After a sluggish start (craft-wise!) to the New Year, it's been all systems go this week. Archie's bunting was well received, which was rather nice and I was wondering what to do next when my knitting needles really ticked me off...as they do ;-)  They're in a gigantic bag where you have to get them all out to find a pair and this annoyed me, so I thought I'd make myself a knitting needle roll.

You might want to get yourself a coffee/tea/drink of choice...there's a few pics.

I searched around and found this pretty fabric featuring sewing machines and all things crafty (Wipso, did you give this to me?) and a pretty purple spotty for the lining.

Making things up as I go along....dum-di-dum...attaching the lace to the top of the needle holdery bit.

Attaching the purple to the back panel and sewing in the tubes to hold the needles.

After sewing that to the main outer fabric, you then have to turn it all out the right way. It's at this point that you seriously start to wonder if it's going to be ok!

And then you find it isn't and so the seam ripper has to come out. I'd put on the flap the wrong way round!! Sigh, even now, I should take time to stop and actually think what it is I'm supposed to be doing - luckily, it was easily remedied.

Et voila - needles all in order. No more rummaging and cursing for me :-D I know the tubes aren't all equal, but I don't care!

It's only me that's ever going to see it!

But that wasn't the only activity that's seen action on my desk this week...

G needed to take a photo of something to do with 'Time' for his weekly camera club competition. He'd had an idea of using my metronome and wanted the tuba and some music to add to the pic. So that's why there's my bass on a fabric covered chair on my workdesk...you don't see that very often huh?!  It all looks a bit random doesn't it?

This is the competition entry:

Beautiful - and with enough different times on that metronome to please the sternest contest judge. Photo judging is so incredibly subjective however, you just can't tell what'll please them....we shall see. It was fun creating the image anyway!

Have a great crafty week - I suspect I won't be showing you quite such a random desk next time but hey, you just never know!



Helen said...

The needle roll is fabulous - clever girl! love the purple fabric too. G's time photo is excellent, hope he wins! Helen #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Love the photo. It certainly covers the theme.

Love your needle roll.

You may want to go over and sort Julia out, as she thinks we are still on WOYWW 501:)

Happy WOYWW 502
Sue #9

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

I alive the photo sgoot, just right amount of sheet music reflected and great contrasts would make great male card on the passage of tiem like decade birthday theme!
G and LLJ!! Brilliant. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Needle case tis also I think turning things inside out like that’s confusing hence wrong attachment like that, I done bible covers that have little pockets in them and hand made piping around the edge and once turned it wrongly so get why you’ve issues, mind you, like you I was flying blind not following a pattern! Fun result though and LOVE the spotty purple. Gorgeous!
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #11

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
{Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

Neet said...

G's photo is amazing. I love black and white photography. Give him a big rosette from me, it's a winner in my books.
Love your needle case - the purple spotty fabric really brought it to life and the addition of the lace enhanced it even further.
Have a lovely week Jan, take care
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Claire said...

LOVE that dotty purple fabric!!
Happy WOYWW :)
Claire, no. 3

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

All art is incredibly subjective, which is as it should be, I think. I ned to sort my knitting needles too. I have a case for my steel needles but my bamboo ones, which are what I use now, are just dumped together in one bag with the bamboo crochet hooks. they really need sorting out. xx Maggie #1 or #7

Annie said...

Love the needle holder....and you mean you didn't make the tubes wider for the bigger needles on purpose? ;-) Not sure about the material but it's possible.
Love the photo...he's a winner with me of course.
Annie x #13

Crafting Queen said...

Wow, what a stunning photo. Love your sewing project. I must get my machine out this summer. :)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, great photo! Especially in monochrome. I have a friend who is in a photography club, and she has said you can never tell what the judges will actually like. Great job with the needle roll, laughing at the mistake. I do that all the time, think I have it all figured out, then realise I missed something important. Love & hugs to all, Shaz XxXxXx

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. Fantastic photo! - would win if I had anything to do with it... but, as you say... Love the needle roll - great work. I have a couple that I use the whole time - but needless-to-say, I still get in a muddle. Not blogging this week, as I am currently post-op recovery and don't have a functioning grey cell in my body!!!!!
Take care. God bless you both.

Caro said...

What an ingenious idea with the knitting needle roll, very clever and effective. The photo is stunning! Thanks for sharing and thanks for your visit. Have a lovely week. Love and God Bless, Caro xx (#19)

craftyani said...

