This is what was on my workdesk last week when I realised that I had too much stuff to fit onto a 6 x 2 ' table at the fair.  'Have we got anything suitable with which to make a display stand?' I enquired of my DH.  After a bit of rummaging in the garage, he found some MDF which did the trick. I found some wadding, black material and the all important staple gun. All we had to buy were some hinges.  

Velour on the front...

Plain black fabric on the back..

Lots of satisfying staple gunning....

Et Voila!!  
One display board, which'll come in handy for all occasions. The black is a good background for showing off the fabrics and we didn't have to spend money to achieve it - RESULT!!
Here's a couple of different things that I've been playing around with. I found the dalmatian fur fabric in the stash from last year and thought I'd make hearts from them - they all went at Saturday's fair!  The Bubbles material is back, this time as a desk tidy bin that Shopkeeper Gal commissioned for a birthday prezzy (I'm sure it's safe to show it now!).  And I've been making some table centres with place mats for the upcoming fairs. 
Julia has encouraged (i.e. nagged!) me to tell you that all my stuff is for sale. If you're interested in anything, please feel free to email me via the link at the top and I'll send you info/prices.  I will be setting up a blog shop soonish but in the meantime, email will have to do :)

DH and G3 bought me this beautiful Autumn bouquet for no reason at all, which is why I love it! The pale green/ white 'roses' are actually ornamental cabbages!! They're bizarre but quite funky and add a certain off-the-wall feeling to the flowers :)
Last Friday morning, I'd had enough of sewing and the weather was glorious so I dragged my menfolk out for a walk cos it was just too lovely to stay indoors. We went for a good long stretch around our village...

These were taken in our garden, my tree is looking very handsome, don't you think??

The village graveyard was looking suitably misty and mysterious in time for Halloween...

Our village church was mentioned in the Domesday Book in 1086, though the present building was changed a lot by the Victorians.  I've played piano a lot in this building for school services over the years!!

These cottages are opposite the church - very pretty!

Then we walked down to the canal which runs about half a mile away - it really was gorgeous walking along the towpath, so still and peaceful.  We had a good chat, threw sticks in the water and generally larked about :D

I love this photo, might get a bigger version and frame it for our living room.

So, all in all, a fab way to spend a sunny morning - enough time had been spent at the sewing machine.  Wonderful Wiltshire, I love living here!!

Have a great crafting week :)



WOW - I was woken up very early this morning by T smacking some part of himself off the wall and being jolted awake so there was crying. Reading your blog today has made being up early seem so much less bothersome :D The village I grew up in is not as picturesque as yours but we have the lovely old doomsday church and the canal nearby :) Glad the craft fair went well. I think you should set up a B&B or holiday cottage so I can come and visit ;) Hope you have a lovely day hugs x

Belinda Basson said...

Beautiful photos and your display boards are brilliant! Glad to see WOYWW carries on regardless of the fact that our hostess is AWOL. Hope she is ok, this has me a bit worried...

ScrappnBee said...

Am visiting via old links as Julia must be sleeping in! Love all the pictures from your walk (esp. the one that you want to enlarge and the spider web). Love the crafts that you have been making too! They look fabulous! How ingenious to use a black board for your display! Truely timeless for the fairs! Thanks for sharing -Amanda

Bubbles said...

Had to get over here to see if LLJ knew anything about our missing hostess... worrying isn't it? Here's hoping Julia is okay.

On the bright side... wow Jan - you're amazing! Apart from the whole "make a display on the fly" creation, your amazing fabric art (it really is art, you know!), not forgetting the tuba too... you also take the most gorgeous photographs!
Is it really fair for one person to have so much talent?

JoZart Designs said...

Lovely post! Wonderful photos of your pretty village and the cobweb is a gem! What a special place to live, lucky you. Love your stuff on your quick make display board. Pop over to mine as you may gain some ideas for makes from my new things.
I thought it was just me when I couldn't sign in but now I'm worried for Julia. hope she is OK and just having a rare lie in!
JoZarty x

Carmen said...

Love that display board, looks really professional! And YES you should have a blog shop! Good for Julia bossing you into it.

Love your village, it looks so picturesque.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Jan, well no news on your post of Julia is there - wonder if she choose the title of her current last post ahead of time for this absenteeism from WOYWW?
A reminder it was:
This is scarey... me trust she is either busy or the like and not able to do the usual or maybe Internet problems, etc. Pray all is well. I remember she went AWOL earlier in the year too - some delivery that need be made unexpectedly or something then, I think.
Your crafty items are wonderful and no wonder they were gobbled up at the fair and as for your other pickies well - automat in UK in evening sunshine is picturesque - and love the fav. pickie too! Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x

Angie said...

