WOYWW - The Crop 2015

Firstly, can I thank not only Shaz and Doug Silverwolf, but also my menfolk, Gordon and Rhys, for all their help in setting up/clearing up for the Crop. It made life so much easier and you were all stars!!

It was so lovely to see Shaz, who came down even though she and Doug had to leave early to attend his sister's wedding! Now THAT'S dedication to the cause :-)  Also, it was such a treat to welcome Dolores (Cardarian) who was able to come after her DBF's operation was unfortunately cancelled earlier in the week, Silver lining and all that!

But it wasn't just us girlies attending that day - so did some menfolk!  I have to make special thanks to Mr Pear Shaped Chris and Mr Morti for doing sterling service in the washing up department. Thanks guys, your help was much appreciated!!

Morti had brought along her grandfather's cornet to show us..she'd discovered it while sorting out her mum's attic. It was really unusual, with piston disc valves that I've never seen on a brass instrument before.
But what none of us knew was that Dolores' DBF had been a bugler in his younger days and he managed to get a few notes out of it!

Dolores, Julia, Helen, Fiona, Kyla, Morti, Mary Anne, Hettie, Fiona, Lisa, Cindy, Debbie, Chris, LLJ, Margaret with Lisa Jane and Zoe in the from row! Great pic :-)

As it was Zoes' 40th Birthday week, she was presented with a card from us all and a prezzy made by Julia, after we serenaded her with Happy Birthday!

A fab pic of Zoe with her card - made by Shaz Silverwolf - there were lots of references to Bristol Rovers, who are playing at Wembley today. Zoe, who's a major fan, is there, supporting her team. With her gorgeous bright blue hair!! Which really suits you Zoe!

There's loads of space to spread out in Burbage Village hall - with space to the left for tables to sit and eat. It's a great venue!

Dolores and Mary Anne were both making ATCs like fury....their hands were a blur!!

Mary Anne's ATC involved some geometry and a pop up box...she's a clever gal!

Dolores' ATCs were so bright and colourful - I picked one whose colours reminded me of India. Completely gorgeous :-)

Now then...write your own caption for this pic!  Hettie and Kyla were sniggering at this point. Juicy gossip, maybe??

Margaret, Debbie and Fiona happily crafted away all day.......

But the best, most wonderful surprise was when Janet Fairythoughts and The Handyman turned up after lunch.  Janet has been so poorly, we weren't expecting to see her and we were all thrilled when they walked through the door. It was so fab to see her...note the very large pile of chocolate cake there...she deserves it. Janet brought loads of things to give away...coaster, little books, bracelets...all lovely keepsakes :-)

Cindy was beavering away, making the prettiest flowers. So simple but really gorgeous!
PearshapedChris was working away at a beautiful journal page - love the colours!

Great pic of the the three gals!

Helen was making this lovely journal page and Cindy had the bright idea of getting everyone to sign it, to mark the day. That's a nice touch.....

Meanwhile the Birthday Girl and her best mate, Lisa, were having fun doing their thing!

And this was the sewing corner!!  Fiona was handsewing some gorgeous little patchwork hexies, Lisa Jane was whizzing along, making her first craft apron and Morti was doing the most exquisite cross stitch......

Fiona, you have WAY more patience than me to do all that gorgeous hand stitching......
Morti, this sampler is just beautiful, so pretty and detailed.....
And Lisa Jane just made me smile with the sheer joy and fun for conquering some sewing fears!!  In fact, she was the first one to bring a machine to the Crop....
Sewing at the Bar! Lol...best place.....she was whizzing through....
Woohoo - you rock, girl!  Love the craft apron you made :-)

And Hettie's Christmas and Amsterdam albums were ASTONISHING!  Simply amazing....

People were so generous with what they bought to raise funds for Zoe's charity. I must thank my friend Helen and her mum Brenda who came to support us too. Helen brought three beautiful butterfly pictures (which I completely forgot to take a pic of...sorry) for the fundraising. Hope you enjoyed seeing what went on, girls :-)

Zoe, cutting her amazing Bristol Rovers cake!  We're proud to report that we made £127 at the Crop for Zoe's Hypermobility fundraising....thank you to ALL the ladies and gents who supported the raffle, bought items and made the journey to come in the first place!! It was a fab day - and as always, many thanks to Julia, without whom we'd never have got to know all you lovely folk.



Twiglet said...

Oh what a fun day you all had! So lovely to see pictures and put names to faces. One day me and my much younger sister will make it to a crop! x Jo

Kyla said...

