Well then..here we are, we made it to the BIG 520 of WOYWW. I bet that Julia never thought in a month of Sundays that her initial idea would still be going strong a decade later! What an incredible achievement, my dear old mucker - so many ideas, friendships and desks have been shared over the years from folks all around the globe - in fact I think Antarctica may be the only Continent that we've never had a posting from!

People have come and gone - remembering Janet Fairythoughts and Eliza (Yoda's mum) especially - the joy of WOYWW is that it has no agenda or crazy rules, just the ability to share the crafting ups and downs of the lives of people who we'd otherwise never have met. I'm very grateful for that opportunity.

So, from me to you, here's a celebratory bouquet:

Thanks for the support and love over the years!!

I don't have a desk today but am going to share the shelves in the JanCave as these hold reminders of generous crafting friends too...

Items that have a story of friendship behind each one - small tokens that make me happy to be a WOYWWer - things that make me smile and others that bring a tear to my eye. I swap the ATCs over, here are the current selection - I'm looking forward to some new additions soon!

I'm really looking forward to the Crop - only a few days away now - renewing old acquaintances and meeting some new faces too. Woohoo!!

Apart from ATC swaps, I thought I'd run a small competition for fun. G and I made up another Still Life for his 52 week photo challenge. It represents one of our all time favourite movies - but which one?!

Answers in the comments please - the winner will receive a small handmade something!!

Have a fun day celebrating with everyone!

And don't forget the ASTERISK, lol!!!!



Helen said...

Hi Jan and happy birthday us! I love the photo.
Your Jan cave shelves look fabulous and what a lovely way to store your crafty gifts.
Am no good at films....
Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

I haven't a clue about the film (actually I think I do - Some Like It Hot?). Love the shelves and recognise quite a few people's work there. Can't wait for the crop! See you there Jan. Happy 10th birthday WOYWW. Sarah #4

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Happy 10th Anniversary to us.

I love the shelves. So nice to have the memories.

All I can think of is Some Like It Hot for the film.

Sue #11

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a lovely bouquet you have given us. I also remember Janet and Eliza. They were both great friends when they died.

Such a wonderful Jan cave. How did you get those WOYWW buttons to stick to the wooden surface? They were the first things that caught my eye. Have fun at the crop, dear Jan. Happy 10th from # 5.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

BTW, I think Sarah figured out the movie to which you were referring.

Lynn Holland said...

I was going to say “Some Like If Hot” but Sarah beat me to it.
What about a pop band then - Red Hot Chillie Peppers
Happy anniversary Jan and thanks for your friendship
Lynn xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

What a beautiful way to display all the sharing of creativity from the WoywW gang. I'm glad to see the immoral earnings piggy is teenie tiny hee hee!!
Thank you for the beautiful shared flowers they always bring a hug with a smile. Limited time leaves no room for shared ATC's but maybe one day we will meet up to exchange a creation of sorts.
Wishing you the happiest of day & thanks for sharing WoywW.. Happy 10th Tracey #10

Neet said...

"Some Like it Hot" with Jack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe and Tony (the dish) Curtis. Am I right?
love the photo of you with the bouquet and your shelves full of beautiful reminders of fun and friendship along the ten happy years of WOYWW.
Yes, there are lots of friendships forged along the way and a few tears have been shed as we lost people like Janet and Eliza. Despite my immediate family being in Oz I never had the desire to go over - until I met Eliza that is. That really hit and hurt when she went so suddenly. Four years almost, seems like only yesterday. Wonder what happened to her daughter, Myrene, and to Yoda?
Hugs and here's to the next anniversary.
Hugs, Neet xx 18

Bridget Larsen said...

Love your memory shelf, I am hopeless at guessing anything
Bridget #2

Anne said...

Hi Jan. Happy10th WOYWW. The flowers are beautiful! Thank you for your part in WOYWW! At first I thought I'm no good at guessing things. Then in a flash I thought ' Some like it hot?
Amazed myself :-) Looking forward to seeing you again and catching up with old friends! Anne X #25

Marit said...

Happy anniversary Jan, so glad we 'meet' almost every Wednesday - I hope once, in the future (when I win the lottery?) to join the real live crop, it would be so nice to meet you in person! Until then, I feel blessed to be part of this crafty, creative, nice and supporting online tribe! Enjoy your day! Hugs and kisses from the Netherlands. Marit #17

glitterandglue said...