Love the knitting needle holder, Might pinch the idea as the one I have is plastic and falling to pieces. Different width tubes for different thickness needles. I might need 3 though for long, medium and short needles, then there is the crochet hooks and.... craftyani 24

Christine said...

I LOVE that photo! What a unique take on the theme, well done! I think it is a winner.
I have made one of those knitting rolls for my needles and, when I can get to my sewing machine, I want to make one for my crochet hooks. You have used some beautiful material to make yours.
Have a good week
Christine #25

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

The needle roll is genius - at first I had no idea what you meant. I love the photo - I bet the judges are looking for originality and that one most certainly has it! Let us know if it wins so we can celebrate! Thanks for your visit, Jan! Have a lovely week! zsuzsa #21

My name is Cindy said...

Hi there my dear, have been missing you all but just lately it gets so late before I get my act together I think....oh well, there's always next week...I love that B&W photgraph - hope the judges do too! Needle roll is a great idea but you have so much more patience than me!! I can't even get round to hemming the blooming curtains in my bedroom (up 2 years.....)

J said...

Hi Jan, that’s a great knitting needle holder, Love the purple spotty fabric and lacy bits, I’ve got one lurking somewhere, not handmade of course, haven’t seen it since we moved in here I don’t think!, shows when I last did any knitting.
Jan #28

StampinCarol said...

Very cool needle holder! So cherry inside and out! And best wishes for your hubby's contest! His picture is fabulous as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #29

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, a knitting needle roll is on my to-do list too. Truth to tell it's been on the list for a considerable time and may still be for some time to come. There always seems to be something more pressing to be done. Love the black and white photo and the insight into how G got such a fab pic. Even if the judges don't choose it I think it's a winner. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #26

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, you are funny! just wondering what a Needle Holdery bit is! However it looks good finished and I think you need different sized pockets as not all needles are the same size, makes sense to me. loving the photo too. Have a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x10x

Diana Taylor said...

You are such a clever gal - I love the knitting needle roll and wouldn't know where to begin to make one. I love that beautiful photo too - what a hugely talented man you have there - I think it works so perfectly in black and white, and deserves to win without a shadow of a doubt (that's not me being subjective, that's a fact!!)
Diana xx #18

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh I love it, the whole picture is fab, time. A difficult subject if you ask me, and trust G to come up with the metronome. It’s a great composition isn’t it. I love that it’s all on the desk and in full daylight..just goes to show what can be done, huh. Like the knitting needle roll, it really is more convenient isn’t it. I made one ages ago for my crochet hooks (with uneven tubes) and have even stopped to a rubber band now, to save me doing up the ties!!

Sarah Brennan said...

Wow. Both of the projects are fabulous. Such a great composition to the photo and I love the knitting needle roll. Have a good week. Sarah #2

Marit said...

Oooh, what a fabulous idea to store your knitting needles like that... if I find the energy to start I'll copy the idea and make something similar to store mine - and yes, I will look twice before sewing it wrong, thanks for the tip ;) I LOVE the photo your hubby took, to me it's a winner! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day, enjoy your week! Marit #22

Lindart said...

Wow-I LOVE the photo! A sure winner! Your needle holder is beautiful, I love the purple dotted fabric! Have a great week, Lindart #31

Mary Ann Tate said...

Really like the photograph. Hope he wins :)

Shoshi said...

Your knitting needle roll is a triumph, Jan! I am quite envious... I’ve got a plastic zip-up case with a complete set of needles in it (with the old style numbering) and it’s a bit split on one side now - it’s about 40 years old!! I don’t use straight needles much these days as I prefer the circular ones. I am so glad you like my scarf! I’m very pleased with how it’s turning out - I’ve still got to do the other end. I love the tuba photo - it’s absolutely brilliant! I do hope he wins!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #16

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, sorry I'm so late, it's been one of those weeks. Love your knitting needle roll - I have one like that for my paintbrushes but it's not at all pretty like yours! :o) HAve a great week. Annie C #17

Heather M said...

Hi Jan, sorry for the late visit, one of those weeks! The knitting needle holder looks great. My mother could have done with one of those! Then I wouldn't have had to rummage through to find her a matching pair lol. Have a lovely week, hugs Heather xx #35

Kyla said...

ooh lovely needle roll, made one for my mum a couple years back and I am always amazed at your patience with sewing (I do love it BUT I really do not have the patience, though I still make that bag you showed me how to all those years ago). Love hubbies photo, so great tonal changes across the picture, hope it went well with his weekly class.


 IF A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS... Hi everyone, hope you've had a good week! Mine has been busy and sociable with lots of time in ...