It was a truly wonderful day. Huge thanks for you and Julia for organising it. Who'd have thought all these years later such great friendships would have been made and we would still be doing this!!
PS...yes, me and Hettie were sniggering like kids.....what about? Well, you know the drill....what happens at a crop stays at the crop! :-)

Elizabeth said...

Fabulous post and great photos, Jan, through which I got to enjoy the crop - albeit vicariously :) Elizabeth xx

Kate said...

:( sad face, wish I was there. Looks like a great day.

shazsilverwolf said...

Fabulous pics Jan, it looks as though the day was as wonderful as always. Great news about the funds for Zoe's charity, and what a lovely pic of Janet. Such a shame we missed her. Had a lovely, but too short, weekend with you, here's to the next time.Love & hugs to you all xxxxxx

Helen said...

Great write up, Jan, love the photos... roll on next year! Thanks again for everything.

Sue said...

Looks like a fun time. Always better to craft with others. Sue

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh these photos are really fab LLJ, you and Gordon are so he peaches with a camera.
Thank you for a lovely day, it was truly a gift from you and your two lovely menfolk.

Annie said...

What a beautiful record of what looked like a wonderful day full of friendships.....I will def make it one day but alas my Saturday was spent pacing the floor in pain [thankfully the pain is less today but my left eye is still very swollen :-( ]. Thanks for sharing the pics Jan and a huge pat on your back for all you do to make the day go so well.
Annie x

Nikki said...

What a fun time for all thanks for sharing all these pictures with us hugs Nikki

Nikki said...

What a fun time for all thanks for sharing all these pictures with us hugs Nikki

RosA said...

Oh, what a great day! Thanks Jan for putting all those photos up, so us Aussies can almost pretend we were there too :) Absolutely Fabulous!

CraftygasheadZo said...

Amazing photos. Super day and time was had by all. Thank you for all your efforts too. And thank Gordon for taking such fabulous pics of me, these will be going in my new 40th birthday frames! Don't think I've had such lovely pictures taken of me for ages! Huge hugs lovely. Take care Zo xx ps am a tad sore tired in pain but totally elated after yesterday, even had my name read out at Wembley by our PA announcer!! Am so happy. Tears were shed! Lol xxx

Ohhh Snap said...

Truly a grand day out! Thanks for sharing : D

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was delighted to see all the lovely photos of the crop. It really made me feel like I was there, at least vicariously. If you were just one pond closer, I would not hesitate to join you. It looked like such fun. And your support system is remarkable and how they rally to make this day so memorable for all to enjoy. I see even YOU got to sit for a minute or two, at least Helen (H) caught you.

Thanks for sharing these, and for your hubby's wonderful photos. This was a great write up!

Eliza said...

Thank you so much for putting faces to names and sharing this wonderful day with those who couldn't make it. The day seems to be filled with joy, laughter, banter and good crafting.

I was surprised to see Helen crafting at the table lol

Thanks again
Hugs Eliza & Yoda

pearshapedcrafting said...

It certainly was a great day! Thanks to you and Julia we had wonderful food and lovely crafting company! Your photos are great-just realised I had directed folk to your blog but not commented myself!! So....next year?! Hugs, Chrisx

Christine said...

Thank you for sharing

Lizzie said...

It looks - and sounds - as if it was such fun! I love all the photos of everyone doing their individual crafts. We have a small crafting group in our village, who meet twice a month - in the evening, at the local sewing shop's cafe. We all do different things, so you'd see knitting, crochet, patchwork/quilting, dressmaking, papercrafting, bookbinding (me!), even a ceramic artist on occasion - though she has to content herself with design sketching and other non-messy work! I do enjoy our group and would love to attend a big crop like yours. As a plus, our bloggers' group (who all met through online courses with Shimelle Laine) are having our fourth meet-up weekend in September. We're all looking forward to it already!
Well done for raising so much money and thanks for sharing all the great photos of your smiley crop day!

AnyOldCraft said...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading and looking through all the photos thank you.
Great job everyone :)

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thank you for posting so many fun pictures. So nice to see everyone having fun and working so hard. I hope you all had a day to recuperate.

Debs Willis said...

Great pics! Lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves, some crafting & lots of chat - looks like a fab day.
Big hugs
Debs xxx

Hettie said...

This was a fabulous day. I came round the other day, looked but hadn't logged in and wanted more time to look properly. Fabulous photos. It sure was a great day. Thanks once again.


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