(Summer, the First Time...Bobby Goldsboro)

Wow, Scorchio! It's been way too hot to spend much time in my craftroom this week, but I have done some makes as I will be meeting up with Rachel (Mike's Gal) whilst on holiday...and I DID promise to make a few items for her RNLI fund raising stall. I'm looking forward to that coffee, Rachel!!

Setting out the pattern of bunts for two lengths of bunting...these are leftover flags from my mate Sue's wedding last autumn. That white circle is a reel of 25 metres of white bias binding.. I get through quite a lot...3m per length of bunting... so it's easier to buy in bulk. Fabricland are great for that.

You may (or may not!) remember a while back when I showed you two massive reels of thread...well, I've just got to the end of the first kilometre. It took longer than I thought but then again, I haven't done as much sewing as I normally do in the past couple of months.... But never mind, onto the next 1,000 metres!!

I've also been making handbag charms -  outside, where it was cooler! These are for fundraising too. I like the Juicy Fruit colours :-)
And I KNOW I said that my granny squares were going to be linked by turquoise....but I changed my mind! I found this lovely soft cashmerino wool in an Ivory colour and it's so much better...fresher somehow. So, this basket will be coming away with me on my jollies next week and hopefully, I'll get a few more squares finished!

Yep, you can all breathe a sigh of relief....you get a respite from the weird and wacky stuff that I post up every week (sorry, Julia.....grin...)

Now, where's my bucket and spade.....?


Deb said...

The bunting looks lovely and I love the handbag charms, so pretty! Hope you have a lovely time on your holidays, wondering if you are going from the hot UK to somewhere else just as hot?

fairy thoughts said...

didn't take you long to use that jumbo reel I brought a red one a while a go (for lillybo quilts) doesn't seem to be going down at all!
you are right about the linking of the squares looks great.
have a brilliant holiday and enjoy the sunshine
janet #41

Eliza said...

You are so productive with all of your crafts, love the colors you have been using on your crochet squares and yes a much better choice to join them up. Wow you really are having a heat wave, take it easy, drink lots and have a nice cold beer.

Happy WOYWW Eliza 26

Unknown said...

Beautiful crafting on your desk and good luck with the fundraising. Have a wonderful holiday.

Helen said...

So what will you do with the empty reel?! Hope you get some great makes done for the RNLI, good luck and have a good trip. Helen 19

Eliza said...

You my dear are welcome any time I always have a spare bed and Yoda would love a cuddle.


Julie Lee said...

Have a great holiday, but I'm going to miss your posts - I love the wackiness! That bunting looks fabulous, so bright! A friend of mine made some for her daughter's wedding and she said it took ages!!! Love the handbag charms too! How productive you are and in all this heat too! Julie Ann x #45

Julia Dunnit said...

whhhaaaaaaaaaat? You arent going to seek out internet access and post next week? i dont believe that holidaying in the middle of nowhere is any excuse!!!!!
LOVE the fresh ivory surround to the squares, really spot on. and where else i the world can you find a person who rushes to photograph an empty cotton reel for a blog post..only a desker!!

Anonymous said...

You are a true star! Now don't go and get the H&S on me for making you work in extreme heat conditions ;)

Think that coffee may need to be an iced one!

Looking forward to Monday, see you on the ice as they say xxx

P.S. Thank you from the bottom of my heart xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Looks like you managed to pack in a fair bit of crafting, heat or not! Have a lovely holiday. We'll miss you next week x

scrappymo! said...

Those bunting colours are so pretty. You are getting a lot finished up, heat wave or no!
Scrappymo 64

glitterandglue said...

Trust you get the bunting finished - all the best with the next 1000metre reel!! When daughter number one got married we worked out the sewing machine needle had climbed the equivalent of Snowdon 7 times!!, and daughter number two - Everest three times!!! A lot of sewing went into those two weddings, so we know how often you must need to change the reel of thread!
Have a great time on your jollies!! Will miss you.
Margaret #48

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, all that thread, a kilometre ... if I was any good at new money, I'd be able to visualise that! However, I figure you have still had to sew a lot of bunting to use that much :) Love the colours of your handbag charms, remind me of midget gems - you are probably much to young to remember them :)) The ivory cashmerino yarn looks just right with your blues and I bet it's soft to handle too. Have a wonderful holiday, forget everything and just chill out, and then come back fresh and relaxed. Oh, and have enjoy your meet up with Rachel - what fun :) Hugs, Elizabeth x #47

VonnyK said...

Love your gorgeous bunting. I can't believe you've sewed a whole kilometre worth of thread, that is really something. Love, love, love those bag charms, I've got heaps of them on my bag, just love to jingle and dangle :)
Have a wonderful holiday and build lots of sand castles. I can just see sandcastles with cute little bunting all around them (he he).
Have fun.
Von #31

CraftygasheadZo said...