Hi Jan. What a lovely celebration - and how grateful I am you are in my life. I had such fun when I visited - did we actually stop laughing??? Love the still life - but as I'm not any good with movies or groups... no entry from me, I'm afraid. A memory shelf is a lovely idea - I have a basketful of items given me from WOYWWers - precious.
Well, dear girl, I'll see you, and that lovely talented hubby of yours, at the crop. Not long now!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, my lovely Swapee!! We'll swap at the crop, if you like? I did smile when I saw I'd drawn you.Lovely all those things on you Memory Shelves, what a fab idea. We too are thankful that we met thanks to Julia, as you say, we'd not have done so otherwise, and we truly treasure our friendship. There will definitely be a visit during the summer! We'll see you next week, Love and hugs to you all, Shaz XxXxXXx

Debbie Rock said...

Happy 10th WOYWW dearest Jan ... all this blog hopping has brought some very special people into my life and how utterly blessed I count myself to have you in my little corner. Love you heaps. Debbie #25 xXx

sandra de said...

Lovely to see you peeking over the flowers and be able to say happy 10th woyww. I have to agree with Sarah on "some like it hot"
sandra de @33

Annie said...

My plan is to get round everyone today to wish them a very happy 10th anniversary and to thank you for your friendship and lovely comments over the years.
See you soon :-)
Annie x #10

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

What a wonderful bunch of flowers for our anniversary Linch Lady Jan, thanks so very VERY much for everything, for being Julia’s backstop so often and simply making our WOYWW day’s truly wonderful.
I’m actually glad haven’t posted items to Jo, today after realising I hadn’t photographed them! Not one, typically vague ... and theye’re not the same so is relevant.
I really like your shelf of memorabilia... and the Welsh spoons, too. Mm movie... all I can think of is “Some like it hot” but I’d int actually know if that’s a movie as not very up on movies, might just be a song? 😆
Happy WOYWW 10, loads of prayer hugs too, Shaz in Oz.x #24

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

A lovely commemoration Jan, especially that you mentioned Janet Fairythoughts and Eliza - I often think of them even though I never met them in person, but it still feels like I knew them. I miss Yoda too. Your cheeky smile behind those flowers is so you! Happy anniversary! zsuzsa #26

PS. my immediate thought is Red Hot Chilli Peppers but they're a band not a movie, unless they were named after a movie or a movie was made after them - or there could be no relation between the two at all, LOL, so this doesn't count as an entry, just some musings on my part.

Diana Taylor said...

What a lovely photo of you smiling over the flowers. It's been a real pleasure taking part for the last 7 years (if somewhat sporadically) and that is mainly down to Julia and your dear self - I'm looking forward to the next 10 years and hopefully a chance to meet up again in the future.
I love your shelf of memories, such a lovely idea and a happy little corner in your Jan cave.
Hugs, Diana xx

Crafting Queen said...

Happy 10th Anniversary. I have no idea about the movie. Have a great week. x Anesha

Robyn said...

Happy 10th! jealous in a good way of y'all going to crop and SWAP- Photos please!
Some Like it Hot- and we are expecting a heat wave, so might as well embrace it!
robyn 7

buterfliecrafter said...

what an awesome shelove you have, just wonderful!!!
movie?? something with hot, hot, hot it seems to me :-)
thx for your visit earlier, Happy anniversary, Vicky #31

Lindart said...

Some Like it Hot? (I cheated and peeked at someone else's answer!) Fab photo! Lovely memory shelves to remind you how loved you are, everyone should have one! Thanks for being one of my best friends on WOYWW! Happy 10th, Lindart #37

Caro said...

Love the photo of you peeking behind the flowers, and I love your special shelves. My guess would have been the same as everyone else 'Some like it hot!' Happy 10 year WOYWW anniversary. Have a great week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#27)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I agree with the others it has to be 'Some Like it Hot' can't think of anything else. Nice shelves and lots of lovely little trinkets. Great pic of you and love the flowers too. Wishing you a lovely woyww and a happy creative week with hugs, Angela x19X

My name is Cindy said...