That last shot is AMAZING ....reminds me of a victorian painting ....should be up on a wall in all its glory. That display board is perfect and I love all the things you are making ...you are so clever.xx

Angie said...

OOPs ...forgot to say ...Do you know where JD is ???????

Annie said...

Gorgeous snaps of a very pretty village. Love your display board and your other makes.
A x

Julia Dunnit said...

AHhhh, here I am! Thanks for the phone call! Already I've read that Carmen agrees with me, so I feel very bullish!! Photos are quite quite lovely..I must say you must be very posh to live in a village like that.
Am liking the display board very much - I think a small, painted and signed up van is next!

Helen said...

What a beautiful village you live in - and stunning photos. Love your display board too, very clever.

Bridget Larsen said...

I'm afraid, very very afraid, of your gun. love those buildings, very unique to the Uk.
Bridget #2

Lulabelle said...

Love your display board! your village looks stunning! And I love staple guns!!!

Karen said...

Oh I just love those ornamental cabbages - so bright and colourful over winter. Enjoy WOYWW!

Sarn said...

WOW . . . . what wonderful photo's. Just gorgeous.

Good luck with your sales. Love your display board.

Hugs, Sandra View my desk HERE!

JoZart Designs said...

Great to hear you've ordered from STASH! I am totally in love with the coloured Knit Pro needles... fantastic to use and I'm building up the set. They have a set in a case for around £800 eeek! and DH offered to buy them but the sizes didn't include the ones I need and had the ones I already own. I can't use them without drooling over how lovely they are in use and in looks.
JoZarty x

jude said...

love the photos of the village and all your crafty makes.sorry ive not been in contact since i enquired about the hearts and bunting but had to rush up to Newcastle hopefully when life settles down abit i will get sometime to email you.
Have fab wedensday hugs judex

Lisa-Jane said...

That display board looks fabulous! I hope it brings you lots of lovely sales. And yay for finally getting around to selling your stuff on-line although I think you will be too busy to go off walking once it takes off. Wednesday mornings are good for me (sorry I mean't to get back to you before). I'm very intrigued by that tidy bin - how does it work? Hope you are well lovely lady xx

RosA said...

Your village is beautifully picturesque! And, yes, that photo of the brige should be enlarged and framed. It is lovely.

April said...

That display board is great! good thinking! love the little dalmation heart it's super cute! Lovely piccies of your village what wonderful surroundings. Your flowers are lovely too! thanks for sharing x

Sarah said...

Fab boards - display is key so they will be very handy I'm sure. The colours and shapes of the flowers are gorgeous and the sun down there is looking wonderful.Great shots and such a pretty place - the bridge is a bit like ours here in Ludlow!

C said...

Loved your intro and what you did with your staple gun but girl, that photography rocks! You should really enter a contest somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Lovely village photos, I know I keep saying it but you just can't beat the UK for scenery. Great display board for next to nothing and I like playing with the larger crafting tools too, get yourself a Dremel, no idea what you'll do with it but I think you need one, lol!

Brenda 74

Deb said...

the display board looks amazing! love the photo of the cobweb! your village is so pretty!
Happy WOYWW! Debxx

Sandie said...

Lovely post. The display board looks great, it is so good when you can make something from nothing. I'm sure it will be used over and over. Your photos of the walk look wonderful - such a pretty time of year.

Simple homemade living said...

Beautiful photos Jan.

The bunting on your dispaly board looks fab I love the second one on the left hand side can I please order it?

Laura x x x

Morti said...

Fab photos as usual Jan. Yes, Lil Miss does look old doesn't she? Those two tiny little girls to her left (our right as we look) are only in the year below her at school, and they are tiny dots! Mind you, so are their respective Mums whereas Lil Miss's is a positive giant at 5'11"....

Gorgeous work you've done.... and i'm going to join in with Julia and boss you further into getting your online shop of some sort. Just need to get my own ass into gear with creating and open up my own!

Hettie said...

I was only thinking last night I could do with some boards, and here you are showing me yours!! (Now that could be taken so wrong!!)
Love your photos of your surrounding area - who needs to go abroad when the weather is right ey?
I now have two Craft Fayres on the same weekend - yikes!!

Twiglet said...

Very useful display boards - I could have used a set like that at our last craft fair. Your photos are really beautiful - especially the cobweb. Have a great week. xJo

voodoo vixen said...

