(Fiddler on the Roof - one of my favourite musicals EVER! And probably where I get my love of all music in a Minor key from - either that or it's because I'm a mechancolic Celt sometimes...)

We had the most wonderful 30th Anniversary prezzy from dear friends of ours in band..

A bud vase made by a very talented friend of theirs! Not only does it feature my favourite colour, it has our names and wedding date impressed into it. And look at the hearts....and the flowers...and...

Look at the gorgeous card and tag she made to go with it. We both melted when we saw this.  So please, if you would care to, check out 
http://www.facebook.com/greenwalnut and marvel at the wonderful creations of Clare. And persuade her to join us on WOYWW, I think she'd fit in really well!!
And THANK YOU to Helen and Simon for giving us the prezzy in the first place - we LOVE IT!!

Anyhow, what is on my workdesk? Well, as you asked so nicely, I'll show you! I'm just inserting a floral lining into a Scotty Tote, which is an order for someone. I haven't done this combo before and rather like it!!
Here's the makings of something for the WOYWW crop day... :)
And I thought I'd make something from the brilliantly named (by Wipso!!) 'What the Duck?' fabric with a funky spotty contrast. Not sure what yet....
Ah, that makes me laugh each time I say it...sorry...infantile sense of humour again....*grin*
The jewellery making is progressing too..
A commission for someone...
You can't really go wrong with red, black and silver, can you?

And finally, if you are easily offended, proceed no further.........I'm going to blame this one on my dear husband. He'd gone to meet a mate that he hadn't seen for a while - and as they're both steam train-spotting anoraks, they met at the Watercress Line in Hampshire. And what does my husband spot and take a piccy of?  Because...and I quote...'It might do for your blog...'

!!!!! Trust HIM to lower the tone..... :D  It is a genuine, vintage, enamel advertising sign at one of the stations!! LOL

Spratts it is from now on then...oh, and for the cats as well....... ;-)


Angie said...

What a wonderful present ...it is stunning but to top it all it is unique. Again you have been so busy and creative ...love the jewellery.
Theat sign is brilliant ....would love to have one on my wall lol

Morti said...

ROFLMAO.......... yes, that sign does nicely for your blog....wink wink...

Gorgeous work you've received. As I managed to talk Buttons into joining us, I'll head over to Green Walnut and do the same, she's uber talented!

And I had to chuckle - was it an intended mis-spell? It has to be! Mechancolic.... aka Steampunk sadness....

Thanks for stopping by!

lisa said...

What an amazing prezzie, Jan. It's gorgeous. We have the same taste in colour I see. I love that it has your names on. People are so clever aren't they.
Saying that I was drawn to that lovely bright fabric you have cut out with the big dots, that's just my thing.
Brilliant sign... you can always trust the men to lower the tone can't you.
Have a great day.
hugs Lisax #93

Annie said...

I was away from my desk last week and couldn't leave any comment so I'm trying to get around as many of my blogging friends today.
Your prezzie is amazing.....I must check her out :-) I have tears running down my face here now at the suggestion that I could have suggested such cheeky name for your material [as if I would ;-)]....butter wouldn't melt in my mouth you know hehehe
A x #86

Lynn Holland said...

Beautiful page full of beautiful things Jan. I really enjoyed it. I did a bit of jewellery making on mine too
Lynn 84

JoZart Designs said...

Great fun post which started my day with a good chuckle! Why don't you make a sign with that Spratts advert. Print it out then stick it to mountboard and put sticky back plastic over to make it look like glossy tin... in fact email me the photo in full resolution and I'll do it for you!
Love your fabrics and makes from them and your anniversary gift is a real treasure. How perfect!
No probs re crochet..... don't get hooks as I've dozens and my loft is lagged with wool too. I taught myself to crochet before DD1 was born so I could make baby pretties. Everyone had refused to teach me because I was left handed yet all the numerous people I have taught over the years have all been right handed!!!
Lots of love Jo x

Helen said...

Ha ha ha!! Thanks for the early laugh.... gorgeous anniversary present, what a delight! I'd forgotten about the What the Duck fabric too....now have a smile on my face... Helen 5

Julia Dunnit said...

Well. Well, I've had me Spratts and am set for the day!! Love it...talk about the important G being in the blog mindset!! Am off to open up Facebook..she's a marvel - what a fab fab gift.

okienurse said...

great looking sign and it gave me a good giggle! Love all the awesome things you are doing. Awesome gift from your friend! Have a great week. Vickie #73

May said...

fabulous post, WOW, what gorgeous gifts from your talented friend.. I have joined her link amazing work.. love the what the duck fabric!!!! & the jewellery piece is beautiful... and for your Husbands Brilliant sign it really did make me LOL... Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#7

Lisa-Jane said...

Goodness where to start?! Big thumbs up to your husband for that sign - love it! The watercress line is beautiful isn't it? STUNNING jewellery and what an absolutely gorgeous present! Proper pottery, right up my street, and those big buttons are just glorious. I'm assuming you are making one of your fabby little lentil stuffed bin affairs? Well at least YOU won't be lentil stuffed.. ;-) Hope the postie comes for you today xx

Helen said...

