( I admit, I had to look this lyric up...though I'm talking about a different sort of quilling on the blog today!)

It has been another busy and fun filled week! I don't have an actual desk to share today simply because I haven't made it over the threshold of the JanCave!  My band came third in the contest (missing out on second by a couple of points...doh) and I had a house full of family on Sunday.

So yesterday's WI Craft Club came as a blessing in disguise as I can show you what we did - quilling! I've never done it before so it was interesting to hear how Jo, the teacher does it.

Basically you wrap thin strips of paper around a tool, glue the ends, take it off and squish it into various shapes. Then you do something with it. There were three of us on the table so we made a card together!

Helen and Judith - we were at school together, so we've known each other a looonnnnng time! It was quite meditative doing the strip winding and we were chatting away while doing it.

The girls in the kitchen were much better than us, lol!! 

It was a really fun morning and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would but it's another hobby that I won't be taking up!

We've been down the harbour a lot over the weekend, combination of high tides and gorgeous weather. Unfortunately it means the lifeboat carried out its 29th callout of the year on Sunday. I am doing training on the electronic till in the new shop this afternoon so I may be late leaving comments.

Have a lovely few days and I'll see you next Wednesday :-D


Helen said...

I've never tried quilling either, but you do see some fabulous results - great flower! Hopefully the lifeboat was successful in their callout. Good luck with the till training. Helen #?

craftyani said...

Ahh yes quilling had a friend who did this she made some fascinating things, animals, flowers etc. Not for me either too fiddly. Ani

Neet said...

Looks like you had a good time quilling away - something which has never 'grabbed me' either. Saying that I like what you did and the pink and green look lovely together.
Well done on coming third but what a shame you only just missed out on being second in the band contest. Sounds like a busy weekend with family (lovely) on Sunday too.
Good luck with the till training.
Hugs, Neet 6 (see you soon, excited) xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I am very impressed with your quilling. I was rubbish at it.

Good luck with the till training.

Sue #9

Lillianb said...

Loving the look of quilling but never had a go but you know what they say Never say never Lol

Lilian B #7

Lynn Holland said...

My mum in law did quilling and she made some lovely pieces. Looks like you all had fun. Mind you being in a room with like minded people is great whatever the craft. I’ve been there myself this past week
Lynn xx 12

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I done quilling before, but I did it with a needle tool that had a slot in it. I no longer seem to know where the tool is, and without it, I believe you are out of luck. I think you made a lovely flower and can be proud of what you learned, too!!! Thanks for visiting me already. Happy WOYWW from #2.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Congrats on coming third Jan taking part and inspiring other's is always a winner in my eyes no matter the position. What a great craft quilling is, such concentration on this detailed work. I've seen this done with silk ribbon too.. Happy smiles all round. Happy WoywW Tracey #4
P.S Really hope all went well with the Lifeboat rescue x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, isn't it shocking how often the Lifeboats get called out? Love what you managed with the quilling, I've never given it a go. See you in 2 weeks, Love & Hugs to you all, Shaz,#15 XxXxXxXx

Glenda said...

I tried quilling long ago and took to it but I just moved on to other projects. There just isn't enough hours in the day for my attentions!
Glenda #19

Annie said...

Like most crafts...been there done that ...and have moved on. There's not many crafts I haven't tried and I mastered most....in fact all except tatting and I ended up throwing the bobbin across the floor with that one lol.
See you soon,
Annie x #10

Christine said...

It's good to try all these crafts, I would have missed out o Cross Stitch if I hadn't been given a freebie by a shopkeeper so I could try it and see!
I love quilling but it is soooo time consuming I don't do it all that often.
Love all your efforts.
Have a good week
Christine #25

sandra de said...