Hello my lovely!! Gutted I won't be at the crop as I am sure it will be a very special one, but not to be. The whole thing is quite amazing, I know I'm not often about these days but I'm afraid I just assume everyone else will be - for many years to come. Loving your display shelves (so tidy!! Mine are crammed! No idea about the film but something spicy ... Hot Fuzz? Happy 10th Anniversary, Cindy #44

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Jan, Happy Anniversary. Love the pretty blooms and your shelf display a lot :) no clue on the movie, ~Stacy #37

Dorlene Durham said...

Happy 10 years to you! Love the peek of your shelf and all the WOYWW goodies throughout the years. Dorlene #42

Twiglet said...

It must be Some like it hot! Brilliant still life G. I have been putting together a few bits for a photo opportunity at the Crop - we will definitely need a group pic but maybe a few "funnies" too. Happy 10th anniversary! So looking forward to meeting up next week and so glad everyone is happy to leave their stilettoes at home - lol! xx Jo

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh I am looking forward to the crop! It's lovely seeing your memory shelves!
As for the film clue - I'm one of the ones that doesn't like it hot so I'm just going to think of 'Ice Cold In Alex'!!!
Big Hugs, Chrisx

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, happy WOYWW 10th anniversary- lovely anniversary bouquet too! Only film I can think of is Some like it Hot. So looking forward to catching up at the Crop. Thanks for stopping by earlier, that's the first time I've polished my desk and I've had it a year now, so that will have to do for 12 months! Have a lovely week Heather x #30

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Lots of memories there, Jan. We have all gone through so many things together, lots o emotions. Looking forward to meeting everyone again at the Crop. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #38

Glenda said...

Happy birthday to all of us! I've been in and out of this lovely get together for several years and I have to say I do love these sweet ladies! Congratulations are in order for all of us!
Glenda #32

Christine said...

Happy Anniversary!
Lovely shelving you have there missus! I keep a few mementos around on view as well, always cheers me up when I see them.
Have a good week
Christine #40

Cardarian said...

Hi Jan! Hope to be at the crop but if I am not you will get an ATC from me! I am not around much due to my mine and Alan's health but I will be back and I can never go away from this lovely bunch of friends! How lovely that you mentioned Janet and Eliza!
Love and hugs

Shoshi said...

"Some Like it Hot"!! Smashing idea, that little competition!

What a happy post, Jan. Love the flowers you are sharing with us all, and your twinkly smiling eyes peeping out from behind them! I love your shelves full of treasures, too. I've got something similar in my studio, with lovely things people have made for me over the years, including WOYWW folks. Your gorgeous little pincushion isn't on there, because it lives on my desk where it's in constant use! Hope you all have a fabby time at the crop. Hugs to everyone and sorry I can't make it to these events.

Thank you for your lovely comment, and for my hubby's special birthday wishes. We've had a great celebration, and he loves his watch. I'm glad you enjoyed the card I made for him, and also my slippers.

Happy 10th anniversary WOYWW,
Shoshi #15

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw my lovely mate, what a fab post. All totally true and right back at ya...love and support by the bucket load...don’t forget you kept WOYWW going while I was having my face made wonky. And I’m sorry I’m late. Blame phlebotomy. I do!!

Kyla said...

love your selves and the "Immoral Earnings" piggy bank.
ooh films, as others have said "Some like it hot", or perhaps the opposite "The Big chill" either way LOVE chilli, hubby seems to live on srircha and we are trying to grow Naga chillies this year!! What could go wrong?!

Love that you and Julia still look after us all either on here or at crops (sadly not able to make the next one), huge thanks.

Nikki said...

Jan such beautiful flowers and I think of music when i see all that hot stuff 1st lol "Red hot chili peppers" happy 10 years
Hugs Nikki 43 now

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan, I'm running seriously late commenting , but it takes a long time with only one hand.
Love your shelves, nice to have a special place for all the memories.
Haven't a clue about the film, unless 'Some like it hot' was a movie as well as a tv programme.
See you at the crop
Chris #36

Kelly said...

Happy Anniversary, dear friend! I didn't have a clue on the film. But I like the answer you've gotten so far. WOYWW has been a blessing for so many of us... and I cont you as one. Creative Blessings! Kelly #35


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...