Wow, that vase is stunning. Love the duck fabric, yes I have the same sense of humour...just gotta love that sign though, that made me laugh...

Hugs Ellie Wee #100 xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

I need the pussy sign - ha ha ha

the vase is beautiful and I do believe a piece of hand crafted art is the best kind of gift,

I also think that may be a 'hang about' bin????

must bring mine....

Dx 97

Sarn said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS vase. Happy Anniversary.

Maybe the What the Duck fabric should go in the new chicken coop over at the Snippets Playground!

Sarn xxx

Claire said...

just love your bud vase :)
and some fun fabrics!
happy WOYWW!
no. 67

Unknown said...

What a beautiful and thoughtful present and I love the matching tag and card, just off to look at the FB page. XX

sandra de said...

What the duck.... Spratts is brilliant. I fully support other DH's lowering the tone. Gorgeous gift and your beading is beautiful. But we have come to expect gorgeous craft from a mechancolic (sic) Celt.
Sandra @105

Anonymous said...

All of it is just gorgeous, and the vase is spectacular. Love the matching card. I'm a big fan of red and black (my High School colours!) and the necklace is really stunning.


MA (2)

Carmen said...

*Ahem* Am sure I do not know what you mean by that sign! :D :D

The gift is just gorgeous and so many finishing touches too. I'm also off to check out her FB page.

Have a lovely week Jan :)

Hettie said...

Beautiful vase you have been given there. Just as well it has your names on or I might have been tempted to make it disappear.
Fiddler on the Roof is one of my favourites too! Very high on my list!
Lovely goodies on your desk again this week! And that sign is fab. 10/10 for thoughtfulness from Mr LLJ!

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful gift from your friends, I love the colours on it too. I love all musicals, always loved a good singalong! I bet Spratts came up with that sign in all innocence! Reminds me of the line from the Bond movie when Honor Blackman tells Bond her name is Pussy Galore, and he says he must be in heaven! Apparently people got up and left the cinema in disgust!! Yes, I'm very sad I'm not coming back to the UK. I told Andrew he could go and represent me at the crop but he just looked at me. Blankly. Like I was talking in tongues or something!!

Hugs from another Celt.
Brenda 1

Unknown said...

You have shown me so many fabulous things today, from that gorgeous jewelry to What the Duck fabric to that tag-to-die-for...I just want to flee my office, go back home, and create! Or better yet, have a walk through Savemake with you! Sandy Leigh

Rita said...

Gosh Jan, we have so many things in common. Fiddler on the roof is one of my favourites and I always love to see the beautiful materials your using. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xx 4

Pam said...

What a beautiful present, loveing all the georgous colours on your desk. We wont mention the cat lol :-0 Hugs Pam x

Jaki Morris said...

That sign reminds me of Pussy's buns and how nice they tasted in the sunshine!
I have that fabric in a different colour, didn't realise it had such a fab name
I thought the vase was an antique find! It's stunning
Glad to see you're back to sewing!

Take care (still haven't found a simple tote pattern! Although I lost a few hours on that web site you gave me!)
Jakix #96

Sunshine Girl said...

Great present and you have been busy with your commissions havent you! Lots of lovely goodies there - love the sign too. Thanks for sharing Sunshine Girl no. 66

Eliza said...

How thoughtful to get such a tailored pressie, now that is somethink wonderful. As for your DH I think his pussy tales are funny and I presume that Spratts is a brand of pussy food. LOL

Happy WOYWW this has to be the best post of the week tell DH

Eliza #45

SueH said...

What a beautiful and personal gift from your friend Jan, it’s something I’m sure you will treasure for years to come.
Lol to the sign. It reminds me of a bakers shop we passed once called Jaspers Bun in the Oven….who thinks up these names.
Great WOYWW this week, lots going on as always.

Happy Crafting!
Sue @ #118
PS. There’s a like to Advent Calendar on my blog this week if you want a closer look.

Mary Jo said...

Oh my, what a funny sign. Really what are people thinking! (lol)
Lots of wonderful projects today :)
And what a beautiful gift!
Mary Jo #115

Tertia said...

That sign is hilarious.
LOVE, love love the vase! I would have disolved too.
I am so jealous every time somebody mentions the crop, I want to cry. Why do I have to live on the other side of the world?
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #46

kay said...

oh what a gorgeous personalised pressie,enjoy :)
have a super woyww
kay #54

My name is Cindy said...

Congrats on the anniversary, that is one great present! Love the sewing projects and the pussy sign!! See you in a few weeks!!

Cindy, now @ #76

fairy thoughts said...

youv'e had a busy week again, love the fabric combinations, I will have to pass the name on to those that sell it! I'm sure they will appreciate it.
But best of all the pussy sign is priceless.
thanks for your visit
janet #45

505whimsygirl said...


Oh, that anniversary present is gorgeous! Everything about it is so very special. Congrats.

Ok, you've made laugh twice with this post!

Thanks for visiting me already. I always enjoy when you come visiting.

Hugs, Kay #17

Sharon (glitterangel) said...

Wow, that vase is amazing, what a wonderful gift, oh and that sign did make me chuckle D) Sharon #72

Anne said...

