The desk looks like this today:

Yup, nothing, zip, nada! There's a reason for that....

Julia came to stay!! Woohoo! It was a short notice sorta thing and we've spent a lot of time catching up, there haven't been many awkward silences (chance would be a fine thing *grin*)

It's been marvellous to see her, the first time for what seems like forever. Only a quick visit but worth it!

I have bought some more fabric though, on a stash replacement kick:

From the Amothreads company again, not the hugest choice but it's so much cheaper for the charity projects.

I had bought some fun fabric a while ago to make a preChristmas prezzy for Julia, she who loves all things kitsch.

It looks plain from the outside...

..but gives you a surprise on the inside, lol! 'Useful' bags are a bit of a running gag between us two so it seemed only fitting.

It's lots of fun!

G had a chance to buy some photography studio equipment recently and set it up in the hall to check it all out:

He had a fun time setting it all up and asked me to sit in front of the backdrop to check exposures. Now I hate having my photo taken but had to sit for ages and I got bored, so thought I'd muck around.

And the result is a photo that I really quite like (probably cos half my face is hidden!)  

Hope you have a good week and achieve a bit more crafting than I've managed.  xxxxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

How fabulous that you and Julia got to catch up properly for a visit! I love the useful bag! Great photos of you both - and also the one of you in the hall (not because you're hidden, but I am the same with photos) Have fun with your new fabrics. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you and Julia had a chance to catch up Jan. That bag is fantastic- the sprouts fabric made me smile. Looks like G is making full use of the new equipment too. I like the photo too! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hahaha, love the last but Jan, you aint growed up, yet either, I’ve decided it’s a waste of good energy 😜🤣🤣🤣
Looks like good equipment for G., and hope he has a studio spot better than the hall, well done on cheesy bag too, very cute.
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Diana Taylor said...

Lovely photos of you and Julia - so glad you are having a great time and finally got to catch up in person. The bag you made for her is so funny - I hate sprouts but the fabric is fabulous - never seen anything like it! I love the photo of you - mucking about ones can often be better than posed ones. Looks like that photo equipment was a worthwhile buy already!
Have a great week and enjoy the rest of your time with Julia,
Diana xx #7

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you and Julia had a chance to catch up. The sprout bag made me smile, and it was great the way the kitch fabric was hidden.
Your photo is beautiful and not because you’re half hidden.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Wonderful to see you and Julia together. The sprouts fabric is brilliant. Lots of fancy photography equipment. Hubby is currently starting an obsession with Mark 1 Toyota MR2 cars, and I feel a large purchase coming soon! Ali x #14

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you got togethr with Julia.

Did chuckle at the sprouts fabric. The other fabrics are lovely and colourful.

Hope your hubby enjoys the new photographic kit.

That photo of lovely.


Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What a lovely surprise to have Julia visit! You two must have been up late into the night just talking - two peas in a pod! Lovely fabrics too, beautifully presented! The sprouts fabric looks cute and very fitting as a pre-Christmas present (I didn't know that was a thing LOL)! I'm thinking of getting some photography stuff as well (perhaps as a pre-Christmas pressie?)- those reflectors created some lovely soft light in your hall! Good that hubs has his own hobby - mine too and I actively encourage him to immerse himself in it - that way I'm free to do mine LOL! Have a lovely week Jan! xx zsuzsa #17

Susan Renshaw said...

So plaesed that you managed to catch up with Julia!!
Love that sprout fabric!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #16
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Twiglet said...

Oh what a happy post! I love the "Lady of Mystery" photo - so you Jan! I bet Julia had a giggle when she saw that fab bag - - brilliant design of bag and those sprouts are perfect. G will enjoy his studio gear. My G doesn't use his garage studio now as he filled it with a huge model railway during lockdown but he keeps his equipment in good working order! xxx Jo

Neet said...

So good to see you two together knowing how much you miss one another these days. Lovely to know that you had a great time together and I can imagine poor G hardly got a word in.
Oh Jan, only you could find that sprouting fabric - it is fantastic - and what a gorgeous bag you made for her.
G looks very professional now with all that equipment, but I can't see him improving on his already excellent/fantastic photos. Maybe he is going down a different route now and setting up a studio. Portraits by G! Just imagine a dressing up box so people could become something else - he would make a fortune.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely to meet up with Julia and that you had a great time. Your husbands photograph kit looks amazing. I picked up some free upholstery material from our local free site on Facebook. My daughter suggested it, I thought it was going to be a small piece, but it is quite large and now I am not sure what to do with it. Cushion covers perhaps, but not this side of Christmas! Happy WOYWW Angela #9

Christine said...

What a lovely meet up! I can hear the echoes of all the laughter over here!!1
Love that fabric, must go and have a look . . . . . just a look, hands in pockets sort of look . . . .
Love the bag, will bring a smile to Julia's face everytime she uses it!
The photo - has to be a winner .... beautiful model and great photo.
Have a good week
Christine #22

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I knew Julia was visiting and I know you will have had a great time no matter how short it might be. I have to say that photograph might not show much of your face but it's a stunner! You have beautiful eyes. I have a thing for looking at people's eyes as they tell so much about people and these are the eyes of a kind person and unusually they match which is also a good sign! Wishing you a lovely creative woyww with hugs, Angela x13x

Lillianb said...

What a lovely surprise to have a visitor and you both look so happy, I bet there was a lot of chatter, I am pleased to say my test was negative and really hope Wipso is feeling better soon, sending healing vibes.

Love all the fabric so much colour,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #11

Spyder said...

Great surprize to have a visitor! And what fun you must have had! The picture is great, I hate having mine taken too! My hubby has gone all filmy...he even has a camera on his motorbike and his helmet...sometimes...its even inside the car. I thought it was pointing outwards...but it was pointing at us !Happy WOYWW? Keep Crafting! Stay Safe. ((Lyn))#18

StampinCarol said...

How fabulous to get together!!
I don't know what those green things are but they look like brussel sprouts to me! What a hoot!
Got a giggle from your photo.
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #24

Catriona said...

Supervphotos all round this week, Jan. How lovely to spend time with Julia and I love the bag you made. 💕

Shoshi said...

So glad you and Julia have been able to spend some time together, Jan. Your new fabrics are fabulous - what a lovely slash of colour that photo is. Thank you for your visit, and I'm glad you enjoyed my projects this week. It has been such fun, just playing for a change!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #15

Empire of the Cat said...

How nice to catch up with crafty friends, and I love that brussel sprout fabric! Happy WOYWW! Elle #6, EOTC

Mary Anne said...

Oh lovely to see you and Julia side-by-side! Your friendship is amazing and I'll bet you both loved every minute together. I adore the sprout fabric, it's so very cute. The fabric is fine for charity and there will be people who love the patterns I'm sure. Your glamour pose if cute too - lucky score on the phototgraphy equipment. Your hall looks like that of a proper "influencer" lol!

Happy WOYWW, back online :)
Mary Anne (1)

Lisa-Jane said...

How fab to get together! I must have gone past you both this weekend too. I adore that sprout fabric - it's absolutely perfect! Loving the photo too. Hope to see you again soon and to join in again soon too xx

Eva said...

How nice that you and Julia had a chance to meet and to chatter. That bag is fantastic- congrats! Busy G is making full use of the new equipment. I like the photo too!
Best wishes and happy weekend.
Eva from Austria

Lindart said...

Much nicer to be with old friends on the beach! Lovely photos! Now for the fun cloths, brussel sprouts dressed like reindeer? what could be more fun than that! Sorry I'm so late this week! Lindart #


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