Thanks for Nothing!!!


I've got a BIG birthday looming and my husband asked me what I'd like as a prezzy.  Oooh, I said, something sleek, black and shiny, preferably two doors, bit of chrome.

This is what turned up...... 

He'll be fine once he gets out of traction............  :D !!


Annie said...

ooer how lovely. :-)
A x

Angie said...

I so need a new cooker ....that one looks fantastic.xx

Sally Morgan said...

Pahahahahaha love it! My first ever Christmas my now EX.....was a sewing machine, told him I fancied new drapes and he figured we could save money if I made them! LOL kept the sewing machine! :)
*hugs* Sal x
ps the cooker looks like a cracker! x

akilli melek said...

you should have name dropped....porche;!
you could always serve him burnt dinners to rub it in!

Julia Dunnit said...

Ar, big shiny sleek and with chrome, your husband knows you so well! We need to get a little more specific..obviously if you'd said this to me, I;d have bought you the sports car, no trouble, no, really.

Carmen said...

Hahahaha! Mine just asks me how much do I want now. Knows not to even try when it comes to my hobby. Can't tell you how pleased I am to see you blogging!


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