Short and sweet today! It's been a beautiful week here in South West Wales and we've had a busy sociable few days in the lovely weather.
I've been making a few last items for next Saturday's market:
I discovered these ready cut squares at the bottom of a box and thought they could make little bags in which to put mini eggs.
Making the pouches is quick, it's the ribbon threading that seems to take ages! I use the gas lighter to seal the ends of the ribbon so they don't fray.
Ta Daaa:
Perfect for Mother's Day or Easter!
I got everything together ready for Saturday:
I've got the packing down to a fine art now, a suitcase, two IKEA bags and two sets of shelves, not too much to lug around!
I'm on a use-it-up kick with my yarn too:
This is a yarn cake that I rewound after a failed project but it's knitting up into a pretty baby blanket for the special care baby unit. It's all garter stitch so I don't have to look at what I'm doing but can watch the telly instead!
I was sorry to hear that the Crop has been cancelled but Sarah made the right decision as numbers were low and we had time to cancel accommodation. Maybe we can do something online another time xx
Have a great week everyone! xxx
those little bags are ingenious! hope the next market goes well. You are an old pro now (!) Happy WOYWW helen #2
The bags look lovely and will sell well I'm sure. The packing for a market is crucial as the carrying and unpacking are tricky if you're disorganized. We will be doing similar as we put together stuff for Max to restock The Bog Centre in a week or so. Shame about the crop . Catch up soon x x Jo 🌈
Love all your work this week, the little bags are so sweet. It is a shame about the crop but we understand that Sarah had no choice and only so much time to make a decision so she did the right thing. I will miss you all for sure. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x11x
Brilliant work there Lunch Lady Jan, you've done well with those squares, sooo colourful. I pray it's nice weather for you next weekend too, or hood enough to bring buyers out for something to do. Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x
Mm hope I didn't lose that comment as it didn't come up with usual comment moderation things. Come to think of this page with just comments no post is different too. Beautiful work. Pray it all seems, happy WOYWW. Shaz in Oz.x I'll do two in case other is fizzer
Yes, shame about the crop but a virtual one will be nice.
Love your little bags, the fabric you used is perfect for them and, as you say, will do for Mothers Day too. Good luck with your next sale - although your work doesn't need it, it sells anyway.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx
Brilliant little bags, Jan, and I’m glad you’re ready for your next fair. Your blanket will be snuggly for a preemie baby.
I underestimated the effect of steroids when I thought I might not post today.
It is a shame about the crop but a zoom one might be better since I didn’t see many able to commit to travel.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 6xx
Hello Jan, those little bags are so pretty and perfect for Easter eggs and so much more. It is the way of it that the finishing touches, like the ribbon, take more time than the actual bag making. Worth it though and that's a good tip for preventing the ends of the ribbon fraying. The baby blanket is looking beautiful already - gorgeous colours. Good luck with the sale. I'm hoping for a sell out for you. Hugs, Elizabeth x #14
Cute! Funny, I saw a "hack" the other day for threading elastic and such, using a pen with a cap. How can it be easier than a big safety pin? Silly millennials! Did their GenX parents teach them nothing?? :D The baby blanket looks very sweet, love the colours, and yes, I did know the crop was cancelled. I must have had a brain fade when editing the post. Just too much in my head at the moment!
A no-knitting day WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)
That blanket looks so warm and cozy, nothing wrong with a garter stich! Those bags are very cute, and I'm sure will sell well. Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15
Thank you for your kind words. Love the colours of the blanket. Hope you get plenty of buyers for next Saturday. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12
I am so glad to have entertained you all with my tale of Monkey Music, it will certainly make it easier to bear....
I adore those little bags, they are super cute! I like that you have got your Craft Fair packing down to a fine art - it takes a while and I still manage to forget something every time but it does help to have a system. love the colours on that little blanket, they are so pretty. I really would have liked to get to the crop to see you but just felt it was a little too far (even for you lol) to travel on my own. Seems like Sarah's done the right thing as quite a few of us were on the fence this year.
Hope you are well, have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #13
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