Still grinning after looking at the sign. The vase is gorgeous and I will be off to have a look at the site. Happy WOYWW. Anne x #149

trisha too said...

Oh heck yes, that gift is gorgeous--the colors are fantastic!

Jan, you are so talented, I never know what type of project you'll post--part of the fun of woyww, right?

And wasn't that sweet of your husband to help out . . . ;)

Happy WOYWW!
:)trisha, #143
utterly shameless this week . . .

jill said...

Wow what a beautiful vase for you both as an Anniversay gift, We had our 30th Wedding anniversay as well this year , i hope your as happy as we are. jill #75

Tamika said...

Those are such nice gifts and I love the color scheme!Tamika #139

Words and Pictures said...

Absolutely glorious gifts - the ceramics are just beautiful... and all your crafty projects look great too! As for your husband's contribution, well... I mean, "What the Duck"!?! Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

such beautiful work on your space! i love black, red, and silver also!

Deb said...

oh wow, that vase is so gorgeous, how precious, love the matching card and tag too! Fabulous creations in the making as always and that sign is so funny! The old ones are the best!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, love the bud vase - it's perfect. I like the Scotty dog/flower fabric mix too and the 'what the duck' fabric was funny enough without Gordon's contribution :)) Signs of a more innocent times - also a sign of how old I am because I do remember seeing that advertising sign - it's the clever wee cat that comes to mind. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #113

VonnyK said...

Sorry, still cracking up about the sign, guess I'm a sad case (he he). That vase is just so beautiful, what a very talented lady she is and such a wonderful present to receive and that card and tag, so brilliant. Then of course there is your necklace and sewing, just so much gorgeous stuff here today. Lovin those ducks.
Have a great week.
Von #48

Joynana said...

First, your anniversary gift is so very special. congratulations. Second, the sewing projects are great and can't wait to see the finished products. and third, that necklace is fabulous. I would wear it with pride. Great job. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. #21

Darnell said...

You are such a naughty girl and boy! And my oh my what a lot of visits you are going to have to your blog now!! Too funny, Miss Spratts!

I've quite forgotten - oh, yes, oh what a lovely, lovely vase!! I must go check out the linkie. And fab sewing and jeweling, as always!!

Have a great week! Darnell #132

Belinda Basson said...

Ha, ha, ha, ha, loved the sign. Also that vase and those tags are FABULOUS, off to convince her to join the gang at WOYWW

Erika said...

Morning Jan just a day late! Loving your gifts and just my colours I will have to check that link out. Getting very excited at the mention of the Scotty dog bag....I wonder why!! LOL. I hope you had a super Wednesday I ended up on the after school runs last night so had no time to play, boo!
Crafty hugs,

Erika. x

famfa said...

Saucy! Love your duck fabric, great name. That vase is beautiful and the buttons on the card and tag, wow. Congrats on thirty years. Good going. Thanks for visiting and commenting. I learnt how to crochet following a YouTube video, took a few attempts but it is so fast. I have been crocheting squares? So addictive I can't stop.
Famfa 21

BJ said...

What a wonderful present, card and tag, I'll pop over there in a mo. AND I think the advert is great too - BJ #19

BJ said...

I did pop over there but as it was facebook I didn't comment. She makes some lovely stuff but I guess you have the best piece - LOL BJ

Nan G said...

LOL! Gotta love a guy's sense of humor! Fab necklace! I don't sew so I admire those that do! Love the vase. Nan G 134

Amy E said...

Can you please tell me where I can get some Spratts too?!?! Hahaha!! Oh LLJ, what would we do without you?!?!

Your bud vase and matching card is just beautiful. What a lucky lady you are to get something so special.

Amy E. #10

mamapez5 said...

What a beautiful gift. You have some very nice friends. Music folk tend to be like that don't they? I smiled at your comment at the top. We listen to lots of Celtic music, as we both have parents from Ireland so I guess our deeper roots are there, and quite a lot of it is in a minor key. But I was smiling because I sing in an amateur choir and we ended our summer season with a concert at a friends villa, and just as we got to a beautiful part of a song which changed into a minor key, her dog started to howl and join in (or compete!) with us. Apparently they only respond to minor keys!
Lots of nice sewing going on again I see. Love the Spratts advert. I hate to admit it but I remember when it was common to see it! Thanks for the 'reasons to smile'.
Kate x #97

Bernice said...

Those vases are so beautiful - my favourite colour as well. I must say I'm impressed with the red and black necklace - it would really match my new shoes - I might have a go at one like that! Happy very belated WOYWW!
Bernice #3

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Well... on that note, let me tell you how MY pussy is doing. You know, since she hasn't blogged lately. Maybe I'll let her write tomorrow's WOYWW. Love the necklace using the sheer ribbon. That really gives it an elegant look, but then again so do the colors. Awesome! Love the beginnings of the bling bin (and the finished product too since I've done gone and peeked ahead). Great vase! Hope you two had a spectacular day. I mean, you know, what the duck! Why not?!


  ALL THE COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW... Well, that was a wild and woolly week eh? Though we missed the snow here on the coast, we had LOTS of ra...