Oh boy, have I had a humdinger of a cold this past week - thought I'd got away with it this winter but my sneezes have registered at 6.5 on the Richter scale, lol! I'm not feeling sorry for myself, just explaining why there's been virtually no crafting apart from knitting...

However, I have been on the receiving end of two gorgeous deskers' even gorgeouser crafting!

The paw print fabric is still out as I tried to get some more cutting done but just wasn't in the mood. The little box is Exhibit No1, m'Lud:

A box full of knitted loveliness - how could those little chicks not make you smile?! From the talented and rather wonderful Twiglet, who sent me them to raise funds for the RNLI. I love the way all the chicks have been named and are different colours. The odd one out, of course, is the little Red Dragon at the front who held a little choccy egg for me. I love him Twiglet, he makes me smile a lot!

He's taken pride of place in my Rogue's Gallery :-D

But, like buses, two come along at once:
And Wipso (MUCH younger sister of Twiglet!) sent me these Easter goodies also for fund raising. Lovely little bunny bags just right for putting small choccy eggs in plus felt bunnies and fabric baskets - all amazing and beautifully made. Well, you wouldn't expect anything else from Annie, she's a sewing magician!

It's so kind of you both and all to raise money for the RNLI - the target towards the new boathouse is £40k, so far we've raised £35K, not bad for a small community. A huge thank you from everyone on the fundraising team xxx

G has also been sorting out more photos for various competitions over the year and has decided to go outside the box (aiming for Zero or Hero) I like this one very much:

It's the Sage Music venue in Gateshead reflected in the River Tyne. You can never tell how a judge is going to react so you may as well enter something that pleases yourself! Wouldn't it make a fiendish jigsaw?!

Have a great week and I hope I haven't passed on any germs over t'Interwebs :-D


Helen said...

Hope your cold goes soon... I did sneeze a couple of times last night, maybe it was your fault!! Love the boxes of goodies from Jo and Annie, how kind! Great photo by G too, hope it wins a prize. Happy WoYWW Helen #??

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Sending heaps of positive healing thoughts and hugs (((Jan))). Hope you feel back to normal, well normal for you;), soon.

Loving the ducks, dragon and all the bunny things.

Your hubbys photo is fab. Hope he wins with it.

Sue #15

Catriona said...

The coughing seems to be rife, Jan. my friend is just recovering after about three weeks of it. I wondered where all those chickens were going when I saw them on another blog-dragon will need a big egg though! So kind of Wipso as well to send all the easter goodies. The photo really intrigues me as it really makes you look at all the different colours and reflections-it’s a winner for me. Take care.

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh you poor thing. I hoped it wouldn’t come to a bucket full of snot a day too, I bet it’ll take some shaking off now. Make sure that G isn’t reinfected! I love his Sage picture, I have a few of those that I wrote off as wonky, how did he get that? You’re right too, a gat puzzle. Aren’t Twiggers and Wipso generous. I didn’t realise the knitty chicks wo7ld hold an egg, v clever!

Crafting Queen said...

Feel better real soon.

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. Hope your humdinger is soon history! Great gifts arriving - that dragon is just gorgeous! Love G's photo - and yes... a jigsaw would take some doing. Wouldn't mind the challenge though! He could always submit it to one of the jigsaw companies and see if they throw up their hands in horror, or welcome him with open arms...
Take care the pair of you. God bless.
Margaret #3

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, Dougs just had that cold too, fortunately I managed to not catch it this time! Love Jo & Annies stuff for you, the dragon is such a fun thing to have done. G's pic is fab, and totally agree that you can't predict judges reactions. Have a friend in a local camera club, and she says exactly the same.Love & hugs to you all, Shaz #5 XxXx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Those chicks and bunnies are super cute - lovely donations! I love the cat card in your gallery - made me smile! The photo is very creative for sure - good luck with the competition! Thanks for your visit, Jan - I'm just glad people are able to comment! zsuzsa #17

Lynnecrafts said...

Poor you, hope you feel better soon. G's photo is stunning. You could always put it into an Ipad online jigsaw programme. Wipso and Twiglet's contributions to Burry Port lifeboat are lovely!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, you and me both with the cold - well it's been a chest infection for me and I'm just today feeling a bit better so nit joining in with you all but I still had to see what you've been up to. Those boxes of goodies from the girls are brilliant and are bound to help raise even more funds for such a good cause. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

My name is Cindy said...

AFternoon lovely lady I do hope you're feeling better! Apart from my week of laryngitis I've been well this winter (touch wood) but mum had a stinking cold she couldn't shift so I do feel for you. She was much better yesterday when I popped in. What wonderful boxes of goodies from the girl's! So very clever. I love the phot as well, and yes it would make a great jigsaw! Hope all is well with you and yours, love n hugs, Cindy #20

J said...

Hi Jan, get better soon, nothing worse than coughing and sneezing, I had my flu shot and was ill, every time, everyone tells me you can’t get ill from it but it seems to get me every year.
I love the snap your husband took, great colours .
Take care and get well soon
Jan #18

Annie said...

I'm late joining in the fun today cos I've been really busy with a steady flow of customers plus been finishing off my 7 bears....it's all go here.
Firstly you get well soon my friend. I love the box or chicks Jo sen't you....I think she knits in her sleep! Really glad you can make good use of my box of goodies too....they were just sitting here so they are going to a good cause I'm sure.
Annie x #11

Twiglet said...

He he - great minds!! I didn't know Annie was sending you a parcel too! Hope that cold is better - I am still hacking away but it will go eventually. That photo is stunning - I hope G does well with it. xx Jo

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh how kind of Jo and Annie. At this rate the target will be achieved in no time. Love G's snap and you're right about it making a fiendish jigsaw. Hope the cold is better soon Jan. Sarah #4

Caro said...

I love the little red dragon - such fun! I have also had the lurgy this week but seem to be on the mend so I hope you are too. The photo is stunning. Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a nice week. With love and God bless, Caro x (#30)

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Jan, oh my gosh I love the bunny bags and those cute chicks too that was so nice of your friends and that photo is gorgeous. but, if it were a puzzle in my home I think I would cry hahaha. ~Stacy #25

StampinCarol said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Love all the goodies but I agree with the little red dragon! Adorable! And those bunny bags are just fab! How wonderful of Twiglet and Wipso! And best wishes to G with the photo. I just love the colors and design!
Carol N #21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, great collection of goodies there how kind of Jo and Annie. The little dragon is a real sweetie too. Great photo, love it. Have a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x12x

Paper rainbow said...

Love that box of chicks. Get well soon!

Mrs.D said...

Ah, a draig goch, he is bendigedig, the ducks are fun too, but not as special as the draig bach.
No idea if this will actually get to you, I am having great problems posting this week, but will have another try.
Chris #8

Marit said...

I would not start a jigsaw puzzle like that... but I LOVE it as a photo! I'll keep my fingers crossed for your hubby! And what a lovely sweetness you received, that will absolutely help raising money! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, happy ~ belated ~ woyww. Hug from Holland, Marit #16

Neet said...

So sorry to hear you have had a stonking cold! Where did you pick that up? Hope you are now well on the way to having your red nose returning to its normal hue.
Love the photo of Gordon's - what a fantastic piece that would make as a poster on a wall. Love it - really do!
Great goodies from the sisters, they are so generous and so kind aren't they.
Hope you have a better week now.
Hugs, Neet xx


 IF A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS... Hi everyone, hope you've had a good week! Mine has been busy and sociable with lots of time in ...