Well, I'm a happy bunny! 

It’s back!! Woohoo...........  The bloke who serviced it asked me if I did a lot of sewing! You could say that, I replied.  Even though I do clean out as much lint as possible, there was a ton of threads and bits underneath. It sounds like a Rolls Royce purring along now :-D

Needless to say, I got sewing straight away!

There were a lot of handles to top stitch, the first stage in making more fold up totes.

As well as yarn, I had to buy more fabric for linings, so they're all sorted and folded away in a pleasing rainbow fashion.

I do admire those of you who do challenges or who keep daily journal, it's just not in me to do that, but I thought I'd do some sketches in order to practise drawing and painting, at least one a week is achievable I think!

Grab fruit from the bowl and get to it! I added a bit more after I took this pic. Just fun to sit and dabble for a few minutes and it'll be nice to look back at the end of the year.

G is getting through the old glass plate photos at a rate of knots and I have another to share which is quite appropriate:

Crafting away on the beach! I'm pretty sure this is Caswell Bay on the Gower. Great pic huh? I'm just so thankful that I don't have to wear layers of clothing like they did. It's nice to know that being together and crafting is a time honoured tradition!

Have a great week and may your crafting be happy xxxxx


Helen said...

Yay the Jan Cave is back in action! the rainbow of material looks beautiful. I can't do daily challenges either, perhaps when I am no longer working.... or not!! the idea is a good one, but I am just not disciplined enough (ok, just lazy then!)

Fab photo on the beach - love it. Have a crafty week. Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

Great sketch Jan - a weekly challenge sounds manageable. Glad the machine is back and purring. Cool and appropriate photo from G too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Annie said...

I’m doing my rounds while I wait for Julia to put her post up so there’s no link as yet....I’m sure you know where to find me.
I’m so glad you’ve got your machine back. I love all the rainbow of fabrics...as I said to Jo with her rainbows...it’s just what we need on gloomy days. Oh to be sat crafting on the beach...it was too cold there yesterday.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased you've got your machine back and it's playing nicely. I used to spend hours after school cleaning the machine, it certainly makes a difference. The photograph is brilliant though I remember my grandmother doing this and I'm not that old actually I may have done something similar myself Lol! Have a good woyww, Angela x1x

Twiglet said...

So glad you got your de-fluffed machine back in action - the fabric looks so neat and tidy and ready for stitching. That photo is priceless Jan - another one that could do with a caption! xx Jo

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan, so glad your machine is home! That rainbow of fabrics looks great.
Lovely sketch of fruit. A good idea to do a weekly sketch.
That beach photo is fab but the clothes must’ve been so hot
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving the colours of the fabric. Glad your sewing machine is back to full health.

Good idea to do your painting and be able to look back.

I'd definitely not want to be wearing those dresses and the various layers underneath. Although on a cold day like today (-3), layers do beckon:) LOL


Neet said...

Good to see the machin e is back and Jan is in her happy place sewing away.
Love the idea of a sketch a week, and a good job made of it - nothing too demanding makes it doable. This challenge I am doing is only for the month but you have until the end of March to finish it so not too difficult. Mind you if I didn't try to do them daily I would get behind.
Love the photo - but why take craft to the beach and why all those clothes covering them up. Maybe it was the sound of lapping waves that spurred them on.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Jan, I am sure you will have heart palpitations when you see my sewing area. Great photograph again this week. I wish long skirts were more in vogue. You must be happy to have your sewing machine back. Have a great week Angela #10

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well done, Jan on being soo prepared that the minute your machine arrived it was purring away with things ready to make, that first image of a handle you're sewing is a striking piece.
Love your water colour still life,and like you I ma not journaller, or a diarist, a sketch or card or one of weekly project yeas is doable.
Love the sedentary beachside sewing class, sooo practical in all but their garments, as you point out.

Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Lindart said...

Hi Jan! Glad your machine has been returned and in purring order. It must have been like losing your right hand for awhile! The photo is interesting. Back in those days women learned to do needlework whether they wanted to or not :-( I can think of better things to do at the beach - getting rid of all those clothes being one! Have a great week, Lindart #23

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW and glad that your sewing machine is back and in action already. I do love the images of sorted and ironed fabric. I actually hate ironing, but it is so satisfying when it is done. I have to do our's regularly (normally on a Saturday if we haven't got the grandchildren with us), or it just piles up and then I find clothes at the bottom I forgot we had! We need to arrange a Beach Crafting Day when the weather is suitable. Ali x #24

Julia Dunnit said...

Great news about the machine, worth the wait, and get you being so ready for its homecoming! I love the rainbow of lining fabrics, but now you’ve got the machine in purring mode, I don’t expect the lovely display will last long! I’ve already admired the still life, but I repeat my admiration, you definitely ‘have it’. Remember the 96 pack of brush tip pens I brought because yours made me green eyed? no to getting on with them at all!! Argh. Meanwhile, I WISH I could craft so peacefully….them ladies on the beach are role models I tell ya….1030 till 4 on Saturday and I made ONE LO!!!

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Jan
I’ve eased myself into crafting with the stitching challenge this week and do you know what I’ve enjoyed it. Probably because there’s no pressure and the daily video is short and inspirational.
I think your painting is really good and at least you are doing it, so a big thumbs up to you.
Stay well and it’s lovely to see all the bright colours on your desk
Lynn xxx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely to see your sewing machine back home. I bet you are so happy to have him/her back. Participating in challenges can make life frantic for a while but I suspect you're pretty busy keeping the shop in tote bags too.

Your painting is beautiful. I have no talent for painting, so much so i attended Art Appreciation, not Art, classes at school. It wasn't wasted. I do appreciate art even if can't draw for toffee. Painting must be a good way to relax.

Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x#26

Dorlene Durham said...

Glad to hear your machine is back. Great photo of the ladies on the beach. Have a great week and happy WOYWW! Dorlene #25

StampinCarol said...

Glad your machine is back home!
Love the watercoloring.
And the ladies, whew but they must be hot!
Have a great week!
Carol N #20

Mary Anne said...

OMG that photo is gorgeous! Love the blurry hat, like she is knitting with abandon and bobbing along with the stitches! And the dotty fabric is yummy too. Love it. Shame your machine cleaner guy didn't save the lint and dust - I bet your sewing machine could have given. my keyboard a run for it's money, given how much you use it :)

Stay Safe & a late but Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Happy Jan, your sewing machine is here again!♥

I found a poem:
"Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing,
The days pass quickly when I am sewing."
Author Unknown.

Your water color painting is so beautiful.
And I'm amazed (like you...) about the ladies dresses on the beach.

Happy sewing, happy being,
Eva from Austria

Catriona said...

Loved your painting-I have kept the christmas card one and it will be framed for this christmas. Your rainbow display is joyful and I am now the owner of 1metre of brussel sprout fabric thanks to your enablement. Happy sewing!


 REMEMBER THE DAYS OF THE OLD SCHOOLYARD.. It's hard to believe that Christmas was virtually a month ago! It has been cold and grey and ...