Beautiful makes going on - loving the charms and bunting and the colours of those Granny squares are fab. Enjoy this weather and have fun. Take care Zo xx 81

roffeycreations said...

Hi Jan - love your space - so bright - and I love handbag charms - such a cute accessory that goes with everything - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #87

voodoo vixen said...

Wow, you have been busy, a kilometre of stitches! Yikes... of course, I am looking at the empty cotton reel and thinking what I could make with it... LOL Love the bag charms (such fun to do and nice to be able to take them out in the sunshine) and the crochet squares are coming along nicely! Annette #8

Laura said...

Goodness me! A kilometre?!
Happy Wednesday

sandra de said...

I truly think you could do anything to your crochet squares and they would look great. you have such a great eye for colour... those little handbag jewels are a perfect example.
Sandra @89

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

A Bright and cheery post Lunch lady Jan that is what we get :D and yes bunting fab and kilometre of thread mm that is big bit of thread!!

... let alone sewing all that bias, think it would send me more mental than I am already..happy hols - and happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x#30

ria gall said...

Hi Jan
wow there doesn't seem to be much stopping you just look at how busy you have been, incredible and some of it for charity well done
have a great day enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #75

Unknown said...

I am just amazed at how beautiful your crochet squares are looking. And those colorful beads are yummy! So sorry you all are having this heatwave--what in the world, global warming! Is the royal baby going to be born in this heat? Well you have given me a fab idea to go to a fabric store here called The FM Store which sells in bulk and at low prices to get my bias tape on a big roll. I never thought of doing that, and I'm think about embroidering some little flags for a banner (a future experiment in my mind) so that will solve that problem. Thank you genius soul sister! You are just tearing through the spools too--I bet those empty spools could be upcycled into something. Hugs sweet girl! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #6

Unknown said...

those squares are gorjuss, love your desk lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop

Jay NO.65

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
Thanks for stopping by and yes we were down in Burry Port! You have lots of projects going on and I like your bag tags, very pretty.
Have a lovey week
hugs Lynda B 37 x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, surprisingly enough, its no problem sleeping during the day. I think its a bit easier than at night, as the air seems so still & hot then. Probably not, probably just me being weird! Its actually horrible at work- night or day. A factory full of machines, especially now many are running 24/7, produces an awful amount of heat.Loving all your bits & pieces, have a lovely holiday- you have definitely picked the right weather for one. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #50

Karen said...

All your work places look lovely - the granny squares are coming on well. I've given up crochet for a while to see if it helps the tennis elbow. Just testing. Have a lovely holiday and enjoy everything! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 109 x

JoZart Designs said...

Too busy to join in this week but popping in on a few desks.
Buy yourself a can of magicool it does all it says on the can to help keep your cool through this weather. We just aint used to it are we? not complaining at all though. Hope you aren't paying out to go somewhere hot for your hols whilst it's roasting here.
Love all your crafty goings on, beautiful stuff as ever and you are doing so well helping all the charitable causes.
lots of love Jo x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You are the talk of all the comments on my blog this week, dear. Sorry! Couldn't help myself.

Still not used to calling them BUNTINGS, but I sure like them, anyway. They look so colorful, even in their still yet to be constructed stage. 1000 meters? That's further than I can even imagine. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

Caro said...

I love the bunting and those handbag charms are stunning. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Enjoy your Jollies next week. Caro x (#78)

MiniOwner said...

Hi Jan! Fab bunting and fab crochet, too. I've promised myself I will learn one day. I'll probably bump into you in Fabric Land! Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@96)

Claire Grantham said...

I love the bunting, I love making bunting...I am without a sewing machine since our move...hoping that a new one will arrive for my 40th birthday in 3 months ;) The handbag charms are such fun..I only learnt to crochet a few years ago and I can basically only make scarves LOL. Happy WOYWW Cx #36

Anne said...

Hi Jan love the bunting and handbag charms. I am making crochet bunting at present!!! Don't think I'd better go into making bag charms - too many crafts on the go already lol Have a great holiday. Anne x #69

Hettie said...

Wow Jan those jewelry charms look like sweeties. Mmmmn want one!! Those colours in the wool look gorgeous too.
Have a great holiday Honey.
PS I still have the one from the Crop!! Oops, it got put onto my pokey tool! Tee hee! C'est la vie!

Lisa-Jane said...

I am definitely liking the addition of the ivory there and of course you know I am very partial to your beads... ooh er!

sara j said...

Making bunting...really? Kinda over the top isn't it??? LOL. How cool is that? I've been playing with banners on paper, in journals, etc. What a great idea. After almost a year in our new house, we are finally having a party and that would be fabulous idea....I love it. Do you just sew the seam bindings around the triangles? I'll have to go look that up! Everything else is looking pretty good...you are a busy woman! Hope your holiday is wonderful...but then I think all holidays are wonderful by their very nature. We shall miss you!