The quilling looks so pretty on the card. I know how much time it takes to quill and glue and decided very quickly I would move on to something else. Looks like you have a lovely group to meet up with and congrats on 3rd place.
sandra de @23

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, Quilling is one of those fun things to do and I've got all the stuff but never really got into it however, there is nothing better than playing with other people and if someone has a project they want to do at our club......well I'm there in a flash. Hope your woyww is good with plenty of crafty time, Angela x14x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well done missus, I feel the same, I love some of the modern quilling that you see, but it’s not something I’m going to do much of. Looks as if you had another fun morning I must say. Glorious weather, bet it brings out a lot of trippers to the seaside, the shop will be busy! Good luck with the training. I hope they’re showing you what to do when you make a mistake or when the machine bit**es it up and there’s a queue of twenty people! X

Debbie Rock said...

Quilling never really appealed to me and now, with age, I know why ... I simply have no patience! Third in the competition is amazing but what a blow to miss out on coming second by such a small margin ... I have no doubts you deserved at least second! Thanks for popping by my blog earlier ... as you know I won't be at the crop and you also know why so will not go over old ground here, suffice to say I will most definitely be there in spirit! My ATC's are already with Shaz & Doug ready for them to kindly bring along for me and are for anyone who would like one - Julia has said she will distribute them for me and one most definitely has your name on it Jan. Absolutely no swap back is necessary. Good luck with the electronic till - I'd dread it as me and technology simply do not get on ... already little 4 year old Henry knows how to use my mobile better than I do! Luckily he has yet to develop a memory for password numbers so I still just about have the upper hand. Much love dearest Jan. xXx

Caro said...

I won some quilling stuff ages ago and only tried it once... not my thing at all! Yours looks very good and I am glad that you had a nice day. Happy WOYWW. Have a great week. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#18)

Annie Claxton said...

HI Jan, very pretty quilling - I had a go recently and thought I'd do more but somehow haven't got around to it :o) I've heard you can even cut all your own strips but that probably won't be happening either! Have a great week. Annie C #11

Sarah Brennan said...

At least you have tried a new technique Jan, even if it's not something you will do again. Good luck with the training and sorry that a couple of points made the difference at the weekend! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Jan, well. I think the cool thing about these get together's you have is you are getting to try the different things before you have a huge box come in the mail of the tools that sit and gather dust and add to the guilt levels. I admire the quilling on cards I have received but, its a not for me thing either. and that's OK ~Stacy #29

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! You are packing a lot into a week - I clearly have competition! I tried Quilling once and that was enough, and although I do love to see it on cards it just wasn't for me!! So looking forward to the crop! Hugs, Chrisx 33

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, well done for the competition result. The quilting looks great, but it's not something I would have a go at. I've so much stuff to work my way through- I think I may be a craftaholic - keep buying stuff and not using it, or is that just a normal crafter?? Thanks for stopping by earlier- I preferred my promarkers version to the watercolour version, but I think that was because I used the wrong card. Time will tell. Have a lovely week Heather x #7

StampinCarol said...

How fun to have crafty get-togethers! And the opportunity to try something new! Your week was pretty busy! Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
Carol N #27

Twiglet said...

I am with you on the quilling Jan - we did a bit of it in the 80s but it was just too fiddly and slow for me - I probably still have a pack of strips hiding away in a drawer somewhere!! See you soon. xx Jo

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Jan, struggling to comment with embedded comment boxes just started to be a pain again unstable plus. So brief today. Tell how to fix on my latest post if you’re interested.
Done quilting it’s a fun craft.
Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #20

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love your description of quilling. I have had a couple of goes at it at classes, but decided it was not for me. My fingers don't seem able to manipulate paper and card in 3D. I just get frustrated. Looking forward to the meeting in June. I am bringing my parchment stuff so you could try that craft too. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #22

Lunch Lady Jan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindart said...

Hi Jan! The quilling is beautiful, just not something I would ever do more than once! Congratulations for coming in third, it all takes the same amount of effort and talent as coming in first! Thanks for your visit, Lindart #26

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I have heard of quilling but never tried it. Sounds like you had a great time with the ladies experimenting - and chatting no doubt. Congrats on the third place - never mind missing out on the second place, third place is still very commendable! Thanks for visiting yesterday and see you next week for the 10th anniversary, hopefully! zsuzsa #21

Crafting Queen said...

Enjoy your new craft!


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...