather over there. Here in the Ozarks, we are having a chilly May. My tomato plants need little coats on to keep them warm, it's crazy! I hope they make it through because I want lots of tomatoes for canning, and lots of zukes, cukes and spaghetti squash. I think I'm about to recover from our busy weekend last weekend--I was exhausted. All I can manage is to keep up with the house and cross-stitch a little. I'll be looking for those two white butterflies in the garden this year, I named May and June after our mommies. Hugs to you! Sandy Leigh #54

Unknown said...

What a FAB tote! Does it have pockets on the inside? And cute fabrics on the bed. I love the colors you're crocheting, so bright and cheerful for sure. Thanks for taking over for Julia, my prayers are with her for her surgery. Thanks, too, for your visit and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!
Carol N #44

Cara said...

Thanks for keeping WOYWW going whilst Julia takes a break. I love the rabbit fabric, looks like you did a pretty neat job of coordinating there! Cara x

Lea.H said...

Totally love those fabrics you have used, the blue lined fabric really compliments the butterflies. The tote is fab, I really must make something similar! Lea #57

Belinda Basson said...

I know I have been AWOL for a few (make that too many) months... Real life has gotten in the way, every time I plan on making a comeback, life has other plans... I see that our trusty leader has left you in charge! You are never far from my thoughts as my craft room has your stunning bunting hanging above my desk and brightens up my days. I am not desking, just dropping by to say I am still alive and will be back... not sure when. I might surface for the WOYWW 7 celebration, I did miss not being involved last year. Love and hugs all round. Bella

Christine said...

Thank you for taking up the cudgel, I think you're very brave!!!
Thank you also for your visit earlier - I was out at the time. lol Don't worry about the x-ray, just a Dr being over cautious but it's nice that he cares.
Love the colours in your crocheting
Have a good week
aka Bishopsmate

Christine said...

Thank you for taking up the cudgel, I think you're very brave!!!
Thank you also for your visit earlier - I was out at the time. lol Don't worry about the x-ray, just a Dr being over cautious but it's nice that he cares.
Love the colours in your crocheting
Have a good week
aka Bishopsmate

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh thanks for dropping by today Bella, that's so kind of you. It would be lovely if you could join in the 7th anniversary but don't stress if you can't. Join in when you can, it would be fab to see your wonderful artwork again :-)
Hugs, LLJ xxxx

Kelly said...

just an added note, I did not mean an actual 'tornado' blowing through.. just the usual chaos that seemed to change my workdesk from semi-tidy to total chaos in a week's time. LOL. Thanks for visiting me this week amongst your new official duties as hostess. We are all blessed to have you in Julia's corner. Hugs! Kelly #51

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit Jan - yes, we were very relieved when Phoebe turned up again! I was thinking the worst... I finished my hubby's card for his birthday tomorrow and will soon be blogging about the finishing touches.


Lea.H said...

Hi Jan, I regularly check your blog and have noticed a few times that yes, we do seem to craft along the same lines!
I watched the sewing bee, totally loved Jade's dress, and also Angeline's garment of the week - I really did cringe at the alterations to the awful maternity dress! That's my favourite challenge! But I don't think I could have done much better!
I think I will finish this big crochet throw and then back to standard wool, with just one colour! :) x Lea #57

Kathyk said...

Sorry to be late to the party and well done for stepping in whilst Julia has, and recovers from, surgery



Chrysalis said...

Well done for stepping into the breach so seamlessly, Jan. You're doing Julia proud. I love those fabrics - they work really well together. Happy WOYWW xx

Kim said...

As always, I think the tote looks great; and your spare bedroom will be looking the same. Thanks for stepping in to keep things running--went very smoothly for me; and as I'm usually in the 60's, I'd say the gang is all here! Have a great week.

Sharon Madson said...

Love that craft tote! The butterfly fabric is pretty. Thanks for keeping things going for Julia. I am doing something new. I posted my blog from an iPad mini, because we are on the road. Couldn't do it the way I usually do and couldn't get the link posted right. But did post my blog!

April said...

Thank you for hosting for Julia. And I absolutely love those butterflies on that awesome bag.

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Jan,
Thank you for the email. Being away I had no idea what has been going on. I'll keep a special place in my heart for Julia and her family.

Thanks for hosting this week also! I love the butterfly tote - actually, pretty much anything you make I fall in love with. I recognized some of your ribbon stash! Tee hee.

Thanks for visiting me already,
Hugs, Kay (4)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Lunch Lady Jan,
I am sorry I did not get to publish for WOYWW this week. Our internet went down and I did it in word and put the photos in a file in hope of it coming back on soon but it was off for over a day and night and more and so it was nealry end of Thuradya when it came back on and I was too tired thya evening and Friday was not mine, and nor was today mine, and so there we are.
God willing will be back for this Wed WOYWW celebrations. Better get that ATC made. Eh?
Praying for you in all this but Julia and her family most of all,
Sending bloggy hugs from downunder,
Shaz in Oz.xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

I am blessed to have you in my corner, and I do know it! PIgging off wifi belonging to an Irish Bar called the Stray Sod. of course! Bart watching half hour of cup final, me reading all your lovely comments and waiting for supper! Thank you for everything, glad it all worked!

Neet said...

Sorry I am soooooo late! And it is almost "off" time again. Thanks for you know what, and for hosting the party for Julia whilst she is away. Sending love to her and to you, our new hostess, albeit temporarily.
Love the fabrics for the new bed - takes me back to a time when I made duvet covers and pillow cases for my son - must show you them. Yes, I still have them and use them occasionally and it must be almost 30 years down the line since then. Also love the bright colours of your wool, a 'basket of cheer' is how I think of it, it certainly cheered me up and made me wake up and start getting my act together this morning.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Shoshi said...

I seem to be linked at #48 - I'm really confused about this now! I couldn't get it to work at all. When Kelly said she'd done it I thought she just meant she'd followed the link I put in a comment. Anyway, I'm glad I'm on the list after all! Sorry for any confusion...

Thank you for your lovely comment, Jan. So glad you like my flower boxes, and thank you for your kind words about how well I look - everyone is saying so, which is very encouraging and lovely. I do feel better than I've felt for years!

Thank you again - and for taking over from Julia for the duration. You are doing a brilliant job and Julia must be very happy that she has left it in your capable hands. Well done indeedy.



  TIME IS FLEETING, MADNESS TAKES CONTROL... Please can someone slow down time a bit? It's mad the way days are whizzing past! I am tryi...