Ali H said...

OOH busy busy girl ! Hope the weather does hold out til you get down here for your hols ! It is just stunning round here in the sunshine ! Thanks for stopping by ! Ali ~44

lisa said...

You are looking as busy as ever, Jan despite the heat. Love the handbag charms.
Have a wonderful holiday, you must be so ready for a rest.
Hugs Lisax

Bernice said...

Wow - you've been busy - such a lot of lovely stuff! I tend to think about crafting outside in this beautiful weather, but usually end up dozing or reading a book instead! - its so rare, we need to make the best of it!!
Bernice #7

Unknown said...

My dear Lady Jan, first let me say TY for the drive by, and leaving me such a lovely comment. I think your posts are funny and entertaining as well. You look like you have had a productive week. The blanket is coming along nicely. Those charms are fantastic. I made something similar for Christmas gifts, only they were key chains. I put the beads on long pins (about 5 pins per key chain) and attached them to a chain and a one of those pain in the butt rings you have to jam your key into and then slide your keys around to get them on the ring, and then gave them to my loved ones. I actually attached them to the ribbon on the gift as a bonus. I hope you have a fabulous holiday!!! We'll miss you next week. (((HUGS)))

Annie said...

Hi Jan,
I'm only just getting round to doing a bit of blog hopping to check out what my friends have been up to this week....a 6am to 9pm day with my gorgeous grandchildren yesterday sort of got in the way of blogging....but I'm not complaining cos it was a wonderful day. :-)
You always have so many fab things on the go Jan. I love calling by to see what you've been up to.
Hope you have a great week.
A x #55

Unknown said...

Oh, in answer to your question, the paper beads aren't hard, just a bit time consuming. I usually will do them while I watch tv. The tissue paper beads are my favorite, but they are very messy to make. I end up with very colorful fingertips. Glue & tissue paper is not an ideal combo. They take a bit more time to make. I guess like any project, they are a labour of love. You either love it or you don't… :D

Anonymous said...

There are some things I just love FL for, but generally pattern and colour is pretty far down on the list. You seem to have better luck at yours than I do at mine. Love the bunting, and see the crochet is coming along too!

Happy (late) WOYWW!
Mary Anne (35)

glitterandglue said...

Hi Jan, back again. I'll do my best with the font size - Webeden seems to have some funny quirks - and whilst I can alter almost everything on the other pages, the blog page is different - but I will persevere - a bit like Bruce and the spider!!!
Thanks for your lovely comments. Yes, I suppose I am quite busy - it's called retirement!! - but also, with a hubby who is disabled and doesn't go far, then we spend vast acres of time in our home - and I can't garden ALL the time, now can I???
Love n hugs,
Margaret #48

Kim said...

I like the ivory too; but I can't even think of holding wool in this heat (Upstate NY getting it too!) i didn't show my desk, as I haven't gone upstairs either because of the heat...hopefully it will break soon! Have a good weekend.

Twiglet said...

Great bag charms there Jan. Never made any but it look like fun. x Jo

Spyder said...

ohoo I love the hand bag charms I'm even thinking I might be able to do that! I love those little hook catches they are just too cute, which is not the right word, but I like them! Don't think I've gotten thr that much thread in my whole life!!! (and I'm old!) I have a nice idea in my head now, thank you!!! Have a great week, thanks for my snoop!! Happy (late) WOYWW!!??
((Lyn)) ##11

Jean said...

Yes! I love the ivory edges. Perfect.
Jean 9

Diana Taylor said...

Goodness you have such a lot going on - don't you slow down as the weather gets hotter! I love the handbag charms, and your crochet is beautiful - love the ivory - a good choice! Thanks so much for dropping by my blog, I hope you have a great holiday.

ddazzled71 said...

Wow you have been busy and it all looks gorgeous what you have been creating. 1000m of thread is hard to imagine and I can't begin to imagine the size of the spool either. Do you repurpose them? Anyway Happy WOYWW and I hope you have a great time away! Danie #34

Shoshi said...

What a busy busy bee you are, Jan! Love the bunting and all the other stuff you've got this week. Great stuff! I haven't been around much recently because of the upcoming house move but now I've got a new ARTHaven in the making I am posting loads of photos of its development and feel qualified to rejoin WOYWW as I now have a work desk again, even if it hasn't got anything on it yet!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #116

Darnell said...

Happy Belated WOYWW, LLJ! I hope you don't mind, but I've pinned your last photo of wool balls as color inspiration for cards. I could just eat them with a spoon, I love them so much and I agree, the cream rim is perfection!

Have a fun, fun time with Mike's Gal! Well, doh, like you wouldn't!! I hope your weather cools off some. Darnell #20


 IF A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS... Hi everyone, hope you've had a good week! Mine has been busy and sociable with lots of time in ...