Love that you manage to concoct a display board at little or no cost... a woman after my own heart!!
The photos of your village are beautiful... I'm a Hampshire lass and you have made me quite homesick for the villages around the New Forest!!

Anonymous said...

Here you go, a link to the Craft Centre, although the store listing is out of date. The new craft store in Yeovil is
Unit 2
Merlin Road, Lynx Trading Estate Yeovil
Somerset BA20 2GZ
Tel: 01935 473115
Web: www.stampncraft.co.uk

and then there's Yandles too, one Mr D might also be interested in as they started out as a large wood yard but have expanded into other crafts, they're on the net.

And one for you... The Fabric Barn, The Clock House, Queen Camel Yeovil BA22 7NB - don't know anything about this place, I drive past a little sign for it pointing down a lane on the outskirts of Queen Camel.

Can't recall the name of the other place on the Lynx trading estate that is owned by the local council where everything is cheap! A quick call to the council office might produce results though!


CLaire said...

Wow lovely photos....looks a really quiet place to live.
love the display board.. great idea
Claire x

Debbie Rock said...

Your display board looks fab ... as does your work on it! Stunning photo's too - there are some glorious places around. Debbie #77

Ann B said...

Great blog this week, so much to see and admire, from the staple gun (I LOVE gadgets and hardware)to you lovely hearts, village church to that very creepy but beautiful spider's web - gorgeous.

Debs Willis said...

Wow, that last pic is seriously fab!! Put it on canvas and hangit with pride!

Debs x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I didn't make it to WOYWW this week, but wanted to stop by and say HI. Glad I didn't even try, because it looks like Julia was a bit late and too late for me to stay awake.

That is a very clever way to display your crafts. Quite impressive hearts, too.

I love your village. I swear it reminds me of quaint places I see on Masterpiece Theater. Very lovely cottages and river. Seems you have a LOT of rivers running through your towns and villages.

Elizabeth said...

The display board is a tour de force ... and isn't amazing what useful items the DHs store in their garages/sheds :) The little dalmation heart is super cute and I do like the table runner. I love Wiltshire too ... was stationed at Wilton aeons ago and loved the beautiful countryside. The photo of the spiderweb is fabulous. Elizabeth x #59

Inkypinkycraft said...

Gosh what beautiful photos and I love the cobweb one, fab.happy woyww, trace x

dianneo said...

Gorgeous photos Jan! It was like taking a little tour of your village. Have a super week!

shazsilverwolf said...

Love all your pictures, I especially love thatched roofs- half of me would love to live in one, the other half is petrified of all the spiders it would probably contain, lol.Happy WOYWW, Shaz

sarahp said...

Some really beautiful images there love all the fab things... spooky graveyards to boot . xxx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

That is what I love about crafters, the ability to create something useful from things we already have. Those display boards are excellent. Thanks you for showing us all those beautiful photos of your home county.

Chrissie said...

What beautiful photographs and wonderful stuff!
My bits and bobs get stuffed into a tray or skull around on the desk until they're too scruffy to use and then they get binned... but one day there might be a use for them!
Have a good week!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, thanks for the lovely comment - must admit that card might just be my favourite of all the ones I've made. It was the Wilton near Salisbury, and I've just remembered the the camp used to be called Fugglestone camp - a name that always brings a smile. Brought up in Edinburgh, quiet English country villages were a revelation to me and I thought the markets were marvellous, still do, and both the DH and I miss them a lot. Elizabeth x #59

Mrs A. said...

You have captured some lovely moments in your photos but the best one for me is the last one with the near perfect circle made form the bridge snd the reflection on the water. Bliss.
Hugs Mrs A. #113

HeARTworks said...

Wonderful photos! So much inspiration! I'm especially attracted to the spider web, I wonder why? :^) Patsy from

famfa said...

Gorgeous pics. Fab makes as usual. Clever display board. I was slightly disappointed you never gave us a song title today!! X

Made by Mandy said...

How fabulous to have been able to make your boards out of items you already had and they look amazing. Your flowers are lovely, love the colours especially and you are lucky having a hubby that just buys them for you on a whim. I have to buy my own or sometimes other people buy them but hubby doesn't for me.... he'd rather have a plant.

Your pictures of where you live are lovely, looks so peaceful and I love to see spider webs wet with dew, it really makes you appreciate quite how breathtakingly beautiful they are.

Love Mandy xxx

Shoshi said...

