Let's Go Mash a Mole......

The moles have broken through the Maginot Line of our hedge and they're really pushing their luck....

My husband, normally a mild mannered man, has been driven to distraction and is losing the war....

This was how he finally lost it..
                                                 (Posed by models!!)

I would like to add that no moles were harmed in the posing of this photograph...fat chance of that! He never used to catch many fish either :)


Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! I always think of Jasper Carrott's animated skit about moles and all the processes he goes through to get rid of them when I see a mole hill. I think he gave up in the end and invited them in for dinner...

Annie said...

Oh Jan that is so funny. We do the same here when we get the occasional mole hill and trust me when I say it does work.....apparantly they don't like the vibrations....or the headaches either I'd say :-)
A x

Angie said...

LOL ....but although I can feel your frustration ...I have to say I am glad they escaped ....they are so cute xx

Elizabeth said...

Oh dear, the EM is feeling your DH's frustration for him ... he also hates those pesky moles. Me, like Angie, I think they are cute and that is despite it being explained to me just why the EM hates the pesky little critturs :) Elizabeth xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your poor DH. I was with Lisa-Jane straight away, thinking of Jasper Carrott. Play that to him and it might give him a giggle at least. I can remember sitting in the sun on a French caravan site when the kids were little and watching the ground heaving around us with the mole activity, and hoping the caravan did not fall into their holes. There was also a friend who found a dead mole and put it carefully in the middle of the local, very cherished bowling green ........ Rather naughty, that one. xx Maggie

Carmen said...

HAHA! Brilliant photo! My Mum used to love it when my sister's garden was invaded and it was on a regular occurrence. She would turn up with a bucket and collect all the soil from the little hills claiming the moles had done a wonderful job on it and it was fabulous for her garden. Not sure my sister was as pleased with the moles hard work! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh, l have a hubby that doesn't catch fish too lol xxx

Jaki Morris said...

Ha,ha! My other half doesn't catch any fish either. Just as well we don't have moles. ALthough they are sweet with their little round glasses an all


Sarn said...

Hee hee . . . great "modelled" photo!

Sarn xxx

Mary Ann Tate said...

Reminded me of my dad's ongoing battle with moles in our lawn. He ended up one day up to his knees in one of their tunnels as the ground gave way under him. He had put a hose down one of the entrance holes to drown them out. Ah well. He never did get rid of them. They are probably still there...LOL

Lou said...

oh dear! this post and photo made me smile tho'!!

Hettie said...

Haa Haa! Can you send Hubby over once he has finished with your moles please? We have a few Welsh ones over here!!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I know it's not funny, little varmits can raise such havok..but the photo gave me some down home laughs!!! Hope your hubby wins.


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