Jan, last year on our way back from our holiday, we stopped for lunch in a Wiltshire village that looked very like your village - I took lots of photos of the typical chequer-board flint stonework on the church and cottages, and loved it! It's a beautiful part of the world. You've got some stunning pictures there. I love the play of light and shade in the Churchyard, and the beautiful cobweb - a masterpiece of a shot! I love your display boards - and what you put on them! - especially the spotty furry heart! Great post all round. Thanks for sharing, and for bringing back a nice memory of our holiday. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #67

Polly Polkadot said...

I've got some ornamental cabbages that I never got around to selling at market, fancy some for your garden?

fairyrocks said...

Loved this post Jan, Your creative process is on fire. I am so into cemetary's too.LOL Wonderful photo, is it yours?
Keep smiling and creating

Jacqueline said...

Don't really know why cogs and gears and stuff like keep appearing in my projects but they just 'do' . Think maybe it's because i'm curious about 'how things work'?

Love your display board. That's just clever and can be used again and again!

Those photos are simply beautiful! All suitably spooky and 'gothic'! Love that kind of stuff!

Take care and happy WOYWW

Jackie x

okienurse said...

beautiful pictures of your home and surrounds! Very creative making a new display board for next to nothing. Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #68

Debbie Rock said...

It will be a while until I show you the inside of both cupboards!!! BOTH need a huge clear-out and it took a huge amount of courage for me to post the contents of my craft cupboard because when I saw the photo' it looked even worse than in real-life. When we built the conservatory (The Hut as we call it) one of those cupboards was supposed to be for hubby .... er, he never stood a chance!!! x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Whilst it's always lovely to see your fabric stash and clever crafty makes, I'm loving the wonderful set of photos this week:)

Neet said...

Fab photies Jan and I love that doggy fabric and the bubbles that is back. How clever and how simple is that display board - pure genius! Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet x #11

Hettie said...

Hia - me again. In answer to your question about Terry P - we have every book of his in our home. Hubby loves his books. We have even got the latest one on the dining room table!! You and he ought to get together for a discussion!! We even have Luggage in the lounge!! Complete with legs!!! LOL!!!

Tertia said...

I just love it when I can make something that costs almost nothing! LOVE the display stand.
Your village looks absolutely fantastic. I am quite jealous at the beauty.
That last photo should most definately be enlarged and framed.

Unknown said...

I love your display stand. Great photos of where you live. It looks idyllic.


Harriet said...

Love your display board. WOW! What a beautiful place to live your photos are Awesome!Thanks for stopping by by blog, the bucket is one of 2 hanging lights I made to sell in my Etsy shop.Hope you have a great day.

Shoshi said...

Hi Jan, me again! Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog. My teaching session went really well this a.m. and they were such a lovely group - so welcoming, and we all had great fun! They've asked me back, so I must have done something right! I'm pretty exhausted now but it was worth it - in spades.

The village we visited was Wylie - do you know it? It was absolutely gorgeous... If you go to my blog post http://shoshiplatypus.blogspot.com/2010/05/our-kent-holidayday-11-our-return-home.html you can read about our visit and see the pictures I took. Like us here in Devon, you live in a beautiful part of the world! Our village is also a lovely community with lots going on, and lots of lovely people. We love living here!

Hugs, Shoshi #67

Simple homemade living said...

Jan I have lost your email and you link doesn't work for me sorry hun. Please can I have the second one on the left. Send me your email and I will paypal you the money x x x

fairy thoughts said...

it is a wonder you get anything made living in such a beautiful place. love the photo of the bridge. It might seem i make a lot of things but i really START a lot of things, dont know how much i actually finish
good luck with the fairs

Anonymous said...

ok, had a good laugh at the title of your blog, I love my staple gun as well and have been amazed sometimes the way I have used it! Love your pictures, that spider web is glorious and the last shot of the canal is definetly worth framing! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

Sue from Oregon said...

I always love your village tours! Such interesting architecture! Great craftiness going on as well! Good luck on your sale!

Sanna said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! :) Cupboard with orange fox is from Ikea's children area and is called "BARNSLIG RINGDANS Mini chest with 4 drawers, multicolour".

Ohhh Snap said...

Great display and oh how it sets off your beautiful wares! And free (or shop at home) is awesome :D

BTW, I try to keep an empty space next to my tower of inks because I'm always shifting parts of the stack to get to the bottom one lol.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Catching up a bit, didn't want to miss your prev post..and glad I checked in. What a fun post. Love your photos...beautiful architecture. Love your fun gun phrase.. Enjoy

Crafting Queen said...

Love your display board and your photos are beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)


 CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICK CHICKEN, LAY A LITTLE EGG FOR ME....... Another week has whizzed past, a cold one too here in South Wales. The wind...